
Ethics and Law of modified LGPL code deployment in a commercial software

First bit of the question: What are the legal requirements of LGPL code during the deployment of a commercial product? Software package should include LGPL licence file Anything else? Shall we add a line to our "software agreement text" where you need to click next in the installer ? Second bit, Is there any known / accepted ways of...

Common Public License (CPL) and static linking

Is it possible to statically link a library released under the CPL into a commerical application? I'm contemplating using the libqxt library which is released under both the lgpl and cpl licenses. However the cpl license is a tad unclear as to whether it needs to be dynamically linked (as required by lgpl). I've checked the cpl faq on...

Use of LPGL in commercial apps

Hi, I want to use the CSV library provided by filehelpers: http://filehelpers.sourceforge.net/ I will be making my own bulk CSV import/export library specific to my app which utilizes these classes. Now Filehelpers states it can be used with commercial applications, however if I myself am building on filehelpers to build an import/exp...

LGPL static linking for commerical projects - can the .o and .h files be distributed without my consent?

From what I gather from the LGPL v2.1, if I static link to a library under LPGL, I have to Provide the source-code of the LPGL library Provide the header/object files for my program The question is: suppose I am doing a commerical project, and I sell it to X. By LPGL 2.1, I need to give to X my header and object files. Is he then abl...

What exactly are the rules for using gpl, lgpl, bsd software interally in the enterprise?

Are there any restrictions of using lgpl, gpl, bsd licensed software in a commercial venture if the tools/software are only used as part of internal processes and not integrated or incorporated into any software / product that is being sold. i.e. if we used open source media converter software to convert someones voicemail from .mov to ...

Porting LGPL library and selling platform-specific glue code

I want to port LGPL library to another platform. This would introduce some changes to the library itself (mostly #ifdefed pieces of code) and also would require me to write additional code to glue library to the platform. Now, I know that I will have to make available modified library source, and this is no problem. But should I make av...

Forking a LGPL Library for a commercial application

I am planning to use Snowball stemming solution in one of my commercial application.There is also a utility to generate the Java code for the snow ball stemmers. Apparently the default code is not optimized & I found that MG4J (http://mg4j.dsi.unimi.it/) has done quite improvements over it & want to use that in my application. Can I us...

C++ libraries for rendering PDFs

I'm looking for a (preferably LGPL'ed) PDF-rendering library that I can use on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux using C++. So far I found:(updated with content from answers below) Poppler GPL very easy to use Qt4-backend GhostScript GPL (depending on the version of GhostScript) command line only does not support PDF boxes MuPDF (Sumatr...

What do I need to ship in my installer to satisy LGPL Qt terms?

Hello all, I've been staring at the LGPL for days but can't figure out how to satisfy the legal requirements with respect to redistribution. I understand the requirements with regards to linking with/modifying Qt but specifically don't know how to (legally) bundle the Qt DLLs with our product. Our project is a commercial application. ...

Can I include an LGPL library in an MPL licensed project?

I have a project, php based, thats licensed under the MPL (not a trilicense, and it can't be changed without more work than I'd like to put into a non-development task). I want to include an LGPL licensed library. I'm going to be dumping it in directly- any patches I make I will be sending back to the main project. I know that including...

Question on LGPL License

Hi, I'm having problems in interpreting the license of Typolight (A CMS released under LGPL license). The project owner has made it mandatory to print a comment in the homepage of the frontend of the site which mentions the use of Typolight CMS - http://www.typolight.org/forum/topic/8283.html Can anyone please throw some light on this?...

If I modify and dynamically link against a modified LGLP Lib, do I have to make the changes available?

I have found a bug in an LGPL Lib that I currently link against dynamically. The application is closed source I link dynamically to the LGPL Lib The application will be available to the public If I modify the lib my understanding is that I will have to make the changed source files availible with the application, is this correct? ...

Mixing LGP, GPL and other licenses in a distributed code.

We are developing a computer vision library, which we are releasing under the LGPL license. We are planning to incorporate in the next release code licensed under other open source licenses, like GPL, that allow free usage for research and educational purposes. Can we include these third-party source files without any modification, keepi...

license header for classes extended from Hibernate

I would like to extend a class (e.g. org.hibernate.type.CharBooleanType) which is shipped as part of the Hibernate core distribution package. Our product is meant for commercial use, are we supposed to retain the original license header in the extended class or can we use the company specific propreitory license header on top of the ext...

including open source software in commercial software

Hi, I'm developing a commercial application and would like to include ffmpeg to extract thumbnails from videos. ffmpeg is licenced under LGPL 2.1. I would like to know how I can include ffmpeg in my software installer while meeting the requirements of LGPL 2.1. If it makes any difference I haven't modified the ffmpeg exe in any way. ...

Open Source Licenses: LGPL vs. Creative Commons

I'm writing a .NET library for the Stack Overflow pre-alpha API. After uploading some early code to a new project over at Google Code, I set the license info to GPL and added the appropriate license disclaimers to the code files. After posting an announcement on Meta, though, Kevin Montrose told me that LGPL is better. I have also looked...

Is the Artistic License 2.0 compatible with the GNU LGPL?

Perl's Artistic License 2.0 says that the source code distribution may be relicensed so long as the new license is: (ii) a license that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy that the licensee received, and requires that the Sou...

LGPLv3 or LGPLv2.1 and the iPhone

This is a legal question as much as a programming question. I am a programmer and it is about a program. Am I legally allowed to alter a LGPLv3 program to work on an iPhone? I have heard it might be a conflict because LGPLv3 bans Tivoizing(locking hardware to block modification in the LGPL license). If I found the software in LGPLv2 ...

Using LGPL library in a commercial Java application

I have a commercial Java application which I will be distributing. I want to use an LGPL'd java library. I wont be modifying the library. Does the LGPL license of that library have any impact on my application's license? ...

Licensing questions

I'm including a copy of ffmpeg, and probably GPG too. I will be calling them as subprocesses from a python app I'm creating. I'm distributing this and I'm wondering a) since I'm not using the library, I'm simply executing both programs within the python app, I do not have to release the source to my app right? b) do I need to obtain lic...