
Type Math Equation in Textbox

Hi, Is there any solution in ASP.NET/C# or Jquery for writing math equations as MathML is not very well supported by browsers. Thanks ...

java antilog tag

hi expert, i'm try for log10 calculation using mathml in xml as follow <apply><log><cn>x</cn></log></apply> for this i'm getting expected result, but now trying for antilog which is inverse of log, i'm not sure which tag have to be use, any i'm trying as follow <apply><inverse><log><cn>x</cn></log></inverse></apply> here i'm not ...

Aligning mathml equations at equal sign

I have three equations in MathML. I want to align them at equals sign. I certainly can do this using mtable and columnalign. Is there much better and clean way to do this ? ...

Is there a library for Visual C++ that renders math formulas?

I've been looking all over, but I can't find anything free that will let me simply display math formulas on a window. I found one for Visual, but no APIs. Are there any out there? ...

Run Javascript on the body of a Gmail message

I want to display LaTeX math in the gmail messages that I receive, so that for example $\mathbb P^2$ would show as a nice formula. Now, there are several Javascripts available (for example, this one, or MathJax which would do the job, I just need to call them at the right time to manipulate the gmail message. I know that this is possibl...

Is there a library to evaluate MathML expressions?

Given some MathML content: <apply> <eq/> <ci>c</ci> <apply> <plus/> <ci>a</ci> <ci>b</ci> </apply> </apply> and std::map<std::string,std::double> cal; cal["a"] = 1.; cal["b"] = 2.; cal["c"] = 0; // does not matter what c is I wish to evaluate the MathML and retrieve the results. Is there a C/C++ library that ca...

How do I output a webpage that contains MathML to PDF?

My web application displays MathML embedded in HTML using the MathPlayer plugin. I need to output to PDF. I have PDF components (Dynamic PDF, ABCpdf), but they don't know how to parse the MathML, of course. Is there a library that can help me translate the MathML to an image or something that I can feed to the PDF components on the fly ...

editor for creating mathml equations

I don't have much knowledge on mathml editors, we are already using rich:editor to edit html text. I would like to know the most commonly used mathematical equations editor which is browsed based and works across all the major browsers. I have looked at the editors listed here, but unable to make a decision on what to use along with our ...

Parsing mathml document using JScience

I was trying to parse mathml document using JScience but was not succeed. Following is my piece of code. import*; import JSci.mathml.*; . . public class ParsingMathML(){ try { .... //inputFile is an xml file containing mathml code InputSource file = new InputSource(new FileReader(inputFile)); MathMLPars...

MathML: expressing unknown values

We're currently building a site that contains many mathematical equations and using MathML to show these. Quite a few of these equations contain unknown values. For example: 12 + ? = 23 2 * ? = 10 The reason for this is to help young children better understand mathematical equations. However, I am unsure as to how I am supposed to ex...

implement 'math' array as web-ready image (e.g. SVG)


MathML equation editor widget for ASP.NET site

I am looking for a widget that I can plug in to my ASP.NET site that will allow users to create math formulas with their associated MathML. Ideally this would be similar to an HTML editor like TinyMCE. There have been solutions in the past (see

Math rendering library for iPhone OS

Is there a library to render mathematical equations that can be used in iPhone OS? I would be very happy with a library that renders MathML or LaTeX to a format that iPhone OS can display. If the lib were licensed under BSD (or similar), that would be perfect. ...

Tools for converting LaTeX equations to Content MathML or OpenMath?

Do you know any open source tools or libraries (preferably Java, but that's not a strict requirement) in the GNU/Linux world that convert mathematical equations in LaTeX syntax to Content MathML or OpenMath? I need to convert tons of equations in batch mode, so I'm not looking for interactive apps. EDIT My focus is on the equations' ...

MathML expression simplify/evaluate API

Does anybody know of a Java based MathML evaluator API? Specifically, I amlooking for something that will take a MathML document, and evaluate theconstant sections. Example: If the MathML document contained a section that has the MathML tagsfor the expression 2*3 + 4*5 (ie, 2∗3+4∗5 ), I would like the API to return the full MathML b...

Why is that the xsl stylesheet is applied by the browser only when the extension is xml

For Eg. <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="mathml.xsl"?> <html xmlns=""&gt; <head>...</head> <body> <h1>Example</h1> .... <math xmlns=""&gt; <mi>x</mi><mo>+</mo><mn>3</mn> </math> </body> </html> If the above file is nam...

Funding for MathML rendering library

I have an unfinished MathML rendering library written in C++. I ceased development a few months ago due to lack of time. The library [still] uses the TrueType version (unsupported) of the STIX fonts beta [version 1.0 of the STIX fonts (OpenType Postscript format) has since been released]. Development of this kind of library is a HUGE un...

.NET component for Math ML which can edit formulas, render them as image

At the moment the most popular component MathML.Net is not available for download, I am wondering if there are other .Net components that can help with this issue (can edit formulas, render them as image) ...

how to add dynamic math to webpage

Hi, I'm a math teacher wanting to insert some dynamic math into a website. What I'd like to achieve is to have a button that a student can press to randomly vary a question so that it's the same type of question, but with different numbers. For example, Factor the quadratic expression of the form ax^2 + bx + c, where a = 1, and b and c ...

Math notation font

Is there a font that can be used for math notation? I'm thinking there isn't. If that is the case, does anyone know what the simplest route is to having nice math notation in my iPad app? Update: Thank you for all the great responses. Looking at the current replies, would people generally recommend that if what I want to do is essenti...