
How do i let the user input text in German / French for a website

Hi, Is there a way that I can let the end user type text in German / French in a text box for a c# website. Is there any available solution for the same, Thank You ...

Change session and keyboard language programmatically on Windows

It it possible to change the session language and keyboard language programmatically for current user via Windows API after the user has logged on? Changing some registry settings and logging off/rebooting is not a solution for me. I know that ActivateKeyboardLayout can be used to adjust keyboard but only works for the calling process. ...

What is the best language for a game?

Hi, I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but what, in your opinion, is the best language to write a 2d puzzler in, and the best language for a 3d puzzler. Even the best language for both if you think there is one! Thanks. The platform would be Windows desktop application By best, I think easiest, fastest, most effective, and I suppose...

How to make a windows form app with a language?

I mean that Visual C# can make a windows form app easily, but i want to know how C# can make WFA (because Visual C# just is a ide). how a Windows Application(not Console) can run in windows. ...

Free/open Translation databases ?

Are there any open/free downloadable translation databases, besides wiktionary? (any language welcome) ...

A C# developers guide to Objective C?

I'm primarily a C# developer and I've been tasked with "porting" functionality from a few apps to an iPhone app. The functionality is simple enough, and a language is a language, so I thought, "sure, why not? This will be fun!" ...That is until I got a look at Objective C, which, to me, is ugly bordering on unreadable. Given that my b...

NSLocale - get all available languages

is there a way to get all available languages on the iphone just like in the settings app? can't find a method in NSLocales Class Reference. thanks! ...

What is the easiest way to use Google AJAX Language API to detect language with PHP?

There is an easy way to use the Google AJAX Language API to detect language with PHP without use any library or a giant framework? ...

How to detect the current language of a Joomla! website?

I just want to generate a code that will detect the current language of my websit in joomla + php ...

Multi language - large scale social network

What is the best way to implement multi-language support for a social (100% user content) website. Currently it's being developed in PHP in english with multi support. The plan is to keep adding in as many languages as possible as the site grows. There are 200 identified languages to target 1 by 1. Two content types: System content -> t...

What languages or libraries will I need in order to write a cross-platform game?

What languages or libraries will I need in order to write a cross-platform game? Can I just build one game that will work on all platforms, or must I recompile for each platform? ...

How to detect the OS default language in python?

Is there any universal method to detect the OS default language? (regardless what is the OS that is running the code) import os os.getenv('LANG') The above code works under Linux, does it work under other OS? ...

Java library for wiki format strings? [b] to <strong>, [url] to <a href>

Hey. I need a lightweight, easy and customizable (i can control which tags to be enabled/disabled) library to identify and replace "wiki-ish" markup language to HTML in Strings. For example: [b]hello[/b] would be <strong>hello</strong> [url]hello[/url] would be <a href="hello">hello</a> ...

Specify which locale the iphone using

Hello all, I would like to use Xcode to know which language the iPhone using, if it is in English language, I will display an English button. If it is in French language, I will display a French button. Do you have any suggestion? ...

How to use more than one kyboard with different layouts?

Is it possible to use two or more keyboards at the same time? I type in many languages, and switching between them is a waste of time. I would like to use several physical keyboards for different languages. ...

Suitable architecture / language for sclabale twitter / facebook / myspace activity database

Quick intro I've built a system which requests stats from social network apis for 1000s of different subjects every 20mins. So I do a call to each social network for each subject. This means im making 1000s of http requests for each 20 mins slot. The results are then processed in a separate task. Current solution I'm running php from ...

Measuring code complexity of functional language and imperative language

What is the best way of comparing code complexity of functional language and imperative language? In my case I have to compare complexity of certain programs written in F# and C++. As for now as a code quality measure I am using lines of source code. ...

Gettext wrong default language

I'm using gettext to handle translations on a C++ project of mine. I generate the .pot file using xgettext and then I create .po files for spanish and english using msginit (en.po and es.po) . The problem is that, although the locale on my system is set to spanish, the .po file that gets automatically filled is en.po, where it should b...

Would JavaScript fare any better had it been multithreaded

This is a follow up question to Is there a point to multithreading? If JavaScript were multithreaded, would it fare better than the existing system? Would multithreading with one UI thread and other tasks in different threads (background) bring in greater responsiveness and efficient usage of resources? Why did the designers of th...

Unhandled exception in VS extension

I have tried creating a syntax highlighter for a custom file definition. I get an exception when its loaded. I have added the /log parameter to devenv to get a log. 335 ERROR System.Exception: Duplicate EditorFormatDefinition exports with identical NameAttribute metadata exist. Duplicate name attribute is COMMENT Editor or Editor Ext...