
How best to implement the polling consumer pattern in JavaScript

Background Back in May I reported an issue on WebKit regarding a memory retention issue. It looks as though the problem could be due to the Web Inspector itself, but I'm not convinced yet. Problem A problem surfaced whereby my JavaScript application implements a "Polling Consumer" pattern for obtaining data as it becomes available. Th...

compile time high in weblogic 10.0 and frequent compilation happens

our application takes around 2.5 hrs to clean build through IDE, but once clean build it will take only 5 to 10 mins for all small change compilations, but in my system, sometimes build happens for longer time again and again, and even if the code is fully built, if i exit and restart the workshop with build automatically enabled, it wi...

Released object crashes App -- problem with alloc/init memory management

I have a flipView class that I allocate and initiate. But, when I release it the app crashes. If I don't release it, the app works fine, so it seems. The error message I receive when I release it is: Malloc - error for object: object pointer being freed was not allocated. If you could please assist me, I would be grateful. - (IBA...

Doubt regarding the Xcode Leaks Instrument

Hi all, I have written an app and was testing it for mem leaks when I noticed that that 'all allocations' category in the leaks simulator keeps increasing its size whenever I open and close a sub-view. I intially thought it was a mem leak . But it does not show up as a leak in the leaks tab. Is this normal?? I am attaching a screensh...

How to find Memory Leak Class/Activity in Android

Hi, I am New to this Android platfrom. In one application, there is a memory leak. But i couldn't able to find in which actiity or class the memory leak is happening. I am using MAT to get the infirmation that the memory leak is there or not. But not able to find which activity is leaking. Please tell me how to find the which acti...

Reasons why FireFox would cause a Classic ASP + ASPNET MVC 2 site to consume maxi RAM + CPU on server?

I recently inherited a dinosaur Classic ASP site that has some fresh blood pumped in to it in the form of intertwined ASPNET MVC 2. I have duplicated the site on the same server (Windows 2008 R2, 4GB, quad core, vm) to setup a poor man's staging site. As we were trying to sort some legacy bugs in the Classic ASP admin module we noticed t...

Tools for Memory leaks in .Net executable

Hello, I am trying to test an application in Windows for memory leaks. I have looked at Linux alternatives (eg. Valgrind) and I am looking for a similar tool for Windows. The problem with .Net is that the memory is not released straight away like in Linux. My knowledge of .Net is limited so my problem is I would like to use a tool tha...

Yet Another Leaking NSMutableDictionary Post

I've pounded my head against my monitor for hours (and read similar posts). I'm still stumped. I declare an array in my *.h file that will display data in a table view: @interface TeamsTableViewController : UITableViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource> { NSMutableArray *teamsArray; } I allocate the array in ...

Testing that there are no memory leaks when redeploying a web application

When redeploying applications in Tomcat/Glassfish/JBoss/etc it is easy to cause a classloader leak by keeping a reference to an instance from a previous classloader. Jevgeni Kabanov discusses this issue here... Has anybody found a good way to harness automated ...

JMap with JVM Debugging Disabled

Can I use jmap to create a java memory heap on a JVM which was started with debugging disabled? If so, how? ...

dangers of _exit() - memory leak?

Sorry to repeat a question that has been posed repeatedly, but i couldn't find a specific mention of memory issues. if a process terminates with _exit(0) or _Exit(0) can its memory block be lost to the OS? Thanks, -nuun ...

Memory leaks on Firefox addons

I have an addon, which is pretty big, and I need to understand some things... What causes memory leak on a Firefox addon? How can I find what is causing the leak? How can I fix the leak? The addon adds some elements on the page, request parts of the page and update the DOM. The memory increases each time I reload the page, and the me...

Keeping track of javascript memory usage

A web application I am currently working on appears to be leaking memory: with each refresh of a page IE's memory usage goes up and it never releases that memory. Since certain pages are ment to be kept open in a browser and auto-refresh this is quickly turning into a problem. The application is very javascript-heavy and relies on a com...

memory leak when using transition

i get a memory leak and crash when using this transition more then 7-8 times: -(IBAction)pan1:(id)sender{ CATransition *transition = [CATransition animation]; transition.duration = 0.50; transition.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]; NSString *types[4] = {kCATra...

Possible memory leak in Asynchronous ASP.NET Call to a WebService?

I've created a small class library to asynchronously call a WebService(Fire and Forget. I don't need the result). In a Windows Form application, the XXXAsync() method works fine. But, in a Web Application, the process is locked until the XXXCompleted event is fire. My problem is: I tried to create a Delegate and use the Begin/EndInvok...

What Java memory profiler applications will work on Windows 7 64-bit with Java 1.4 32-bit?

I'm trying to find a memory leak in an old Java 1.4 application. I have tried to use jmp but unfortunately I've had no luck getting it working (is it actually supported in Windows 7?). If anyone knows of any free/open source Java 1.4 memory profilers that definitely work on Windows 7 64-bit, please let me know. ...

iPhone - UIDatePicker leaks ?

I have a UIDatePicker in interface builder which is connected to my outlet, and i release it in my dealloc method. It leaks so much, when i load the view controller and it leaks even more as i scroll through it Leaked Object: NSDateComponents Responsible Frame: UIDatePickerView Number of leaks: about 30 (depends on how much i scroll t...

Dispose required if using interface

Let's say I've got a MyObject object that has two interfaces: IMyContract and IDisposable. And I have this code in a method: IMyContract blah = new MyObject(); blah.Blah(); return; This is a potential memory leak, right? Doesn't it need to be: using (MyObject blah = new MyObject()) { blah.Blah(); } return; ...

AS3 Specify if there are unvisible displayObjects with active listeners

Is there any way to count (specify) the avarage amount of objects that are removed from stage and has active listeners? I have really big project(game), more than 100 classes.. Now i scan each classes, if there are active unnecessary listeners i remove them. Now, i wanna such a tool, which will tell me where is there any other unnecessa...

iphone/ipad memory leak from NSString assigned to itself

I have two leaks shown by the instruments tool. I have looked around on google but I haven't seen exactly my problem on there. Problem #1: self.wallText = [[text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]]; I have tried various configu...