
symbian virtual mini qwert keyboard style

Hi I want to implement some window that will look like the mini qwert virtual keyboard we can find on s60 5th edition phones like 5800. This window is floating and we can drag it over the screen using some small control at top right of window. Thanks for any suggestion ...

iPad Keyboard comes on from wrong side

Hey everyone, I've been working on my first iPad based project which has proven a massive learning curve but I'm nearly there. I have a small issue left however. I've got my iPad to work in all orientations as dictated by Apple however they keyboard always comes on from the Portrait position unless the user rotates the device first. Doe...

Custom iPad keyboard that looks like the system keyboards

I'm looking for a non-hackish solution for this, so basically -inputView. The part that I'm not sure about is how to make it look like the regular keyboards, from the background to the keys. I realize that I could photoshop an apple keyboard, but this seems like it is a little hackish, especially if apple (probably not but still possib...

Monitor Global keyboard input on a Mac with python

Trying to write a program that allows users to control a program via global shortcuts. I already have a working version on windows using pyHook but can't figure out how to capture global input on a Mac. The other questions I have read here so far mostly seemed to be about Linux not Mac. (which is why I'm asking) Is there any way to do th...

find out the keyboard shortcuts of a window programmatically

is there a way to find out what keys is a window listening for (preferably Windows)? or at least the menu Alt-keys? ...

Dragging a touch along a row of UIButtons

I have a row of say 10 UIButtons along the bottom of the iPhone screen. The user can TouchUpInside each of these. I'd also like to allow the user to drag their finger along the row, deselecting the previous button that was touched when the finger is over the next. This kind of behaviour is seen on iPhone's keyboard. The obvious thing to...

Getting screen size to restore after keyboard goes away on iphone

I am a very inexperienced "programmer," and I have been asked to write a web-based app that involves you writing in a text area and clicking some radio buttons/checkboxes. When you click on a text box, it zooms into it and displays the keyboard like it should, and you can write whatever you need to write in it, but the problem is this: ...

jQuery val() opens keyboard

Hello, I am using jqTouch for my web app which is running on different phones including the iPhone. The issue I have is with the iPhone. When I set a value on the form using the jQuery function val(), the keyboard opens up automatically. I don't want that to happen when I am changing the value or just adding a default value to a pre-ex...

WP7 Have the enter key send text from textbox to a textblock.

Hey guys, the following tutorial shows how to take the text from a text box and display it in a text block when the user hits a button. Simple enough... but what I want to do is instead of hitting a button that adds the text I want the enter button to do it. Searching here, I found the following code but it doesn't seem to do anything. ...

Assembly Keyboard IO Port

Hello, I have seen the following topic. I am interested in contacting the keyboard via the IN / OUT instructions and setting various modes, such as turning on the caps lock led. So far I have encountered problems doing so. The following link may help. I have tried various combinations such as mov al,0EDh ;ED command - Send L...

Characters not showing up correctly when using textInput in flash

I have a textInput field form that's not displaying the characters it should when typed into. E.g. when the letter "æ" on my keybard is pressed "¾" shows up. This only happens once the flash movie is being displayed in a browser (that is embedded in html), preview through flash does not have this problem. The font is properly embedded as...

Capture all keyboard events using VB.Net

Hi All, I've written an app with a simple textbox which attempts to identify a user from their typing habits (interval between key presses, duration key is held, time between key strokes ie a->s is quicker than a->v for some users, shorter for others depending on typing style). It's far from perfect but it does correctly identify modera...

InputView with custom width?

Hi, i'm trying to do a custom keyboard for an iPad Application (initially in landscape) and I see that I can modify the InputView's height but the width is ignored, always covers the entire width of the iPad screen. Can I modify this property? ...

How to use more than one kyboard with different layouts?

Is it possible to use two or more keyboards at the same time? I type in many languages, and switching between them is a waste of time. I would like to use several physical keyboards for different languages. ...

low level Hooker

I want to make a hook that will act like "event" (and not with agly GetAsyncKeyState) in C# (I want to do it in C++). so, I've made a dll with this content: . well, it doesn't call to Handler Function. by the way, here's how I used the dll: void KeysHandler(int vkKey, int flags) { if(vkKey == VK_ESCAP...

How can I get the position of a key on a keyboard

I am writing my own on screen keyboard. The only piece missing is the position of each key on the keyboard. Windows allows you to get the keyboard layout: But how does one get the position of a key for a given layout? ...

Can I dismiss the iPhone keyboard by touching the background of DialogViewController (MonoTouch.Dialog)?

I'm using DialogViewController from MonoTouch.Dialogs. I'd like to be able to dismiss the keyboard by clicking on the background of the dialog. I usually employ the technique of filling the view with a large custom button and placing it behind all the other elements. However, I can't make this work in the DialogViewController. I did thi...

Keyboard hide in iPad don't work

Hi. I have many views and the problem appears in all of them. I have 'n' UITextField's in a UIView, I implement the UITextFieldDelegate method to hide the keyboard when the user press the "Done" button like this: - (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField { [textField resignFirstResponder]; return YES; } Nothing s...

Can I capture Capslock / Shift key presses?

I just discovered that the caps lock and shift key (and probably some more of the keys) affect all of the keyboards connected to the computer. (one of the hazards of testing a program that I coded, I only have two hands so it took me ages to realize a problem like this) So separating the keystrokes is fine, but the shift/caps locks drive...

How to prevent that the keyboard hides my EditText?

I have a RelativeLayout at the top, then below i have a ListView in the center and finally at the bottom i have another relativeLayout with an EditText and a Button inside. I want the ListView to resize when I click on the EditText and the IME(virtual keyboard) appears. If i put adjustResize in the manifest, the Listview is resized to ...