
DebugDiag shows weird data in an Analysis file

Could you please explain why I have so weird results in my Analysis output got from DebugDiag x86 v1.1 on Win7? Heap Summary Number of heaps 41 Heaps Total reserved memory 103,948,920.51 TBytes Total committed memory 190,850,373.51 TBytes and so on. Obviously, I have no so many RAM. I've already apply a fix...

check for memory leak in c++

Hi All, I have a code of about 10,000 lines. I have to maintain a track for new and delete statements to check and avoid memory leaks. i can use new libraries or functions but i can't change the code. How can i do it? Please donot suggest for any memory cheking tool. Any help would be appreciated. ...

warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame

i searched over internet but did not get suitable solution of this error Here I'm posting code that i made. My application captures near 200 questions form sqlite db and then creates screen shot of them for slideshow. Application crashes when app captures near 86-87 questions via UIGraphicsBeginImageContext() and fills them into a NSMut...

UMDH Logs (Memory Leak on Windows)

Hi, I am using UMDH tool to analyze the memory leaks of my application. The top leaks observed by UMDH logs are as follows: 237856226 ( 241016812 - 3160586) 3704833 allocs BackTraceE9 3685198 ( 3704833 - 19635) BackTraceE9 allocations ntdll!RtlIpv4StringToAddressExW+00011866 ntdll!RtlSubAuthorityCount...

Need Confirm of Memory leak

I am devoloping an app on iPad(iPhone), which needs to use NSMutalbleURLRequest. Instrument told me there is a memeroy leak in the marked line below: -(NSMutableURLRequest*) createRequest:(NSString *)strURL withData:(NSData *)strBody withVersion: (int) version { NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString: strURL]; NSMutableURLRequest* request...

jQuery memory leak with repeated .ajax calls

I'm using the following pattern which is leaking memory in Firefox: $(function() { (function() { var callee = arguments.callee; $.ajax({ url: '...', success: function() { ... setTimeout(callee, 1000); }, error: function() { ... setTimeout(callee, 1000); } }); })(); ...

Yet another C++ vector memory leak question

Hiya. I'm attempting to make an algorithm that can draw the entities of my isometric game in the correct order. My entities are stored in a vector of pointers. In the drawing function I first create a new vector of the same pointers, and then start with a for-loop that loops the amount of entities that I want to have drawn. Inside that...

will destroying a jQuery dialog remove any handlers attached to elements inside it?

Hey Everyone, I've noticed some memory leaks in an app i'm building, after playing around with for a while FF will start to use up more and more memory (upwards to 1 000 000 k). I've done some research and found that if i do a $(selector).html(some stuff) to replace the contents of something the jQuery handlers from the elements p...

iPhone: Memory Leak in Custom Class and NSMutableDictionary

I've spent a couple of days trying to find out what's going on. I have read loads of Memory Management documentation and I am sick to death of hearing "for every alloc you need a release" - I know that and I still can't figure out why my code is producing memory leaks. I am writing a simple custom class with an NSMutableDictionary as on...

Is apr_pool_destroy() of apache thread safe ?

Hi, My application is built with apache and runs on windows. I am creating a Thread using the createThread() and then for each thread executing the below : ap_run_sub_req( subrequest ); ap_rflush( subrequest ); ap_destroy_sub_req( subrequest ); The ap_destroy_sub_request in turn calls apr_pool_destroy() function. The ap_run_...

possible memory leak?

i'm profiling the below code inside a singltone and found that a lot of Rate objects are kept in memory altough i clear them. protected void FetchingRates() { int count = 0; while (true) { try { if (m_RatesQueue.Count > 0) { List<RateLog> temp = null; lock (m_RatesQueue) { te...

How to debug memory leak where exception instances in heap dump have no inbound references?

I've been trying to diagnose a memory leak in an Android application I'm writing. I got a heap dump loaded into Eclipse, but the results I'm seeing are very curious. There are some 20,000 instances of an exception (specifically, LDAPException from the UnboundID LDAP library) in the heap with no inbound references. That is, they show u...

properly creating object in objective-c for avoiding memory leaks

Hi all, after having spent few months in trying to master the syntax and rules, I am going deeper in memory management rules. One thing I do not understand and causing me confusion is how one creates objects. Based on what stated in apple memory management guide, the following is a valid approach: – (NSArray *)sprockets { NSArray...

What is retained size for an object on heapdump?

I've recently increase my use of the Profiler in Netbeans (6.7), this is a great tool. I have a question however. When taking a heap dump, on the summary page (expect window) it is possible to 'find the biggest objects by retained size'. What is this value and how is it used to analyze memory usage? ...

Memory leak with an array - objective c

Hi, am having some trouble with attempting to remove a memory leak from my code. In the code below, I get a memory leak on the line "configurationArray = [[NSArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:controllerConfigurationFilePath] retain];" however when I remove the retain, the application crashes and changing the retain to an autorelease also cau...

UIScrollView with many UIImageViews - Memory problem

I have this huge problem with memory management. I have been googling for 8+ hours, with no success... The problem: I've got a UIScrollView, I've got an Array with 24 paths to Images in it and I want to show them in the UIScrollView with paging enabled. All images is in the size 1024x748 (iPad landscape resolution with status bar) and...

UKit Memory Leak

Hello everyone, I just used instrument to check memory leak for my app on device(3G, ios version is 3.1.2). I found there are several leaks displayed in instrument. The instrument output as following: Leaked Object # Address Size Responsible Library Responsible Frame GeneralBlock-16 2 < multiple > 32 UIKit -[UIVi...

Memory leaks in IE JS while XMLHTTP requests

Each ProcessingPayments() used memory increase. CollectGarbage() not helps. Use Drip to view memory usage, but don't view any DOM leaks. I use only IE8 and tested on older versions. Other browsers not interested. How can I decrease growing memory usage while execute this script? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitiona...

memory leak discovered MKMapView

I have NSAutoreleasePool leaked object on a MKMapView. should I be concerned about this? I can't seem to get rid of it. I also noticed that the same leak occurs in apple's CurrentAddress sample code app link text thanks for any help ...

Simple Memory Management Question In Objective-C

There's a memory leak in my program and because I'm not well versed in C (created a function in my Objective-C class to load strings from a SQLite database). Can anyone spot my blunder? Thank you: static int MyCallback(void *context, int lCount, char **values, char **columns){ NSMutableArray *sqlRawStrings = (NSMutableArray *)context; ...