
Can I tell if the iPhone has a passcode?

I'm developing an application that asks for a PIN when you start it. That's not great, but I can live with it. The problem is I'm being asked to ask for the PIN each time the phone wakes from sleep, too. Combined with the OS asking for its passcode, it's too much. Is there any legitimate way to detect if the phone has a passcode require...

Limiting the number of threads executing a method at a single time.

We have a situation where we want to limit the number of paralell requests our application can make to its application server. We have potentially 100+ background threads running that will want to at some point make a call to the application server but only want 5 threads to be able to call SendMessage() (or whatever the method will be)...

Subversion lock-modify-unlock solution for SSIS .dtsx

Hello! I wonder how i could set up a developer enviroment for SSIS,.dtsx packages in Subversion? I read about Subversion "svn:needs-lock" property and the ability to set auto-props in a subversion repository by setting "enable-auto-props = yes" in the repository config file. The "svn:needs-lock" property is neccesary when working with...

Can shared memory be read and validated without mutexes?

On Linux I'm using shmget and shmat to setup a shared memory segment that one process will write to and one or more processes will read from. The data that is being shared is a few megabytes in size and when updated is completely rewritten; it's never partially updated. I have my shared memory segment laid out as follows: -------...

Is it safe to lock a static variable in a non-static class?

I've got a class that manages a shared resource. Now, since access to the resource depends on many parameters, this class is instantiated and disposed several times during the normal execution of the program. The shared resource does not support concurrency, so some kind of locking is needed. The first thing that came into my mind is ha...

.NET Working with Locking and Threads

Work on this small test application to learn threading/locking. I have the following code, I would think that the line should only write to console once. However it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Any thoughts on why? What I'm trying to do is add this Lot object to a List, then if any other threads try and hit that list, it w...

Why boost::recursive_mutex is not working as expected?

I have a custom class that uses boost mutexes and locks like this (only relevant parts): template<class T> class FFTBuf { public: FFTBuf(); [...] void lock(); void unlock(); private: T *_dst; int _siglen; int _processed_sums; int _expected_sums; int _assign...

How to Treat Race Condition of Session in Web Application?

I was in a ASP.NET application has heavy traffic of AJAX requests. Once a user login our web application, a session is created to store information of this user's state. Currently, our solution to keep session data consistent is quite simple and brutal: each request needs to acquire a exclusive lock before being processed. This works f...

Nature of Lock is child table while deletion(sql server)

Dear Devs From couple of days i am thinking of a following scenario Consider I have 2 tables with parent child relationship of kind one-to-many. On removal of parent row i have to delete the rows in child those are related to parents. simple right? i have to make a transaction scope to do above operation i can do this as following; (i...

Is this code thread-safe?

I've got a class with several properties. On every value update, a Store method is called which stores all fields (in a file). private int _Prop1; public int Prop1 { get { return _Prop1; } set { _Prop1 = value; Store(); } } // more similar properties here... private XmlSerializer _Ser = new ...;...

Java Memory Model: reordering and concurrent locks

Hi The java meomry model mandates that synchronize blocks that synchronize on the same monitor enforce a before-after-realtion on the variables modified within those blocks. Example: // in thread A synchronized( lock ) { x = true; } // in thread B synchronized( lock ) { System.out.println( x ); } In this case it is garanteed tha...

Figuring out the resource a lock in SQL Server 2000 affects

I am adding a simple web-interface to show data from a commercial off the shelf (COTS) application. This COTS issues locks on any record the user is actively looking at (whether they intend to edit and update it or not). I have found sp_lock and the Microsoft sp_lock2 scripts and can see the locks, so that's all well and good. How...

C#: Can you detect whether or not the current execution context is within `lock (this)`?

If I have an object that I would like to force to be accessed from within a lock, like so: var obj = new MyObject(); lock (obj) { obj.Date = DateTime.Now; obj.Name = "My Name"; } Is it possible, from within the AddOne and RemoveOne functions to detect whether the current execution context is within a lock? Something like: M...

linux thread synchronization

I am new to linux and linux threads. I have spent some time googling to try to understand the differences between all the functions available for thread synchronization. I still have some questions. I have found all of these different types of synchronizations, each with a number of functions for locking, unlocking, testing the lock, ...

Is this a correct Interlocked synchronization design?

I have a system that takes Samples. I have multiple client threads in the application that are interested in these Samples, but the actual process of taking a Sample can only occur in one context. It's fast enough that it's okay for it to block the calling process until Sampling is done, but slow enough that I don't want multiple threa...

MFC/CCriticalSection: Simple lock situation hangs

I have to program a simple threaded program with MFC/C++ for a uni assignment. I have a simple scenario in wich i have a worker thread which executes a function along the lines of : UINT createSchedules(LPVOID param) { genProgThreadVal* v = (genProgThreadVal*) param; // v->searcherLock is of type CcriticalSection* while(1) { ...

Locking User account created under Windows Authentication in SQL Server

Hi, As per my project requirement i need to lock a user in SQL Server(Which is created using Windows Authentication). Is there any way to do this? For example: For a SQL login if you try to login using wrong Password more than 3 or 4 attempts, then that account gets locked out. User cannot login to SQL Server using this username. I wan...

SQL Server 2008 Running trigger after Insert, Update locks original table

Hi Folks, I have a serious performance problem. I have a database with (related to this problem), 2 tables. 1 Table contains strings with some global information. The second table contains the string stripped down to each individual word. So the string is like indexed in the second table, word by word. The validity of the data in the...

Getting account 'locked' status in SQL Server

I want to unlock one account in SQL Server. Before unlocking I have to check whether that account is locked or not. I want to unlock only if the account is locked. Is there any SQL query or stored procedure to get the "Locked" status of SQL user? ...

Thread locking issue with FileHelpers between calling engine.ReadNext() method and readign engine.LineNumber property

I use producer/consumer pattern with FileHelpers library to import data from one file (which can be huge) using multiple threads. Each thread is supposed to import a chunk of that file and I would like to use LineNumber property of the FileHelperAsyncEngine instance that is reading the file as primary key for imported rows. FileHelperAs...