
Application leaking Strings?

My .net application does some heavy string loading/manipulation and unfortunately the memory consumption keeps rising and rising and when looking at it with a profiler I see alot of unreleased string instances. Now at one point of time or another I do need all objects t hat do have these string fields, but once done, I could get rid of e...

Cannot figure out how to get rid of memory leak

I'm trying to test for memory leaks in my iphone and I'm not having much luck getting rid of this one. Here is the code that is leaking. - (id)initWithManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)aMoc delegate:(id)aDelegate runSync:(BOOL)aRunSync { if (self = [super init]) { self.moc = aMoc; self.settingsManager ...

Help Finding Memory Leak

Hi all, I am writing an iPad app that downloads a rather large .csv file and parses the file into objects stored in Core Data. The program keeps crashing, and I've run it along with the Allocations performance tool and can see that it's eating up memory. Nothing is alloc'ed or init'ed in the code, so why am I gobbling up memory? Co...

Using WeakReference to resolve issue with .NET unregistered event handlers causing memory leaks.

The problem: Registered event handlers create a reference from the event to the event handler's instance. If that instance fails to unregister the event handler (via Dispose, presumably), then the instance memory will not be freed by the garbage collector. Example: class Foo { public event Action AnEvent; pu...

GetIpAddrTable() leaks memory. How to resolve that?

On my Windows 7 box, this simple program causes the memory use of the application to creep up continuously, with no upper bound. I've stripped out everything non-essential, and it seems clear that the culprit is the Microsoft Iphlpapi function "GetIpAddrTable()". On each call, it leaks some memory. In a loop (e.g. checking for chang...

WCF Service Memory Leaks

Dear Devs I have a very small wcf service hosted in a console app. [ServiceContract] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] void DoService(); } [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.PerCall)] public class Service1 : IService1 { public void DoService() { } } and its being called as ...

Visual C++ - Memory Leak Detection

Any suggestions? This SO post talks about Visual Leak Detector, but I'm looking for other tools. Also, please don't recommend this. ...

Memeory Leak in Windows Page file when calling a shell command

I have an issue on our Windows 2003 x64 Build Server when invoking shell commands from a script. Each call causes a "memory leak" in the page file so it grows quite rapidly until it reaches the maximum and the machine stops working. I can reproduce the problem very nicely by running a perl script like for ($count=1; $count<5000; $count...

Why does IHttpAsyncHandler leak memory under load?

I have noticed that the .NET IHttpAsyncHandler (and the IHttpHandler, to a lesser degree) leak memory when subjected to concurrent web requests. In my tests, the Visual Studio web server (Cassini) jumps from 6MB memory to over 100MB, and once the test is finished, none of it is reclaimed. The problem can be reproduced easily. Create a ...

leak in fgets when assigning to buffer

I'm having problems understanding why following code leaks in one case, and not in the other case. The difference is while(NULL!=fgets(buffer,length,file))//doesnt leak while(NULL!=(buffer=fgets(buffer,length,file))//leaks I thought it would be the same. Full code below. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define LENS 10000 vo...

UIViewController memory management

Hi I have a very basic issue of memory management with my UIViewController (or any other object that I create); The problem is that in Instruments my Object allocation graph is always rising even though I am calling release on then assigning them nil. I have 2 UIViewController sub-classes each initializing with a NIB; I add the first Vi...

Does tbb:concurrent_queue "grow" like std::vector? How to release its buffers?

Hello, I'm wondering if tbb:concurrent_queue can grow its internal buffers when it's under high load, and then not release the buffers? How to obtain any information about the buffers and/or release them? PS. In vector, you have methods like .reserve() to allocate and .swap(vector()) to completely release any buffers. ...

NHibernate Memory Leak

My company has an ASP.Net application that runs out of memory and throws out of memory exceptions after only a couple of days of activity by our customers. I am able to reproduce the error in our testing environment and I created a hang dump using adplus. When looking at the largest/most objects on the heap I noticed that we have over ...

known memory leaks in 3ds max?

I've set up a script in 3ds max to render a bunch of animations into frames. To do this, I open up a file with all of the materials, load an animation (as a bip) onto the figure, then render. We were seeing a problem where eventually the script would fail because it was unable to open the next file-- max had consumed all of the system m...

Removing DOM event handlers in long-running browser session

I have a browser interface with a ul#contacts list on the left and div#contact property panel (email, phone) on the right. Click a contact in the list and my app makes an XHR request to get the contact property HTML fragment and update div#contact.innerHTML. Each contact fragment has an "Edit Contact" link. With JS, I progressively upg...

Class destructor memory handling in C++

What potential memory leaks won't an implicit destructor handle? I know that if you have anything stored on the heap it won't handle it, and if you have a connection to a file or a database, that needs to be handled manually. Is there anything else? What about, say, non-base data types like vectors? Also, in an explicit destructor, need...

Adobe Reader 9.0 memory leak while loading-unloading PDF files every one second indefinitely

I have c++ written MFC based application that has PDF object viewer as a part of the implementation. A whole thing works just fine with Adobe Reader 8.0. Once I switched to Adobe Reader 9.0 as a default PDF reader, I keep experiencing small memory leak that forces my application to crash within a half an hour of continuous loading-unload...

Emgu CV - memory-leaks (memory consumption)

I am using EmguCV, the OpenCV wrapper for .NET. I am disposing all created objects but my app is still using more and more memory (in release configuration too). I have debugged my app using .NET Memory profiler and get this result: all objects instance count is oscilating but GChand...

My app crashes after multiple rotates

My app is crashing when I try and rotate it more than a couple of times. I first thought it was just the iPhone Simulator, so I loaded the app onto an iPod touch, and it crashed after fewer rotates in a row. I suspect it's a memory leak in one of my rotate methods. The only place I can think that the crash is being caused is in willRotat...

Why does this code sample produce a memory leak?

In the university we were given the following code sample and we were being told, that there is a memory leak when running this code. The sample should demonstrate that this is a situation where the garbage collector can't work. As far as my object oriented programming goes, the only codeline able to create a memory leak would be ite...