
Handling Session_Start and Session_End events - global.asax - SharePoint

Hello I want to perform few tasks during Session_Start and Session_End (when user logs in and logs out) through custom code. Where should i write it? Is it possible by writing a code behind for global.asax? Will it break anything? Thank you ...

Get a list of deleted documents in MOSS

Does anyone know if I can get a list of deleted documents since a given dateTime from a document library via MOSS webserices. Does MOSS track this and make it available? Thanks, ...

PDF coming as text on browser

I am trying to display a PDF from database (byte[]) to user. I am using code below to render PDF. It is giving me PDF as binary text as shown below. Instead of open in PDF application it is rendering PDF as text. Response.Buffer = true; Response.Charset = ""; Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); ...

Integrate MOSS 2007 with Outlook 2007 - Without exchange server

I want to integrate my MOSS server with outlook i.e. emails to be sent and received from MOSS. How can I do it without using the exchange server? Currently i have jst thought abt setting up a document library and email enable it so that it can receive emails. But what will I do for sending the emails and what about outlook meeting reques...

How to catch a Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException?

I am a bit perplexed on how to catch a specific error type of Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException, I'll explain why, and I've included a code sample below for you guys to see. As you know there are 2 ways to interact with MOSS. The object model (only runs on MOSS Server) Web Services (can be run on a remote machine qu...

How to update a sharepoint list item via web services using a where clause?

I would like to update a list item using SharePoint and am stuggling to find 1 decent CAML example. Here is what I want to do, in SQL my query would look something like this update [table] set field='value' where fieldID = id; so this would mean I have 1 item in a list I would like to update 1 field on given the ID of that listitem. ...

Conference Room Booking Solution

Hello All, I'm looking for a conference room booking software solution to deploy in the SharePoint. I tried a couple of them but none of them were efficient(Room Manager for SharePoint). Thus anyone know a 3rd party tool that can be integrated with the SharePoint? if at all you know any software which is not integrated with the ShareP...

How to publish a word document as HTML to Sharepoint

I have a Word document with images in it. I would like to publish the document to Sharepoint as HTML in such a way that the images are preserved. (Referenced in the HTML) Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks ...

SharePoint, how to update a list item from web service using a where clause?

I have a scenario where I need to update a list item, but I don't know the internal ID of the list item - hence the following won't work for me: batchElement.InnerXml = "<Method ID='1' Cmd='Update'>" + "<Field Name='ID'>" + id + "</Field>" + "<Field Name='DeliveryStatus'>" + newStatus.ToString() + "</Field></Met...

Customize sharepoint menu.

Hi all, I have this requirement to display site sub menu items in horizonatl direction instead of vertical. Home | Site1 | Site2 Page1 | Page2 | Page3 Is there any attribute avaliable in Sharepoint:ASPMenu to achieve this. We dont intend to write code behind for this. Any suggestions on how to achieve this thru Sharepoint des...

How to Test Individual Front End Web Server

My farm consists of two front end (FE) web servers that are managed by a load balancer. One FE went down so we configured the load balancer to only send traffic to the other FE. We rebuilt the failed FE and rejoined the farm which appears to have worked successfully (looking at IIS). I want to test the new FE before configuring the Lo...

how to achieve "contains" for numeric field using caml in sharepoint

I want to achieve a wildcard search in CAML Query. I used the "Contains" clause to achieve this functionality for text field. I want to achieve the same functionality for a numeric field. Contains does not work for it. Can someone tell me how to achieve this functionality for a numeric field. Is there any operator such as "like" in SQL??...

migrating moss 2007 to moss 2010

since we are having our MOSS 2007 on 32bit machine it is not possible to upgrade it to 2010 so i think to only way is to install fresh moss 2010 and then migrate the sites and webs from 2007 to 2010, what is the best way to do this? ...

sharepoint (moss 2010) and smart parts

having our moss 2007 all our developments and customizations were based on smartparts everything in our sharepoint are smartparts (some smartparts using jquery) but i couldn't find the smart part plugin for moss 2010, is it possible to use our existing smart parts in moss 2007 in a new installation of moss 2010 ...

Project 2007 to 2010 upgrade error Invalid object name in Reporting database.

A little background information first. I have restored all of our Sharepoint and Project databases into a VM in it's own domain. I have successfully upgrades the Sharepoint piece with 0 errors. I have now brought up another VM and have performed the installation of Sharepoint 2010 and Project 2010, and completed the config wizard with 0 ...

Installing Sharepoint on Windows 7

I have Windows 7 installed on my laptop. I want to know what is the best way to install MOSS 2007 on my laptop? I heard that MOSS 2007 can be directly installed on Windows 7. I want to know if there are ny problems if I do this Or should I install Windows SErver 2008 on VM and then install MOSS 2007 on Windows Server 2008. Is it possib...

sandboxed web parts inside SharePoint 2010

Is it possible to develop a web-part in ASP.NET (framework > 2.0), to have a sandbox architecture, and deploy those web parts inside Share Point 2010 and/or MOSS 2007 we donot want to use any SharePoint dll reference with web parts we develop. we refer to the url, section at (secti...

field content type from an SPListItem?

how do I get the field content type (i.e. ImageFieldContent, etc.) from an SPListItem? ...

How to use kyewordsearch query in c#

How to use kyewordsearch query in c# to implement the Search object. What settings need through Central administration to enable kyewordsearch query ? Also please send me Syntax for KeywordQuery.QueryText. means how to write query ? ...

How to permiit mhtml file ( link ) on moss2007

Hi , I try to add new mhtml link to List but i've got : "Illegal url address " etc. How to change the setting to allow mhtml links ? Thanks in advance , Ish ...