
Delphi low-level machine parameter access

There are many very low-level parameters measured by PCs and their processors (e.g. core temperatures, fan-speeds, voltage levels at various parts of the motherboard and processor internals) which are available and displayed by the BIOS, and by some aaplication programs. How does one access these low-level (real-time) data via Delphi? Is...

How can I hook Ctrl-Alt-Tab ?

I am trying to hook the keyboard in my program, but there is something that I can't accomplish. The method below is the most important part in my class where I handle certain key combinations. All of them work, but I also want to hook Ctrl-Alt-Tab. I've spent hours trying to figure out what to do, but I came empty handed. How can I hook ...

Using a low-level keyboard hook to change keyboard characters.

Hi all, I'm creating a custom keyboard layout. As the beginning step, I want to have the user press a key, have my keyboard hook intercept it, and output a different key of my choosing. I found this keyboard hook code, which I'm trying to slightly modify for my purposes: http://blogs.msdn.com/toub/archive/2006/05/03/589423.aspx I've c...

Can I change a user's keyboard input?

I found this keyboard hook code, which I'm trying to slightly modify for my purposes: http://blogs.msdn.com/toub/archive/2006/05/03/589423.aspx As an overview, I want to have the user press a key, say 'E', and have the keyboard return a different character, 'Z', to whatever app is in focus. The relevant method I changed now looks like:...

How do I use low-level 8 bit flags as conditionals?

In my keyboard hook, each keypress gets a flag that states if it was injected or not. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms644967(VS.85).aspx I've distilled a KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT from the lParam. I can access kbd.flags.XXX. I just don't know how to convert this 8bit flag into an if (injected) {... type conditional that I know how to u...

What specific examples are there of knowing C making you a better high level programmer?

I know about the existance of question such as this one and this one. Let me explain. Afet reading Joel's article Back to Basics and seeing many similar questions on SO, I've begun to wonder what are specific examples of situations where knowing stuff like C can make you a better high level programmer. What I want to know is if there a...

Closest language to Python's syntax that is more low level language!

Hi! I guess topic says it all! But, I really wan't a syntax similar to Python's! And low-level... like C++ for example. I guess Java and C# is OK too, but I really have a huge problem with the { }, and always ; <-- and each line. I hate it so much... ...

How to make an operating system

I want to develop an operating system just for fun. What steps are needed to create it? ...

How to create a BlackBerry App that access low level hardware?

Hello all. I've written some BlackBerry apps, but now i'm trying to write one that must access the hardware (keyboard) in some low level way, and I can't seem to find a way to do it, nor any help to it in the 'official' boards. The thing is, I need to know when, at any time, the '$' key is pressed in the blackberry keyboard, so my app...

Are there any low-level languages that can be used in place of scripts?

I am a "high-level" scripting guy. All my code is Class-based PHP or JavaScript. However, I want to know if there is any form of useful interpreter projects for "low-level" compiled languages like C or C++ (strange sounding huh?). This all came about when I stumbled upon http://g-wan.com/ and was fascinated by the fact that you could se...

What's the most low-level official touch input API which can be accessed from developers? (iPhone)

What's the most low-level official touch input API which can be accessed from developers? (iPhone) ...

need book & web site suggestion for advanced low-level programming

Hello all, I want to learn all advanced details of low-level programming so i want to be able to Learn advanced c/c++ Optimize my code with and without inline assembly Understand the internals of an exe, dll, thread, process Effeciently make use of technologies like SSE, 3DNow, MMX Debug&disassemble executables/libraries and understand w...

Assembly - 32 bit vs 64 bit...?

Hey guys... I'm really wanting to learn assembly. I'm pretty good at c/c++, but want a better understanding of what's going on at a lower level. I realize that asembly related questions have been asked before, but I'm just looking for some direction that's particular to my situation: I'm running windows 7, and am confused about how I ...

Assembly - .data, .code, and registers...?

Hi everyone, So this morning I posted a confused question about assembly and I received some great genuine help, which I really appreciate. And now I'm starting to get into assembly and am beginning to understand how it works. Things I feel I understand alright include the stack, interrupts, binary/hex, and in general what most of the...

Why is my masm32 program crashing whenever I try using interrupts?

Here's the code: .386 ;target for maximum compatibility .model small,stdcall ;model .code main: int 20h END main Result: http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/3738/resultom.png "test.exe has stopped working" - always right when it reaches the interrupt. This is the interrupt I'm trying to use. It should simply exit the ...

Read then conditional write vs. write

Which is, on average, faster - check the value then, if needed, assign, or simply assign? Or, in C++ terms: bool b; if(b) b = false; or b = false; Assume that the if() condition is true with 50% probability. The answer will be, most likely, highly architecture dependent - please voice your low-level considerations. Writing alwa...

Why do you use less expressive languages, and should I also?

I'm a Python programmer who knows a bit of Ruby and PHP as well. I don't really know enough about Java to do anything meaningful, and I certainly don't know C, C++, or other low-level languages. I've heard all the "Who cares about speed because hardware is cheap, but coders are expensive" arguments, and I'm not trying to raise a debate h...

Learning about the low level

I'm interested in learning more about the PC from a lower (machine) level. I graduated from a school which taught us concepts using the Java language which abstracted out that level almost completely. As a result I only learned a bit from the one required assembly language course. In order to cram in ASM and quite a few details about ar...

Programatically determine a file's fragmentation status

Is it possible to determine a specific file's fragmentation status (that is, the amount of distinct fragments this file occupies)? If so, how can this be done using .net? The motivation is this: my application is keeping data in a FileStream, changing its size on-demand. This eventually causes the file to be fragmented. I'd like to mon...

Which programming languages aren't considered high-level?

In informatics theory I hear and read about high-level and low-level languages all time. Yet I don't understand why this is still relevant as there aren't any (relevant) low-level languages except assembler in use today. So you get: Low-level Assembler Definitely not low-level C BASIC FORTRAN COBOL ... High-level C++ Ruby Py...