My application crashes if I attempt to rotate the iPad when a modal view is present. How do you stop autorotation while modal views are present or better yet how do you make it so that modal view rotates along with everything else (when the application crashes everything rotates but the modal view)? Many thanks!
I am presenting a modal navigation bar controller initialized with a root controller (which is a UITableViewController). When I, initialize the UINavigationBarController to present it modally, I am also adding a "Submit" button as a right bar button item. Everything is working fine (loading with root view and Modal presentation) However,...
Considering the following images -
A book item selected in iBooks on iPad:
Image of selected item in iBooks
The same UI can be found on the iTunes store app -
Clearly Apple is re-using the same controller, transition and "modal" setup. I am working on an application the needs to perform the same kind of contextual/modal implementati...
I have a UIViewController that implements <NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> and I present it modally (within a nav controller) from my main view controller. It dismisses itself via:
[self.navigationController.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
I thought this wo...
I have a problem. I am using three20 and am using TTYoutubeView, this problem does not necessarily require knowledge of three20 to fix I think.
My issue is, i have a custom drawMethod on my navigationBar, however, when i load a youtube video, i need to tell it to ignore my custom draw method (this isn't a problem, i have a global BOOL t...
When using the above, it scrolls the new view vertically up the screen, and dismisses it by scrolling the view down the screen. Why is this, and how do I overcome this? (Especially since it should be a horizontal animation)
My code is as follows:
- (IBAction)infoButtonPressed:(id)sender {
InfoViewController *infoViewController = [[Info...
Hi All
I am loading a Modal view controller using the following code in my RootViewController:
[self.navigationController presentModalViewController:accountViewController animated:YES];
In the accountViewController xib file, I have set a navigation bar. My MainWindow.xib and RootViewController.xib also have the navigation bar setup c...
[self presentModalViewController:navController animated:YES];
I have scroll view with page control and paging enabled, each page has buttons who when pressed present modal view controller with additional data.
when running on device with iOS 3.0->3.2 modal view controller on first page of scroll view animates properly (view scrolls ...
How can I make a Modal View's presentation style UIModalPresentationFormSheet (or something what looks like it) on an iPhone?
Thanks in advance!
I have a Modal View Controller presented as a Form Sheet in Landscape on an iPad. When I dismiss the view, the view jumps to a different location, as in this thread:
A modal VC with a keyboard on landscape changes location when dismissed:
"When presenting a navigation controller modally, it is often simpler to create and configure your navigation controller object programmatically. Although you could also use Interface Builder to do so, doing so is generally not recommended."
If fact, because my navigation controller is simple, I would rather customise the view in IB!
I added a modalView to my App, everything working fine, but on closing the modal, the whole modalView jumps about 1-2 centimeters to left while it disappears.
I did not find any reason for it yet, so here is the code regarding modal:
- (void) showNameModal:(Player *)player
namesModal = [[PlayerModalView allo...
the apps launched the mailcomposer modal view (MFMailComposeViewController) when the Contact Us button is pressed.
but once the modal view is loaded, the status bar is hidden automatically.
I setStatusBarHidden Status to NO after modal view controller is dismissed.
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
In my subclass of NSObject I would like to call something like
[[self navController] presentModalViewController:myView animated:YES];
But none of my tries were successful. How can I call a modal view if I'm not in a subclass of UIViewController?
#import "myProjectNameAppDelegate.h"
// ...
MyViewController *myView = [[M...
Hi all.
I'm at a loss...
I have a navigation based app that has a detail view (UIWebView) with action buttons across the bottom in a UIToolbar. I want to add 'notes' when the 'notes' button is pushed. Everything works fine when the webview is in portrait mode. I press the notes button, the modal view opens fine and works great.
I have an issue by setting the delegate property for a ViewController which is presented modally. The code below is a modified copy of the example code for Presenting a View Controller Modally.
AddContactPersonTableViewController *addController = [[AddContactPersonTableViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"AddContact...
I have a modal view controller which calls another modal view controller in viewDidLoad based on an if condition.
The weird problem i'm facing is, the first time i compile the app and open the 1st modal view controller, it works fine and it goes on to show the 2nd view controller. Now, if i stop the app execution and rebuild & run the a...
Starting a new thread... about same question.. I have tried all I am getting from different post and forums... none of the working for me..
What I want to do is...
[self presentModalViewController:ViewControllerA animated:YES];//Working fine
//Inside viewControllerA call viewControllerB
[self presentModalViewController:ViewControllerB ...
I want to add a confirmation view after the user takes a photo or selects a saved photo. The confirmation view will just show the selected image, with a cancel and upload button in a toolbar.
My UIImagePickerController is presented modally from one of my view controllers, which is controlled by a navigation controller, which is in turn ...
I have successfully used the Twitter-OAuth-iPhone for the authorisation, and can update the tweet from the App.
However, I want to have a dialogue view showing the tweet to the user for the user to edit and confirm before posting the tweet. Such as the screenshot:
I cannot find the modal view, or other view controller, from the Tw...