
Field comparison in excel sheet

I have an excel sheet with two columns. Eg. ---------------------- A B outputColumn C ---------------------- xxyy dd/mm/yy xxyy Y ---------------------- NA #N/A Y ---------------------- xxyy xxyy Y dd/mm/yy ---------------------- xxyy #N/A N dd/mm/yy ---------------------- . . . I want column out...

How to export/import MS Office Communicator contacts?

I had MOC 2005 re-installed on my office PC recently, and found to my chagrine that it had lost all of my contacts. I've searched for ways to export/import the contacts list, but have not found any useful answers. Some suggest looking in the registry at key tree HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Communicator, but all I find are the ti...

ppt/pptx converter to html or other format

I'm just wondering if anybody knows an open source project devoted to convert ppt (or pptx) file to an easy-to-render format - html, jpg or other picture type, pdf... I've developed some code to start reading an office file (I'm talking about the Compound Binary File) and now I've started to crack on the internal ppt streams like Pictur...

Where can I find the xap files for the Office Web applications?

I am using the new Office Web applications. s it using Silverlight? If so, where can I find the xap file for it? ...

How to programmatically enable the "Options..." button in the MS Word Print Setup dialog

I'm trying to display the MS Word "Print Setup" dialog in a VSTO AddIn for Microsoft Word 2003. I can display the dialog box, but the options button at the bottom left corner of the dialog is always disabled as per the following screen capture. The relevant code for what I've done so far is: private void printSetup_Click(CommandBarBu...

How to programmaticaly extract and manipulate images from an Office file ?

I need to extract some images from PowerPoint and Word documents, in order to manipulate them, and after that, put the images back in the MS Office files. Do you know any Java or C++ library that does this? It is better if it's open-source. ...

Delphi OfficePartner Insert Section Break

Hey, I'm working with Delphi's MS Office interop, OfficePartner, and I can't seem to find out how to insert a Continuous Section Break into my doc (this can be done in .Net via an InsertBreak() call). Actually, any break will do I can probably figure out this specific one if I get a nod in the right direction. Thanks! ...

Adding a custom file format to the Word 2007 save as dialog

I want to add the option to export to a new file format in Word 2007. Ideally it would be nice if the option could be another file format in the Word 2007 Save As dialog that the user could select in the file format dropdown box. Although I have a lot of .NET experience I haven't done much development for MS Office. At a high level what...

Disable or Override Ribbon/CommandBar commands in MSWord using VBA

Hi There First of all I'm going to state right out that I've never worked with VB in the context of coding macros before - my skills lie in other areas (PHP, Javascript, getting there with C#, etc). However, I've been asked by a colleague to lock down a document so that the user cannot change font faces, sizes or colours but does still ...

Generate a blank table on form check in Word 2003

In Word 2003, I am trying to create a form that can generate additional entries if the person filling out the forms requires them and clicks a checkbox stating (for additional tables click here). I have tried a form field that runs a macro on entry but that does not seem to be working. Is there a more elegant way to make a form that can ...

Read word document in ASP.NET and replace text (Office 2003/2007)

Hi, I'm using VS 2005, 2.0. I need to read a word document (.doc) in, make some replaces and then generate another word document. So far OK. I've done it in a machine that have the Office 2003 installed, so in VS 2005 I've added a reference to the "Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library". Everything worked perfectly. Code...

Convert Word 6.0 to Word 2003 programatically

With the latest security update from MS Security Existing word templates documents could not be loaded and they started throwing exceptions each time we load. We would like to convert the existing Word 6.0 to Word 2003 programmatically or by using a tool. How do we convert using .NET? Or any existing MS Tool Thanks for the help ...

Who am I? How to use Microsoft Office Permission/UserPermission

Microsoft Office documents, im my case: PowerPoint presentations, can have restricted permissions. How can I find out, programmatically, which permissions my code has on a given document? All I can find on MSDN on this topic is this: If I run the following code, I get a list of user...

What is the current state of the art in developing MSFT Office macros in a NON-VBA language?

Long ago writing VBA macros for MSFT Office was part of my job. Now it looks like I may be traveling down that road again, and I have not touched MSFT Office for anything serious in years. Is VBA still the de-facto standard for creating msft office extensions? Is it possible to write (non-second-class-citizen) MSFT office extensions i...

Reference library problem in Release configuration on another computer

I get this error when I open a program I created in Windows Vista in C# with WPF on a computer with Windows XP: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. This is ...

Office 2007 Ribbon Programming How-to

I'm interested on how to get the old menus back for Office 2007. I know you can buy add-ins that do this, but I'm more interested on how these are done? I want to implement this at home and just need to be pointed in the correct direction! Thanks! ...

Schema/DTD of PowerPoint

I am looking for a way to add some meta-infromation to PowerPoint files. Specifically, I want to add annotation to bullets and slides. Are there any XML attributes which can be added to the elements (of the slideX.xml file) without invalidating it? In other words, where can I find the schema/DTD of the slideX.xml files? ...

User (MS-Office) generated content - how?

How can I allow users to share Microsoft Office generated content on an ASP.NET site? For example usage, imagine a site similar to Stack Overflow. George, writing a question, uses Word, Excel or OneNote to create content, and then inserts the content into the question area (probably copying it into the clipboard and then using some "pa...

Problem with Office 2003: Unbale to find Microsoft.Office.Interop.Powerpoint dll

Hi All, I have created a windows application which makes use of Office.dll and powerpoint dll of Microsoft office 2003. At design time, when I am adding referrence of these dlls to my project it refers following path; C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint\ The application runs perfect on the machine where it is de...

How to automate Microsoft word 2003 from WPF?

I have a WPF window( using c# as code behind) that has some text fields, and I want when the user press print button take the information on these fields and use Microsoft word 2003 template that has some blank fields to be filled with these info coming from WPF widow. How would I automate word to do this? ...