
ANDROID: how does addProximityAlert() work exactly?

I'm looking for information about how "addProximityAlert()" exactly works At what intervals does it check? What happens if we use more than one addProximmityAlert(, do they work independently(do they check individually)? ...

iPhone: How to store a location (CLLocationCoordinate2D) inside a class w/o leaking memory?

I am creating a library which contains an API for setting the current location based off some value collected by the GPS. I want to store this location in my class and later, change the behavior of my library if it is set. What I had in mind was: @interface myLib { @property (nonatomic, retain) CLLocationCoordinate2D *location; } @...

Which permission do I have to add to the manifest to get gps sensor readings?

Which permission needs my application to get access to the location of the user on Android? ...

Preconfigure Android Emulator with location?

I want to run automated tests with location on the android emulator. I can setup coordinates via Telnet, but that means starting up a console and manually configuring the emulator before running my junit tests. Is there a possibility to preconfigure the emulator with a KML file or something like that to ensure that there are always co...

Activating Network Location Provider in the Android Emulator?

Is it possible to activate the network location provider on the android emulator? Maybe with a fake cellid? ...

trying to get the most accurate device location from GPS or Network in Android

I am trying to determine the most accurate location of a device, in the shortest time possible. I am storing the data as a geopoint, and have it displayed on a mapview. The last time I activated the GPS on my device and let it get a location lock, i was approx 80 miles from where I am now. I have a location manager setup and a locatio...

What's the most accurate way to determine user geolocation in the browser?

I found a few examples suggesting Google AJAX APIs. This link typifies the advice I have found so far: http://briancray.com/2009/05/29/find-web-visitors-location-javascript-google-api/ However, the location is often wrong with the Google APIs. Other sites seem to know exactly which city I'm in, though, without me entering any informat...

How would I write this query in GeoDjango? (It's a library for geographic calculations in Django)

Right now I'm using raw SQL to find people within 500 meters of the current user. cursor.execute("SELECT user_id FROM myapp_location WHERE\ GLength(LineStringFromWKB(LineString(asbinary(utm), asbinary(PointFromWKB(point(%s, %s)))))) < %s"\ ,(user_utm_easting, user_utm_northing, 500)); How would I do this in GeoDjango? It...

How to get the current location of iPhone through code?

How do you get the current location of iPhone through code? I need to track the location using GPS. ...

Drupal location autosuggest doesn't recognize provinces

I am using Drupal Location module in CCK to retreive longitude & latitude based on location (stree/city/state). There is an automatic autosuggest for State, but unfortunately recognizes only US states. I set default country to Canada, but autosuggest still only recognized US states. Is there a way to get autosuggest function to recog...

Load external image inside flash movie clip

I have a flash movie clip and need to load an external image inside the clip that reference to an external URL.. like www.myimage.com/image.jpg i did something with XML but the image persist on every clip because it loads from actionscript using the x and y cords. Help needed! Thanks! ...

Android mock location on device?

How can I mock my location on a physical device (Nexus One)? I know you can do this with the emulator in the Emulator Control panel, but this doesn't work for a physical device. ...

what POIs (Point of Interests) DB can I use for a commercial app

I need a POI database for a startup project I am working on - it will be a free basic version and a premium paid for version in the sense that user will pay a monthly subscription. I would like to use foursquare type checkin to places and plancast type functionality to search for places (one-line search). Ie I need to: perform a searc...

Drupal + Location Module: How to query blog entry locations

I am using the Location module within Drupal 6 to tag geographical locations to blog entries. So every blog entry has a long/lat My question is: What is the most efficient way of querying all coordinates for all blog entries of a given user? ...

Scripted iFrame loads contents over current page instead of within an iFrame

I'm trying to load a webpage into an iFrame while keeping a content bar on top, but for some pages that I try to load into the iFrame the contents is loaded as if I navigated to that page. I use the following code to dynamically load an iframe: $('#my_iFrame').attr("src","http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/26/opinion/26ryan.html"); It lo...

Web service for Timezone based on Location

Hi, Is there any web service available that returns the information of Time zone based on the location name entered. I am preparing the application where in user will enter the place, based on the place entered, I need the information of the timezone (preferably current time and date) of that particular location. Kindly help me. Rega...

Apache Alias Question

Is it possible to have an Apache Server evaluate its Aliases before it evaluates its Locations? Alias /foo /bar <Location "/bar"> SetHandler None </Location> So that the above code will work? ...

Find out where something has been installed? Or if it has?

Hello. Does anyone know how I can get the location of a program that has been installed. My C# WinForm is meant to launch the installer for a program, mainly games, and then be able to detect where that program was installed. Or even if it was installed successfully. Would I have to look in the registery for the location of installed pro...

How can I test my browser ignoring Location headers?

I want to test a site with my Firefox ignoring Location: headers like this example in PHP. header('Location: another-page.php'); Is there a plugin available to do this, or any other method? Would my best bet be surfing the site with Lynx? Does Lynx ignore them? Thanks ...

Can't set PictureBox location in panel

Hi. I have a created a panel. This has autoscroll = true At the start i added 6 pictureboxes that are 256x256 with images. I store the last picturebox location, so that i know where to put a new picturebox. I also add a picturebox to the upper right of the panel(location(8744,8744)), so that the panel will stretch to 9000px. Later o...