
JQuery ul li select list

Trying to use JQuery to scroll through a ul li list using class next and class prev e.g. <ul class="selectoption"> <li> Item 1</li> <li> Item 2</li> <li> Item 3</li> <li> etc .... </ul> <a href="" class="next">Next</a> <a href="" class="prev">Back</a> Only thing is I only want the selected li to be visable. So somehow need to...

Keyboard selecting nested li's with jquery

I have a load of nested <ul>'s and <li>'s and I would like to be able to have a hover / selected class on an <li>, and use the keyboard up and down buttons to select up and down on the <li>s.. however they are nested and need to jump across <ul>s if necessary. For instance: <ul> <li class='cat'> cat 1 <ul> ...

Changing li text color with onmouseover of subject related thumbnail

I have a page of thumbnail images. Onmouseover I want subject related li elements from two different lists to temporarily change text color. Onmouseout they should return to normal state. I can give each li element its own id but really have no idea where to go for the answer. Obviously a js newbie. Any help/direction appreciated. ...

JQuery li onhover show another li

Prob quite simple JQuery thing but I am looking to do something like this: <ul> <li>menu item1</li> <li>menu item2</li> </ul> Which on hover display images from another UL LIlist e.g. <ul> <li>image 1</li> <li>Image 2</li> </ul> Any suggestions please -= thanks ...

select first li in multiple unorganized lists with jquery

Hello! Problem demo is here: Currently, when the page loads, all the thumbnails are triggered to dim. I'm trying to make it so that each first thumb remains at full opacity (using :first of course) until another thumb is clicked. I can get it to do it for the first one, but it won't iterate to each . I tried...

add li to middle of the ul (jquery)

How one can add li to middle of the ul. For example if i have list like this: <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> <li>4</li> <li>5</li> </ul> And i want to add addiion li (<li>new</li>) after 3rd list? ...

How to get the first element of IEnumerable

Is there a better way getting the first element of IEnumerable type of this: foreach (Image image in imgList) { picture.Width = (short)image.Columns; picture.Height = (short)image.Rows; break; } This is the exact declaration of the type: public class ImageList : IEnumerable, IDisposable ...

CSS vertically align LI's in middle

I have the following HTML where I need the LI elements to vertically display in the middle of the 21 pixel high UL area. Here is my HTML... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""&gt; <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> .MenuBar { pad...

jQuery problem: moving a <li> from one <ul> to the top of another

I have two ULs, one above the other: <ul id="one"> <li> <li> <ul> <div id="div_for_second_UL"> <ul> <li> </ul> </div> In the first, each LI has a button that, when clicked, removes the LI and bumps the below LIs up one space to fill in the gap. It works fine. But I want the clicked LI to simultaneously be added to the top o...

Matching classes with jquery

I have two unordered lists, a bit like: <ul class="list1"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li class="current">Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul> <ul class="list2"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul> And the goal is, with jquery,...

Create a row of li's, give last one the classname "last" and put them all in an ul

Hi, how do I create a list of li's (they look like simple boxes by using css and float left) with the certain specifications: 7 li's in a row the row is a closed ul-tag at the end there should be 8 rows of ul's the last li (the 7th) should have the class="last". this is what i got so far, to create li's through an array (i need an...

Wrap all created li-elments after click

$('input[name="iplus"]').click(function() { $("#billsumary").append("<li>Test</li>"); }); Hi, i append a li-elemnt on every click. Now I like to wrap all those created li-elements into an ol-element but not each created one but all of them together. sample html output: <div id='billsumary'> <ol> <li>Test</li> <li>Test</l...

How to centre list-items in a column

Hey all, I am trying to centre page numbers at the bottom of this test blog... in the centre between the previous and next buttons however I cannot think how to do it, I tried a few different tutorials but they didn't really seem to help with this. Any hints on how to make them sit centrally in the left...

find the children in jquery

i have a tree structure,there is an unordered list(ul) in that tree.i have li items in it,and in that li items it could be a span or an ul list. this is one part of my codes : <li id="main_li"> <div class="first_division"></div> <span>products</span> <ul style="display: block...

jquery outerwidth submenu items

i'm looking for a way to calculate the total width of de level 2 items and put it in the ul. I have looked at some jquery thinks like outerWidth and .lengt but can't figure it out. thanks in advance $('#menu li:has(ul) ul').each(function() <ul> <li>level 1</li> <li> <ul style="widht:??;"> <li>level 2</li> <li>level 2</l...

width off all submenu LI's jquery

How can i add the total width off all submenu li's to the submenu ul? width() method of jQuery? <ul> <li>level 1</li> <li> <ul style="widht:150px;"> //total width children li / add width li's <li>level 2</li> //width 100 <li>level 2</li> //width 50 </ul> </li> <li>level 1</li> <li> <ul style="widht:150px;"> //total wid...

jQuery LI removal failing in IE8

I have a simple ASP.Net form with the following unordered list: <ul id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_BulletedList1"> <li>No Lines Added</li> </ul> When a user begins filling out other parts of the form, I want to remove this single <LI> and begin populating the list with other <LI> elements. The code below is how I am doing the remo...

jqGrid concatenating/building html tag incorrectly

Please excuse the length of this post, but I needed to explain what I am seeing. I have a onSelectRow option that is supposed to build stacked html <li> tags (such as <li>...</li> <li>...</li> <li>...</li> ) up to the number of static xml elements that I am looking at. But my script is concatenating all the image src links toget...

IE7 css ul li rendering issue

I have wierd CSS displaying problem with IE7 and IE6. there are three UL LI list-menus which doesn't have CSS style in IE7. With IE8, Chrome, FF, Opera everything works as expected. I validated CSS and HTML with validator, there were no "critical errors" which could be the source of the problem. I'm ou...

html list-style-type dash

Is three a way to create a list-style in html with a dash (i.e. - or &ndash; or &mdash;) i.e. <ul> <li>abc</li> </ul> Outputting: - abc It's occurred to me to do this with something like li:before { content: "-" };, though I don't know the cons of that option (and would be much obliged for feedback). More generically, I wouldn't...