
Flash & Flex SDK/AS3 - How to keep keyboard focus?

I'm writing a flash application in Flex/AS3, and I can't seem to assign keyboard focus to it. I was mindful of this problem early on in development and added a splash screen with a "play now" button, to entice the user to click. However, the user must then click a second time on the application for the keyboard to work! To make matters ...

AS3 - Output what object has keyboard focus?

I'm having a problem with AS3 and keyboard focus, and I'm wondering if there is a variable or a function I can use that will output to screen the name of the object that currently has keyboard focus? ...

iPhone UITextField: how to insert new line by the return key?

Hi, I want to get a carriage return/new line by hitting the return key on an UITextField's keyboard. I've found out, that textFieldShouldReturn gets called. But how do I insert a carriage return in the text field? ...

How to get keyboard presskey values in a VB.NET 2005 application?

Hai How to get keyboard presskey values out of the application in 2005. I try form keydown event that is working in Application Active. ...

How can I prevent the keydown event of a form in C# from firing more than once?

According to the official documentation, the KeyDown event on a Windows Forms control occurs only once, but it is easy to demonstrate that the event fires continually aslong as a key is held down: private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { label1.Text = string.Format("{0}", globalCounter++); } H...

Field Validation For An IP Address

I am trying to prevent a user from entering anything into a particular textbox aside from a number or a period in C#. The textbox is supposed to contain an IP address. I have it working such that non-numeric entries are prevented, however I can't seem to get it to allow a period to be entered. How might I accomplish this? private vo...

Keyboard modifiers during application startup

I wanted to capture whether a modifier key was being pressed during application startup (to determine fullscreen or windowed). In the main window constructor I tried checking the Keyboard.Modifiers enum to see if Shift is down. It always showed 'None'. So I tried a different approach by starting off a DispatcherTimer and checking for ...

Using Numpad with Modifier Keys exhibits curious behavior

I have a keyboard event listener, and I am listening for the number pad key codes (1 through 9) for when number lock is activated; this works fine. However, in my app I also want to allow usage of a modifier key (CTRL) along with the number pad keys. The strange thing is that when holding CTRL, pressing 1 or 3 does not generate any key...

how to hide the keyboard when empty area is touched on iphone

normally when you touch the text input area, the keyboard pops up and when you touch the empty area of screen, the keyboard disappeared. How to make that happen? just like what we experienced on iphone safari... Thank you ...

Mac Style "Dvorak - Qwerty Command" keyboard mapping for Windows?

i would be interested in switching to Dvorak keyboard layout. The problem that everyone runs into is that common programming(1) keyboard shortcuts, such as: Ctrl+C Ctrl+V Ctrl+Z will no longer be the keys on the bottom left of the keyboard, since the Dvorak layout has C, V and Z in different locations. The Mac has solved this proble...

How to programmatically navigate WPF UI element tab stops?

Can anyone tell me how to programmatically navigate through all UI element tab stops in a WPF application? I want to start with the first tab stop sniff the corresponding element, visit the next tab stop, sniff the corresponding element, and so on until I reach the last tab stop. Thanks, - Mike ...

WPF: Jump/navigate to next data error using programmatic keyboard focus navigation

I've built a WPF application. All of the UI elements except the Window are created in response to data binding. Thus, I set the DataContext of the Window, and voila -- a very large hierarchy of UI elements materializes on the screen. The UI contains lists of panels with lists, labels, more panels, textboxes, checkboxes, you name it. ...

Locating the first WPF tab stop

Thanks to an answer on a previous question (Previous Question), I now have a body of code that navigates WPF tab stops (shown below). It works fine except for the first tab stop. Calling this.MoveFocus(...First) and followed by FocusManager.GetFocusedElement returns null. Any ideas? How do I get the first tab stop in my window? Than...

Why is the german keyboard layout so cumbersome for programming?

seriously: [] AltGr + 8/9 () Shift 8/9 {} AltGr + 7/0 <> < and Shift + < (this one's okay) diamond(?) three right from l (can't use the symbol here: makes the Text bigger) / Shift + 7 \ AltGr + ß (to the right of 0) & Shift 6 = Shift 0 When you have a german keyboard layout: do you switch for programming sessions? ...

Delete key on Macbook Pro Ubuntu + Emacs + Icicles

I'm a long time casual emacs user that just switched to it as my main editor for coding. I gave up on Aquamacs and other OS X ports each for different reasons and I've settled on running Ubuntu in VBox and everything is nearly perfect. The last thing that I can't seem to figure out is semi-Icicles specific but I'm hoping someone can he...

Setting Virtual Key/MouseButton State Without Triggering Events

Is it possible to set the virtual key state / mouse button state for all programs on a computer without triggering the associated events at the same time (like setting the left mouse button to be currently pressed without sending a mouse down event). Could this be achieved by setting up a fake keyboard or mouse driver for a fake keyboar...

Sqlite + 80K rows + LIKE = keyboard lag

I've had this problem that I have been putting off solving, but now is the time. I have a basic dictionary program. It has a UISearchBar and a UITableView. It works the way that it should except when running on the device it causes Keyboard lag. (Simulator is fine, of course) I have two types of searching. As-you-type and On-return. I f...

How long to get used to coding with a Dvorak keyboard?

If you are a proficient coder who uses a Dvorak keyboard, how long did it take you to become as speedy at writing code with that keyboard, as you were when you used a "normal" (eg. Qwerty) keyboard? Any Dvorak layout. I realize there are several. EDIT: Please quantify your answer. I really want to know: How many weeks/months/etc.? If ...

WPF - How to capture when CTRL+SHIFT are pressed down?

When the user clicks left CTRL+ left SHIFT I want to make the entire application translucent (like VS2008's intellisense drop-down). If I write my code on the KeyUp event I can capture both keys being pressed, but the transparency effect should only be active while the keys are pressed. When they are release the opacity should go back to...

Ho do I go about getting and setting the input language of another application?

Here's the problem: I have a user with disabilities and using a specialized virtual keyboard. He doesn't have any trouble switching languages in his virtual keyboard, but it doesn't always change the input language (input keyboard?) of the currently-active application - which is exactly what he needs. So is there any API calls I can do ...