
jquery hover li>ul - keep visible until remove mouse from sub UL..

Code: $("ul.menu_body li:even").addClass("alt"); $('li a.menu_head').hover(function () { $('ul.menu_body').slideToggle('medium'); }, function(){ $('ul.menu_body').slideToggle('medium'); }); found this code somewhere on the web, originally it was a click event on "li a...

top navigation menu using <li>

I have build a top navigation using LI tag with display:inline/float:left property. We can not set width for the LI tag. The menu items are coming dynamically from the database. The requirement is, menu should always cover 100% width even in case there is only one item. if there are 5 items then also it should cover 100% space. Any id...

Current index of the LI occurence

The scenario is described below. <li onmouseover="swapArrow_white()" onmouseout="swapArrow_black()"><a href="#">Menu<img src="common/images/downArrow.png" class="downarrow" /></a> <li onmouseover="swapArrow_white()" onmouseout="swapArrow_black()"><a href="#">Menu<img src="common/images/downArrow.png" class="downarrow" /></a> <li onmouse...

How to add a list item in the middle of a list with JQuery

I have a list with two items, I want to add additional items after the first item when the content is loaded. How is this done? I can add items, but they only show up on the end of the list. Do I have to call or use the list element array? First I create the new list item (<li>) and then I populate the list item with the content. But I ...

CSS list menu rollover padding / margin

Hi, im wondering if anyone could please help me with a css / html issue. I have a complex background image. The menu div is positioned at the correct location to overlay the background where it is ment to position. The entire LI has a hover rollover image with a display type of block. The result is that when the mouse is over the list ...

jQuery lavaLamp, misbehaving with child <ul>'s

Hey, I've been playing around with for a navigation menu on a new site I'm building and it works great with minimal fuss, I then started wondering if I could add some sub navigation options to the menu and set about building that in. The trouble I'm having is making the lavaLamp plugin ...

find which li was clicked

suppose i have 3 li. what i want to do is when i click any li then i want to know which li was clicked and add an event according to it. how do i do it with jquery, any help or suggestions please ...

select only third li

how do i select only 3rd( or some other no. of my chioce) li element with jquery? for ex: how do i change the background of only third li with jquery. any help please ...

CSS LI hover - browser compatible?

NOOB question... Does LI:HOVER{background:url(image.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;} work across all browsers? ...

How to word wrap <ul><li><div><a></a></div></li></ul>

How would I be able to have word wrap when text in <a> is way too long? I want the <li> to expand to the word wrap using CSS. ...

inline list li:last-child:after { content: ", "} Can I get rid of the extra space it creates??? I can't seem to get rid of the SPACE before the COMMA in my list. It makes no sense! Here is the relevant part of my CSS .artistlist { margin: 0px; padding: 0; } li.artistlist { display: inline; margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: .75em; line-height: 1.5...

can i set a font family inside <li> tag

im guessing not cause i've been trying it with examples and nthing works... but im curious why not? and how im gonna set it ? thnx! ...

select all li with a particual <span> and get link info within

I want choose all the li in my html that has the <span>Google Map</span> in it and apply and get the value in href with jquery. I tried going through jquey docs but coulding figure it out. Is this possible? <li><span>Google Maps Staic Link:</span> <a target="_blank" href="**Value To Get**" rel="nofollow">Map</a></li> The actual HTML...

Rotate li items with jquery...

Hi all, I have a UL list like: <ul> <li>menu1</li> <li>menu2</li> <li>menu3</li> <li>menu4</li> <li>menu5</li> </ul> I want to use this list as a animated JQuery menu. Setup in such a way that if a user clicks menu3 it becomes the first item in the list as menu1 and menu2 get appended to the end. So after clicking on menu3...

jquery selecting/unselecting checkboxes in children/parent <li>

I have the following <ul> <li>Main <ul> <li><input type="checkbox" onclick="$.SelectChildren(this);" /> parent 1 <ul> <li><input type="checkbox" onclick="$.SelectChildren(this);" />sub 1</li> <li><input type="checkbox" onclick="$.SelectChildren(this);" />sub 2 <ul...

working with active and hover links in css?

i have this li list , but i want to know how to have the current page link have a background of white,(li:active) css: #layout-three-liquid2 #section-navigation ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } #layout-three-liquid2 #section-navigation ul li { margin: 0 0 0em; padding: 0; list-style-type: none; } #layout-three-liquid2...

floating in list causes trouble in IE6 and IE7

I have a toggle list that causes trouble in old IE browsers, tried to fix it for couple of hours but I failed again and again. Please check out the jsfiddle code: structure is similar to this: <li class="toggle"> <a class="left" title="gallery">gallery</a> (English) <span class="right float_right">3<...

Clipped images in list items

I've got list items where a rollover image exceeds the bounds of the list item. Is this possible without the image being clipped? List item rollover graphic: Result: Current css: ul.nav a, ul.nav a:visited { padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px; display: block; clip:none; } ul.nav a:hover, ul.nav a:active, ul.nav a:focus { ...

Add li element around every second <span> tag with jQuery

Hi, don't know if this is possible .. I want to add a li element to every second span-tag. My HTML look like that: <span class="article_item"><img src="images/container_item.jpg" /><h2><a href="">Nokia Connecting N97</a></h2><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eu mattis lectus.</p></span> <span class="a...

JQuery: Clone when moved offscreen

I have a slider and the slider stretches 100% of the page. I wish to programmatically clone the first element as it leaves the screen and place it at the end, or rather, just move it, without a clone to keep the memory low. Could somebody point me in the right direction to do this? I'm currently using EasySlider 1.7 Cheers ...