
Android: Preserve button size when changing text

I have for example a Play/Pause button and would like its size not to change when I change the text from 'play' to 'pause' and back. Due to internationalization I don't know if 'play' or 'pause' will be the longer string.. I imagine I need to set the string to the longest string and then create the button allowing the UI to size it prop...

Alternate layout views in single aspx page.

I want to make my ASPX page to look different based on some Object property. Assuming Customer is the object, I want to make Customer.aspx file layout different for both CustomerType.Regular and CustomerType.Vip values of the Customer.Type property. Theoretically it is possible for me to have two asp:Repeater controls with different Id'...

RelativeLayout doesn't display all my widgets

I'm trying to use RelativeLayout to display a map tile, surrounded by directional buttons, in a simple dialog. I've tried a few variations, but inevitably, some of my buttons are missing. In this version of the example, the up and left buttons are missing. If I declare the up button first and place the tile button relative to it, then ...

[android] Preferred method for XML layouts: explicit attributes or styles.xml?

Currently I'm mixing explicit attributes (layout_width, height, alignment) on my various XML layouts with coded styles in styles.xml, plus outsourcing colors from colors.xml. From your experience, what's the recommended way to organize an android app's layouts? ...

Drupal facet change layout

Is there any way to change the layout of a facet? I know you can create a file in the template dir named: block-apachesolr_search-[field].tpl.php The problem I am having is that at this stage the html in the block variable has already been created. Is there any way to change the html or just get the elements of the facet? Thanks!! ...

Layout file on Padrino

Hello guys, Is it possible to use the same layout file across different (mounted) apps without some hackish solution (i.e. sym links) on Padrino ? Cheers, Ze ...

separate layout from templates in perl cgi::application

I am building a perl cgi::application using html::template. I am using 7-8 different templates having the same layout - header, footer, left column etc. How can I separate this html out of the template files into a single layout file. What perl modules do I need in addition to cgi::app and html::template. Thanks ...

Get width of combo items

Hello guys. I've got combobox binded to string[]. I haven't got clear combobox items. But I want measure my dropown items. How can I get width of items in combobox at runtime. I need this to manage width of my combo. ...

Is it possible to make an Android Layout, without just widgets?

Just something I have been thinking about. It is possible to create an android layout with just a TextView widget and no Layout code (e.g: inearLayout, ScrollLayout), but if I try to add anything else to the XML file all sorts of errors start popping up. Is it possible to create a Layout with just widgets? Also, if it is, how? ...

Combining SurfaceView with other Views such as TextView and Buttons

Hi everyone I'm totally new to android programming (just did some tutorials/read the dev guides etc.) and as every newbie I want to do a useless game :-). Currently I'm struggling with the layout of different views. Similar to the example I've made a class which extends a SurfaceView and put that into a FrameLayout. Around this Surface...

How to stack Multiple Sliding Drawers in Android

I was wondering if anyone knew how to stack sliding drawers so that it would look like this: So that when a sliding drawer collapses, it falls onto the next ones handler. I am almost able to get this effect by making the sliding drawer the size of the handler, but I dont see a way to programmatically change the size of the sliding dra...

Is there any flowlayout-like layout in android ?

I can not find any related layout implementation in android build in layouts. I found one implementation in this post,, but in that post's case, there is a precondition that the child's width is not wider than the parent's. But in my case, the child's wid...

Difference between to widgets to track down a resize problem in Qt

Hello everyone, Here are two designer .ui files : resize_not_ok.ui is a QTabWidget. In its first tab (layout being a QVerticalLayout) there is a QPushButton and a QVerticalSpacer resize_ok.ui follows the same structure, but the QTabWidget is inserted in a QWidget. This top-level QWidget has a QVertical layout with only the QTabWidget ...

Web Form Design - summary or edit

I'm working on an internal company website. Standard operation - search for an item, from a list, select one item. After clicking on an item in the list, should the next page be a webform with text boxes and other form controls to allow me to edit the entity or should it be a summary of the details? For a summary I would then select an...

How can I get notified that binding has finished?

I have an application to which I want to add a progress bar. It works in most cases. In one case the time is actually taken because of binding and layout work which is asynchronous, so my progress bar is hidden before the work is actually done. Its rather large list of items shown within a scroll view. I can't use virtualizing becaus...

Find how many yields and their names

Is there a way in Rails to find out how many yields have been defined in a layout along with their corresponding names? ...

How do I make the background parameter of the object tag liquid?

Hi all. I am inserting a silverlight application into my aspx page. I am using the object tag which is the recommended method. The website has a liquid layout. I have figured out how to get the SL Application to resize when the browser resizes. The problem is that the background of the plug in container () does not resize. This c...

Android delete from listview

This is my layout that suppot delete from listview ,the problem is when listview height is higher than screen height it goes under the button , so need a solution for avoding it ...

Closing a Popup when its parent gets collapsed

I've been struggling with this for quite some time and I can't seem to find a proper solution. This is the scenario stripped down. Imagine you have the following XAML: <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White"> <Grid x:Name="Host" Width="200" Height="200"> <Popup IsOpen="True"> <Button Content="Some Button" Cl...

Building a Schedule Screen/Grid; whats the best plugin/tool for this?

Hi, this is a mockup i want to buid... I"ve having trouble properly laying out with just css/js ... is there a jquery plugin/tool that could help with this? Could this be called a reverse orientation calendar? Writing it from scratch has been hell so far, and i'm not remotely close. ...