
Memory leak detection tool for qt applications on windows

Hi, Is there any free memory leak detection tool for QT programs to run on windows? I am using QtCreator as my IDE. If any plugin or add-on is available with QtCreator its best also. Has anybody any idea about this? ...

very large string in memory

Hi, I am writing a program for formatting 100s of MB String data (nearing a gig) into xml == And I am required to return it as a response to an HTTP (GET) request . I am using a StringWriter/XmlWriter to build an XML of the records in a loop and returning the using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) using (writer = XmlWriter.Cr...

objective-c singleton memory deallocation

Should I somehow release shared object (on which singleton is based) when my application terminates if no garbage collector used (iPhone environment)? ...

How to research unmanaged memory leaks in .NET?

I have a WCF service running over MSMQ. Memory gradually increases over time, indicating that there is some sort of memory leak. I ran the service locally and monitored some counters using PerfMon. Total CLR memory managed heap bytes remains relatively constant, while the process' private bytes increases over time. This leads me to b...

Tracing the Memory/Window Leaks in Android?

How to trace the Memory Leaks in Android Development? I am working on eclipse IDE to develop the application. i cant find out how to rectify the memory or window Leaks Exceptions? Any Idea. Mainly the Window Leaked error raises the Illegal Argument Exception? how to rectify both og this. Please Help. ...

Is this a memory leak?

char *pointer1; char *pointer2; pointer1 = new char[256]; pointer2 = pointer1; delete [] pointer1; In other words, do I have to do delete [] pointer2 as well? Thanks! ...

Tool for detecting memory leaks

How do memory leak detection tools like purify and valgrind work? How can I design and implement my own such tool? ...

WPF Memory Leak

I have an WPF form that I myself did not create, so I am not very good at WPF. It is leaking badly though, up to 400 MB and closing the form does not help. The problem lies in my application loading all the pictures at once. I would like to only load the ones visible at the moment. It is about 300 pictures and they are a bit large so my...

UIAlertView -show causing a memory leak

I'm relatively new to iPhone Development, so this may be my fault, but it goes against what I've seen. :) I think that I'm creating a UIAlertView that lives just in this vaccuum of the 'if' statement. NSData *data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:&response error:&error]; if(!data) { // Add an ale...

How to get rid Memory Leak problem "open_handle_to_dylib_path"

Hi Friends, I am getting a memory leak of 128 bytes, in my iPhone App and the responsible caller mentioned in Instruments was "open_handle_to_dylib_path" and the responsible library is "CoreGraphics". So has anybody encountered this problem ? Thanks and regards, krishnan. ...

How to fix this memory leak?

Hi there, I was recently looking at this memory leak tool sIEve: So I decided to test out the tool by creating a main page that will open up a popup window. I started by creating 3 pages: index.html, page1.html and page2.html, the index.html page will open a child window (popup) linking to page1.html. Pa...

[SOLVED] Iphone NSXMLParser NSCFString memory leak

I am building an app that parses an rss feed. In the app there are two different types of feeds with different names for the elements in the feed, so I have created an NSXMLParser NSObject that takes the name of the elements of each feed before parsing. Here is my code: NewsFeedParser.h #import @interface NewsFeedParser : NSObjec...

Memory leak in Websphere 7 + EJB3, a lot of instances of ClassMapping

Hi, sorry for my english, I speak spanish. I recently migrate an application from ejb 2.x to ejb3 (approx. 300 entities), Im using WebSphere After 10 hours of work, the system crash with an OutOfMemoryError. Analyzing the coredump, I see a lot of instance of the org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.ClassMapping class (please see the a...

How return a std::string from C's "getcwd" function

Sorry to keep hammering on this, but I'm trying to learn :). Is this any good? And yes, I care about memory leaks. I can't find a decent way of preallocating the char*, because there simply seems to be no cross-platform way. const string getcwd() { char* a_cwd = getcwd(NULL,0); string s_cwd(a_cwd); free(a_cwd); return s_...

Setting synthesized arrays causing memory leaks using nested arrays

Hello: Why is the following code causing a memory leak in an iPhone App? All of the initted objects below leak, including the arrays, the strings and the numbers. So, I'm thinking it has something to do with the the synthesized array property not releasing the object when I set the property again on the second and subsequent time this ...

loading custom view using loadNibNamed showing memory leaks

I have a number of custom table cells and views that I built using interface builder In interface builder, everything is set up similarly. There is a table cell and a couple other UILabels and a background image Object owner if the nib is NSObject Class for the table cell is the name of the class for my table cell Here is how I creat...

iphone memory leaks with CoreData

Hi all, I was checking my app for memory leaks using instruments and I got the following NSConcreteMutableData GeneralBlock memory leaks.When I checked it was from the following code. NSError *error = nil; if (![[self fetchedResultsController] performFetch:&error]) { NSLog(@"Failed to load data : %@", [error localizedDescript...

How can I avoid causing memory leaks in Firefox?

It seems that there is a lot of information on memory leaks in IE and how web developers can avoid them, but I can't find much on avoiding leaks in FF. I've found lots of random tips on how end users can tweak their preferences, or tips for extension developers, but little on what I can do as a web developer to make sure my pages don't l...

Oracle T4CPreparedStatement memory leaks?

A little background on the application that I am gonna talk about in the next few lines: XYZ is a data masking workbench eclipse RCP application: You give it a source table column, and a target table column, it would apply a trasformation (encryption/shuffling/etc) and copy the row data from source table to target table. Now, when I ma...

What's up with GTK+ windows having so many memory leaks according to Valgrind?

Whenever I load any GTK+-powered application in valgrind, it reports a lot of memory leaks. What's up with that? Is GTK+ buggy? ...