
Which dialect of LISP is 'The Little Lisper' [3rd Edn] written in? (at the time)

The Little Lisper is an extraordinary book. Does anyone know which dialect/version of LISP it was written for at the time of publication? Perhaps (a) Common LISP (b) Standardised Scheme (c) Some LISP-1 ...

Benefits and uses of a functional programming language

Possible Duplicate: Why functional languages? I began programming with C/C++, VB, and eventually Python - all imperative languages. I took a course about programming languages and learned my first functional language - OCaml. It was terrible. Syntax and other horrors aside, OCaml took my imperative thought process and threw i...

How to display rationals as long lists of digits in Lisp?

I'm just starting to learn Lisp and was wondering how to display a rational as a decimal number with lots of digits. If I use (float x), where x is a rational then it displays about 8 digits or so. But I want to display hundreds of digits. ...

Why does this work in DrRacket but not in Racket from the console

(define pick (lambda (num lat) (cond ((null? lat) (quote())) ((= (sub1 num) 0) (car lat)) (else (pick (sub1 num) (cdr lat)))))) (define brees (quote (a b c d e touchdown g h i))) (pick 6 brees) The language in DrRacket is set to Advanced Student. It also works fine in the IronScheme...

Is a statically-typed full Lisp variant possible?

Is a statically-typed full Lisp variant possible? Does it even make sense for something like this to exist? I believe one of a Lisp language's virtues is the simplicity of its definition. Would static typing compromise this core principle? ...

Why multiple namespaces?

What is the rationale behind the design decision to have separate namespaces for values and functions in Common Lisp? What are the arguments for and against it? ...

Running clojure and other lisp at the same time on emacs.

I use Aquamacs, and aquamacs is pre-equipped with slime. (setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/local/bin/sbcl") #####!!! (add-to-list 'load-path "/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs Emacs/SLIME/contrib") (add-to-list 'load-path "/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs Emacs/SLIME") (require 'slime) (slime-setup) As is asked in here, I tr...

Common Lisp: What is the downside to using this filter function on very large lists?

I want to filter out all elements of list 'a from list 'b and return the filtered 'b. This is my function: (defun filter (a b) "Filters out all items in a from b" (if (= 0 (length a)) b (filter (remove (first a) a) (remove (first a) b)))) I'm new to lisp and don't know how 'remove does its thing, what kind of time will thi...

What are the good things about slime?

As I asked here, I couldn't make it run Aquamacs/slime/clojure, but I could use Auqamacs/clojure with 'M-x conjure-mode', then C-c C-z (run clojure) and C-c C-e (run expression). I don't have an experience with SLIME, but I feel that C-c C-z and C-c C-e is just enough for lisp/conjure REPL or debugging. What features SLIME has more th...

Modify Lisp function without rewriting it?

I wrote a Lisp function earlier that had an error. The first challenge was to figure out how to view the function again. That challenge is solved. Now that I see WHAT I have done wrong, I want to modify the contents of the defined function without rewriting the whole thing? Seems like as intelligent as Lisp is, there HAS to be a way to...

Emacs: Enter commands like in gedit

Hey, in gedit it's possible to define so-called "snippets" for simpler input. For example, there is a snippet while. This means: If you type while -> (-> stands for tab key). And gedit automatically converts it to the following (including correct indentation): while (condition){ } In vim (in conjunction with latex-suite) I saw the ...

How is Racket different Than Scheme?

Racket is a descendant of Scheme. How is Racket different than R6RS? What did it add, or take away, or is just different? I'm understanding that Racket is more than a language, it's a platform for languages. But I'm referring to the main Racket dialect. ...

lisp interpreter

Possible Duplicate: Whats a good Common Lisp implementation for Windows? where can I get common lisp interpreter for windows? ...

Calling LISP or SCHEME from .NET/C#

In my existing software I have an implementation of genetic programing using home grown decission making tree that is able to apply basic logic operators (AND OR NOT) in some boolean data that are provided to it in a form of an array. The platform I am using is .NET / C# with SQLServer back end. Looking for ways to improve the perform...

Trouble with this macro

Embarrassingly enough, I'm having some trouble designing this macro correctly. This is the macro as I have it written: (defmacro construct-vertices [xs ys] (cons 'draw-line-strip (map #(list vertex %1 %2) xs ys))) It needs to take in two collections or seqs, xs and ys, and I need it to give me… (draw-line-strip (vertex ...

Problem with emacs lisp shell process arguments.

I'm attempting to run P4V commands directly from xemacs. After pulling in the p4.el to emacs I've written the following: (defun p4v-command (cmd) (get-buffer-create p4-output-buffer-name);; We do these two lines (kill-buffer p4-output-buffer-name) ;; to ensure no duplicates (call-process "p4v" nil (get-buffer-create p4-output...

What is the most performant lisp on the JVM

What is the most performant (fastest) lisp implementation on the JVM? By lisp implementation I consider all implementations of any language in lisp family, like Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, ... I know that Clojure can be made pretty fast using type hints, that ABCL is in general not considered to be fast. I don't have experience using ...

What is the best language in which to write an expert system?

Is LISP or something like Jess the best choice? I'm interested in writing a program that makes a suggestion based on users' answers. Computational considerations are not really a factor this is pretty much a pattern matching engine. Also I would like to make an app for this and put it up on the web. UPDATE: I would like to put this u...

Easy way to merge plists?

Is there an easy way in Common Lisp to merge two plists? Or from another point of view: is there a way to remove duplicates from a plist? I know I can just append plists (and GETF will take the first one it finds), but I'd like to not keep accumulating unused keys as my app runs. I'm thinking about something like (loop for p on my-pli...

Have J style adverbs, forks etc been emulated via libraries in mainstream functional languages?

Has an emulation of J style of super condensed tacit programming via verbs, adverbs, forks, etc., ever been attempted via libraries for mainstream functional languages? If so, how successful was the result? If not, is there a technical issue that makes this impossible, or is it just not worth doing? I'm particularly interested in cons...