I'm having trouble with getting the -dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: to work on the iPad (as an iPhone app). For some reason it doesn't seem to do anything.
I call -presentModalViewController:animated: in MainViewController, after which I've tried calling the -dismissModalViewController from the presented view controller (using [se...
I'm aware some of you may not be familiar with Monotouch, but this could certainly be a general iOS issue rather than a specific Monotouch issue.
I'm recreating an app with similar functionality to the default mail app:
This is a simple recreation of our app. It's a UIView which contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar. It's loaded from...
Will it cause any issues with submission.I dont want to remove it as it works well for me.
When the root view controller of my application is loaded, I want to be able to check whether or not the users login credentials have been saved to NSUserDefaults.
Basically, when the user loads the application and he/she doesn't have her login credentials saved, a modalAlertView will be pushed and the user will be able to save their cr...
I have a view controller alike contacts in iPhone. The code is something like this,
tabBarController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
friendsVC = [[RemittanceFriendsVC alloc] initWithNibName:@"RemittanceFriendsView" bundle:nil];
friendsVC.friendsArray = [[RemittanceModel getInstance] friends];
UINavigationController *friendsNVC = [...
I have an ipad App, which has categories (tableviewcontrollers inside it) and detail views which has a webview shows info of the row on tableview.
On didSelectRowAtIndexPath function of category table views i am using the code as:
DetayViewController *dvc = [[DetayViewController alloc] init];
Blog *b = (Blog *)[self.blogArray objectAtI...
I'm attempting to create an application that has a regular view shown on start-up. It acts as a introduction view with two buttons that give the user choices to sign or register. After clicking sign in I present the form with presentModalViewController. After they finish with this I want to dismiss the modal view, and swap the introduct...
Hi, I've a problem with indexPath.row, when I try to access this variable my app crashes and I get no errors on the console :(
the code is this:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
// Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
NSLog(@"%@", ind...
Hi all,
In my app, I'm presenting a modalviewcontroller as follows and I'm not able to change the navigationbar's title or any of its properties for that matter.
fullListTopCompanies *fullListTopCompaniesInstance = [[fullListTopCompanies alloc] initWithNibName:@"fullListTopCompanies" bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *cntrol = [[UIN...
Hi all,
In my application the modal navigationcontroller that I am presenting is going under the current navigationcontroller so I'm not able to view the new navigationbar as it's disappearing under the current one.
I'm presenting the modalview on self and not self.navigationcontroller because self.navigationcontroller doesn't present ...
According to the View Controller Programming Guide, delegation is the preferred method to dismiss a modal view.
Following Apple's own Recipe example, i have implemented the following, but keep getting warnings that the addNameController:didAddName method is not found...
@protocol NameDelegate
- (void)addNameContr...
If I dismiss the the modal VC and present it (or another one) again in less than a certain amount of time, it does not appear.
Am I missing something?
In my application, I have a login screen presented as a modal view controller. Once the user logs in successfully, the modal view is dismissed and the application's data is updated from a web service. The user can then work with the new data downloaded.
Periodically, we check to see if any data needs to be synced back to the server. W...
I need to update on of my splitView's from a modalView, but I am not having any luck.
for instance: From my rootView (which is a UITableVIewController) if I set an option to hide a certain section from the rootView table in my ModalView, when I dismiss the modalview, the setting doesnt take affect on screen for the tableview, same goes ...
I have a navigationController from where I launch a ModalViewController.
In this ModalViewController I will display the MailComposer which itself another ModalViewController.
Now if the user hits the send button the MailComposerView should be dismissed as well the other ModalViewController. For that I call a delegate method in the mailC...
Hi all....
can anybody help me out please...
i have a huge object in a model. i made it as a single ton class and returning the object wn other calls.but the object is very big thats y the app is crasing. with out returning how to share the data globally and when to alloc the object and where to dealloc the object. i dont need all the...
I'm working on a dual-iPad/iPhone application.
I'm having a problem that is occurring on the iPad only:
Root view controller is a UISplitViewController on iPad, UITabBarController on iPhone
A modal UIViewController can appear over the root controller
A modal UIViewController can appear over the previous modal controller
On iPad, modal...
I have a view and a button. When the button is pushed, I present a modal view controller that has a uiwebview, and a navigation bar at the top. The hardcoded uiwebview shows a login prompt. Once the user goes in and enters the correct login credentials and hits GO on the keyboard, I not only need it to authenticate me into the server, bu...
I got one UITextField on my Modal view controller.
When "Done" key is clicked, i want to dismiss the modal view.
i don't know where should i add below code to dismiss modal view.
Thanks in advance for any help.
[self.parentViewController dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
This problem has been the dragging factor of my project for weeks now. Somebody please help me out.
I want to modally present UINavigationController that has UITableView as its rootviewcontroller. I want UITableView to be the rootview, which I can drill into other views from.
I tried this:
SettingsViewController *addController = [[S...