
Latex using eps images builds slowly

Working with a latex document with eps images as in the example below... \documentclass[11pt]{paper} \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx} \usepackage{fullpage} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{amsmath} \DeclareMathSizes{8}{8}{8}{8} \author{Matt Miller} \title{my paper} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} \includegra...

Fonts in pdf documents screwed up when generated with latex (specifically, pdflatex) on mac osx.


Which is the best import / export LaTeX tool?

Working in academia publishing CS/math, you sooner or later find yourself trying to publish in a journal that will only accept .doc/.rtf. This means tedious, boring hours of translating line after line, especially equations, from LaTeX to an inferior format. Over the years I have tried a number of export tools for LaTeX, but none, at lea...

LaTeX help with href

I am trying to create a hyperlink using LaTeX. When I use the command pdflatex to compile the file, I get an error. The relevant lines of the document are: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} ... \href{}{gprof} pdflatex created a file called mis...

Can you iterate in LaTeX?


How best to write documentation (ideally in latex) targeting both the web (html) and paper (pdf)?

Latex-to-html converters I've seen in the past have been pretty awful. Editing raw html is no fun and doesn't seem to translate well to the printed page. How do others solve this problem? Links to examples (both pdf and html) would be great. Added: This question is pretty similar, though specifically about books: http://stackoverflo...

How to increase the space between two tables in LaTeX?

I'm completely new to LaTeX and something I'm wanting to do is eluding me. Below, I have the code for two tables which appear side-by-side (which is what I wanted). But they're very close together, I'd like to have maybe an inch in-between the two tables. How would I achieve that effect? \begin{center} \begin{tabular}[t]{ c |...

Drop caps in pdfLaTeX

I want to find a way to produce drop caps (large initial letters several lines high) in pdfLaTeX. I know that there is a dropping package which works well when used with latex + dvips. However, when used with pdflatex the result looks ugly. My source file is: \documentclass[12pt]{article} % for pdflatex file.tex # dropping is ugly % \...

What are the relative merits of pdflatex?

Not sure this is a programming question, but we use LaTeX for all our API documentation and user documentation, so I hope it will go through. Can someone please explain what are the relative merits of using pdflatex as opposed to the "classic" technique of latex foo dvips -Ppdf foo ps2pdf From time to time I run into people wh...

Using \verbatim as part of an argument for a macro?

Most things I've wanted to do in LaTeX have either been straight-forward, or easily found on the web, but this one has been stumping me. I have a macro 'solution': to apply some common formatting to each solution: \newcommand\solution[1]{{\\ \\* \bf Solution.}#1\qed \newpage} Which has worked nicely so far, but now I wanted to includ...

php shell_exec() through cygwin

I wrote a script that compiles LaTeX code through pdftex. The trouble is that pdftex only runs on linux. I am accomplishing this task with the use of shell_exec(). I don’t really have the ability to set up a linux box as a web server. I have my client computer, but it is behind a firewall that I do not control. I do have control of my ...

How to define output depending on an variable with an status in LaTeX?

I have some standard-texts, but some portion of it is different. But of these different parts only a few exists. For instance I want: \mytext{...}{a} \mytext{...}{b} That produces: \section{Item: ...}\label{item...} This is a standard item. Items of type a are very precious. \section{Item: ...}\label{item...} This is a standard it...

How to mix single and double columns in one document in latex?

I have a document and want to create it as a twocolumn-document. That works fine with the twocolumn-option at the documentclass-command. But I have some tables and images, that are too big and should be included using both columns. These tables and images should be mostly on the same page, so \onecolumn and \twocolumn is no option (with ...

How do you display straight quotes instead of curly quotes when using LaTeX's 'listings' package?

I'm using LaTeX's "listings" package to format source code. Unfortunately I get curly quotes instead of straight quotes. Since the curly quotes don't always point in the right direction, it looks bad. How can I get straight quotes instead? I'd prefer not to change or filter the source code itself. Filtering the code to properly change "...

How do I indicate an en-dash while in math mode using LaTeX?

There are four kinds of 'dashes' in LaTeX: hyphen, en-dash(--), em-dash(---) and minus $-$. They are used for, respectively, hyphenation and joining words, indicating a range, punctuation, and a mathematical symbol. My question is: how do I indicate an en-dash (range) in math mode? (as in $S=1 to 2$)? Do I have to drop out of math mode...

How can I combine cells in a row in a latex-table?

In a table I want to combine some of the columns, but not in all rows. How can I realize this with LaTeX? ...

LaTeX symbol insertion question.

Hi, Trying to insert the following symbols into my latex document, under the relational symbols heading I want join and square supset. They both have a little b symbol after. What does that mean; how do I insert them into my doc? I tried adding them ignoring the b but it seemed to error and not work. I've got the small mac install...

Is there a way to get LaTeX to place figures in the same page as a reference to that figure?

I am using LaTeX and the figure environment. I am well familiar with the parameters to that environment: [htbp], and I am also generally familiar with the strategies that LaTeX takes, by default, to decide where to put each figure. For example, by placing figures at the top or bottom of the page. What I am wondering is whether there is...

Section heading for references and the actual citations are squished together in LaTeX.

This must be a common problem because I see it in many published papers but it seems to be quite tricky to google for. You can insert a bibliography like so \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{foo} and everything works as expected except there is sometimes (I have no idea what circumstances cause this -- it seems random to me) no...

Embedding BBL File Contents in TeX Source

I need to embed the bibliography information from the .bbl file in the .tex source file. This, according to any number of places from Google, should be as easy as copying the contents of the .bbl file to the .tex file, replace the \bibliography{} command. However, when I do this, I get the following error: ./Witmer.tex:82: Undefined c...