
what is expandoProperty

what is expandoProperty. I came across this property while reading about javascript memory leaks. It was told that this property is supported only in Internet Explorer and is responsible for circular reference. But I tried to check and found this property not available in any of the browsers. Any help on this property? and how is it link...

Silverlight 4 memory leak with ItemsControl

In our SL4 application built on Caliburn.Micro, we've come across a (another) memory leak. Stripped out, it seems that the problem is caused by ItemsControl with custom DataTemplate bound to an IEnumerable collection of objects that implement INotifyPropertyChanged interface. When the source collection is changed (another collection is...

fbconnect logout memory leak

Hi everybody, this is the first time I post a question here. Usually, I found help on web for my Iphone projects problems, but here I am REALLY STUCK ! I use the facebook iphone-sdk to post some infos on a user's wall. Everything works fine. But I have a leak memory when I logout with the fbconnect loginbutton. Here is the code I used ...

Command.Prepare() Causing Memory Leakage?

I've sort of inherited some code on this scientific modelling project, and my colleagues and I are getting stumped by this problem. The guy who wrote this is now gone, so we can't ask him (go figure). Inside the data access layer, there is this insert() method. This does what it sounds like -- it inserts records into a database. It is ...

CLLocationManager - strange Memory Leak

Hi Forum I'm implementing a CLLocationManager right as described in several tutorials. Everything works fine up to the point where the LocationManager receives a second update. Then a memory leak occurs. Instruments tells me, that the leaked objects are NSCFTimer, GeneralBlock-16 and NSCFSet Any ideas? Thanks for any help [Edit] ...

Help with understanding UMDH logs for detecting memory leaks on windows

Hi, I am new to windows. My web application is leaking huge amounts of memory. I am using apache 2.2.15 and PHP 5.2.13 I used "Windows Debugging Tools -umdh" to detect leaks. And the output of the trace is as below(difference before stress and after stress) : 217800195 ( 222666334 - 4866139) 3266192 allocs BackTraceC6 3240839...

Memory Leak with Plist Serialization

Please help me with this memory leak. In the leaks tool it shows a leak: NSCFString (32 bytes) in the library "Foundation" Responsible Frame: NSPropertyListSerialization. I am releasing the error but still a leak. What am I missing? Many thanks! NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString *anError = nil; id plist; plist ...

Trying to track down a memory leak in a cocos2D application.

I am trying to track down a memory leak in my cocos2D game. I have run the game using instruments to find what is causing the leaks and the bulk of the problem seems to come from this method. -(void)setColour:(int)c { switch (c) { case RED: images[SMALL_BUBBLE_IMAGE] = [[CCTexture2D alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed...

Load SOS extension for debugging

I'm trying to load SOS extension in visual studio 2010 (.Net framework 4) in a app without success. First i found the following article suggesting that I type "!load sos" in the immidiate window. It resulted in the following error message: Error during command: extension C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\sos.dll co...

Error executing: java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M

$ java -Xms512M -Xmx1024M while running the above command i got the bellow error. please help me how to set JVM Heap memory in Aix box. here i'm using java5. Usage: java [-options] class [args...] (to execute a class) or java -jar [-options] jarfile [args...] (to execute a jar file) where options include: ...

Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retaincount is expected

Hi, I have a set of classes that were created by (awesome WDSL web service proxy creation tool for iPhone/Flex/Javascript). When I run the CMD+SHIFT+A to check for memory leaks I get the following message: Object with +0 retain counts returned to caller where a +1 (owning) retain count is expected Here is the m...

ANTS Memory Profiler - Which memory should I be looking at?

Hi All, I have a memory issue on my websites and am trying to get to the bottom of it. I have downloaded the 14 day trial of ANTS Memory Profiler and have been playing with it to get a grip of what it's telling me. In the memory options on the timeline, I can see Bytes in All Heaps and Private Bytes etc but I am not sure which ones I sh...

How do I use CLR Profiler to debug an ASP.Net app running on IIS 7.5?

I am having memory leak issues with my ASP.Net application. I've tried WinDbg, which IMO displays mostly useless information, and I'm currently trying to get the CLR profiler to work. My problem is everytime I try to "Profile ASP.NET" It just flashes two consoles up so fast I can't read them, then the title bar of the CLR Profiler says ...

Can't find the memory leak

Hi Everyone, I've got a fairly simple app that has the following in the view the program is mostly in: int currentPageIndex; NSArray *images; NSString *nextImage; IBOutlet UIImageView *firstPage; IBOutlet UIButton *bigButton; In the implementation viewDidLoad, I load the array with a bunch of image file names: images = [NSArr...

memory leak unit test c++

I have just resolved a memory leak in my application and now I want to write a unit test to ensure that this does not happen again. I'm look for a way to detect the memory usage of the current application (working set), before and after some functions. For example: long mem_used= GetMemUsed(); /* Do some work */ /* clean up */ if...

Object leaked... how can i solve it?

When i do "Build and analyze" xCode gives me the following warning: Potential leak of an object allocated on line 70 Method returns an Objective-C object with a +1 retain count (owning reference) Looping back to the head of the loop Object allocated on line 70 is no longer referenced after this point and has a retain count of +1 (obje...

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Hello! I got this error when I tried to run a C++ project in Netbeans 6.8 with the Sun compiler from Sun Studio 12.1. I want analyze memory leaks and memory usage with dbx or the NetBeans IDE if it retrieves needed information....

Memory cleanup issue converting QString to char* for use with a 3rd party library, how to solve?

I am using a 3rd party library with Qt that requires char* strings. I am using the following code to convert my QString to a char* char* toCharArray(const QString &string) { QByteArray bytes = string.toLocal8Bit(); char* data = new char[bytes.count() + 1]; strcpy(data,; return data; } // later on... 3rdPa...

memory leak detecting in C++ with/without Visual Leak Detector

Hi All I want to detect memory leaks of my C++ program in Windows. I read the documentation also on MSDN about mermoy leak detection and I also started using Visual Leak Detector. I have a doubt about the reporting of the leaks. I am expecting a file name with a line number, but I am always reported the text below. It has all the compo...

Linux and memory leaks

Does Linux automatically re-claim all memory used by an applications immediately? If so then should the application really bother about freeing all memory before exit? Is it really worth to call the destructor of every class in a multi-threading application before making a call to exit(0)? If Linux always re-claims all memory used by...