
How to lock SVN trunk except for merges from branch?

I'd like to prevent developers working directly on the trunk. I'm aiming to enforce all developers off the trunk and to work on there own branches until CI tests are cleared. They then have to merge from the trunk to their branch (to pick up latest changes), run and pass tests before they merge back to the trunk. Is there any rules fo...

File locking with Fcntl: Baffling bug involving 'use' and 'require'.

The following Perl script outputs "SUCCESS" as you'd expect: use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); sysopen(LF, "test.txt", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT) or die "SYSOPEN FAIL: $!"; if(flock(LF, LOCK_EX)) { print "SUCCESS.\n"; } else { print "FAIL: $!\n"; } But now, replace that first line with require "testlib.pl"; where testlib.pl contains use Fcn...

How to run a select query on SQL Server 2005 without locking tables?

Is it sure for me to run a select query on SQL Server 2005 without locking the tables? Or can I get into troubles if some of the tables has exclusive locks? Will NO-LOCK syntax always be safe to use? What do you typically do? ...

Can a batch file execution step through sequence without completing a java process?

Does a batch file execute processes in sequence only if the previous step has completed and released all file/process locks? Suppose I have the following cmd file (mybatchfile.cmd) echo. |TIME java myjar.jar echo. |TIME and I pipe the results to a log file. Can I be 100% confident (on windows) that my java process has completed and...

Launching Android Native Lock Screen

Hi, I'm looking for a way to launch the native android lock screen from my application. I've looked around and found code about KeyGuardLock and KeyGuardManager but I believe that only locks the keyboard from working. REF: http://smartandroidians.blogspot.com/2010/03/enabling-and-disabling-lock-screen-in.html ...

Concurrency during long running update in TSQL

Using Sql Server 2005. I have a long running update that may take about 60 seconds in our production environment. The update is not part of any explicit transactions nor has any sql hints. While the update is running, what's to be expected from other requests that occur on those rows that will be updated? There's about 6 million tota...

java: wait(), notify() and synchronized blocks

I learned that calling an Object's wait() method will release the object monitor, if present. But I have some questions regarding calling notify() on this object by another thread: (when) will the waiting thread wake up, if another (a 3rd) thread owns the object monitor in the meanwhile? will the waiting thread wake up, if a 3rd threa...

Magento: Custom MySQL query with locks not working

I'm trying to write a function to SELECT the least-recently fetched value from a table in my database. I do this by SELECTing a row and then immediately changing the last_used field. Because this involves a SELECT and UPDATE, I'm trying to do this with locks. The locks are to ensure that concurrent executions of this query won't opera...

getting music player control in lock screen like Pandora app in iphone.

Hi. iphone Pandora app(in ios-4) supports controlling the audio from the lock screen like play,pause,next and prev. How to get the music player control action from the lock screen. can any one give me an idea about getting the actions of these control to native application from lock screen like pandora app. ...

when is a pessimistic lock released in rails?

Assuming I'm doing something like this (from the Active Record Querying guide) Item.transaction do i = Item.first(:lock => true) i.name = 'Jones' i.save end Is the lock automatically released at the end of the transaction? I've looked at the Active Query guide and the ActiveRecord::Locking::Pessimistic docs, and couldn't...

Can a shared resource safely be used as the lock for a synchrnized block?

I often find myself with code like private static final MyType sharedResource = MyType(); private static final Object lock = new Object(); ... synchronized(lock) { //do stuff with sharedResource } Is this really neccessary or could sharedResource be used as the lock itself like private static final MyType sharedResource = MyType(...

Hibernate and Concurrency.

I have already read the hibernate docs about concurrency and I think, I have understood the available locking methods, but I am not sure how I should implement the following scenario. Two clients F (fast) and S (slow) access the database and can modify the same objects. Now, one additional requirement: It is critical to the application...

sqlite database connection/locking question

Folks I am implementing a file based queue (see my earlier question) using sqlite. I have the following threads running in background: thread-1 to empty out a memory structure into the "queue" table (an insert into "queue" table). thread-1 to read and "process" the "queue" table runs every 5 to 10 seconds thread-3 - runs very infrequen...

C# multi-threaded reading of unmodifiable collections

I have a dictionary which is filled once in a static constructor and stays unchanged ever since. I want multiple threads to be able to read values from this collection. Do I need any locking here? ...

Want to have a password input screen just like the unlock the device interface

I'd like to design a password input screen and I'd like the "unlock device" interface. How to implement it in iphone SDK? Any sample code? I can't find the four square box that in IB. Shall I build it my own? ...

Can a process lock a disk so that no other process can access it?

Is there a way for a process to lock an entire disk so that no other process can access any file on the disk until this process releases the lock? Disk i/o operations for the other processes would presumably block until the lock is released. The OS in question is Linux. ...

Can this Fast Atomic Lock implementation work ?

I have a large data structure that is using striping to reduce lock contention. Right now I am using system locks but 99.99% of the time, the lock is uncontested and futhermore, the amount of time holding the lock is quite miniscule. However, several distinct memory operations are performed while the lock is held. It has actually gott...

Does ODBC access to external tables potentially result in corruption of data or locks?

I need to get data out of SQL Server2005 tables, and into another system. My vendors says: "We don´t recommend that you go directly in the SQL and collect data, because it can result in corruption of data or you can lock tables while exporting." Is that true? ...

VS2010 Locking up my keyboard (or at least parts of it)

I am having a problem with VS2010 randomly disabling certain keys like my arrow and backspace keys when editing files in stored in VSS. It seemed to have just started happening the other day, but simply restarting VS would fix the problem and it may come back a day or two later. Now I restart and it lasts maybe 10 minutes or until I op...

jQuery animation lock + callback confusion

Hi again. I've got little animation in jQuery. However, I don't want to allow calling other animation, until one isn't over. URL http://misiur.com/pasek/ HTML <div class="tooltip act" style="display: none;" id="t_arrow_1">Position absolute GO!</div> JS // JavaScript Document jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var lock = 0; $('.ar...