
MS Excel XML format accessing with Ole connection

How can I access a XML Excel format file with an OLE Connection? Can it be done? I have accessed the normal Excel Format 2003 xlsx file but when I generate the Excel XML format I can't access with OLE. Thanks in advance for any help. I can open the file manually in Excel but I'm unable to connect to it through the OleDb Connection. ...

How do I know when a file has been modified in a VBA Macro?

Is there a way to watch a file in VBA (which is essentially VB6), so that I know when the file has been modified? -- similar to this only I don't want to know when a file is unused, just when its modified. The answers I've found have recommended using "FileSystemWatcher" and the Win32 API "FindFirstChangeNotification". I can't figure ou...

VSTO Programmatically adding a new worksheet based on an existing one.

Hi All, I currently have a C# Workbook-level Office 2007 Addin that has a Worksheet added at design-time where I have added methods and properties to the Worksheet derived class. I want to be able to programatically make a new worksheet that clones, inherits or otherwise possesses the methods and event handlers of this existing Worksh...

Programmatically configuring MS-Word's Trust Center settings using C#

I have developed a simple C# Winforms application that loads MS-Word 2007 documents via COM automation. This is all very simple and straight forward, however depending on the document I need to programamtically Enable or Disable Macros as well as ActiveX controls. There is probably a way to store this in the registry, but I want to co...

How to export 20 000 contacts from MySQL database via PHP for import into an desktop address book?

Hello, I need to write a script to export contact data for printing on stickers for mailing. There could be up to 20 000 records in the database table. The main problem is that the number of records could be so high and the site is hosted on a shared server and exporting the whole 20k records would, presumably, kill the script or stall....

office dde/macros with Mac

I have created some excel/word macros that use DDE and mailmerge, is it going to work at all with Office MACOSX version? ...

Generating documents in multiple applications

I need to create an application that generates a bunch of templates for Office (2000), (2.0) and InDesign. The design of the templates will be made in each application but we need a system for placeholders so that my application opens a template, replaces the placeholder with some text (like a name, address, phone number) ...

Microsoft.SharePoint and Microsoft.Office namespace issue

Hello everyone, I am learning from the following tutorial to develop application based on Microsoft Search Server, and it needs Microsoft.SharePoint and Microsoft.Office namespaces. Could anyone let me know which SDKs/DLLs are needed to be added to project in order to use the names...

Code a plugin for the Office Communicator Client?

Is it possible to code a plugin for the Office Communicator Client? I have seen code that lets me make my own client, but I want to just add functionality to the existing client. Can that be done? The plug-in I want to make would look for a string and if found substitute a link for it. For example: Go and find Question32 Would be c...

Microsoft Office Namespaces

Hello everybody! I really need your help with this. I'm from Germany and my working place uses Microsoft Outlook 2003 SP3 to send emails. We often insert a signature but some customers can only see "OUR COMPANY" when they open our emails. I guess it's because they dont use Outlook..or a program that doesnt open these namespaces... Is ...

Best way to check for Office (Word) 2007

I have setup spell checking through WinWord but I need to find a way to in sure that Word 2007 is installed on there systems. I have seen the Registry Versions of this but I also read that it can provide false positives. So I am in the 'market' as it were to figure out how to accomplish this. Can it be as simple as doing a File.Exists...

.NET application with Office PIA and SecurityException

I have a c# application that uses the Office PIAs to enable the application to export data to an Excel file. This works great on my development machine and other desktop machines. When I run the application on a Terminal Server (which has Office available) I get a SecurityException and the application crashes. The debugger recommends ...

How to Hide MenuBar/ToolBar while displaying Office Document using Web Browser?

Hi, I am displaying Word Document using Web Browser, its working fine but i just want to show the text of that Word file. But currently its showing the Text as well the MenuBar on the top. Is there any way to hide the toolBar and so it only shows the Text ? ...

PDF conversion service

I need to develop a service able to convert MS Office and Open Office documents to PDF. And the PDF`s also need to be commentable when opened in ADOBE Reader. I have used a piece of software from And it does the conversion, but is not able to make the PDF´s commentable and is therefore useless in my scenario. Ideally I ...

Microsoft Access required for C# database access on end-user machines?

Silly question, perhaps. I've developed an app on my machine that uses a Microsoft Access database (.mdb) to access certain information and populate a table with monitoring data using OLEDb. The application works fine on my machine, but when I put the release on test machines (without MS Access), it crashes. Interestingly, if I were to...

DCOM Failure of Office Automation

I developed a C# program that pulls data from a SQL Server database and then generates Word documents which include the data. I've set the program up to run as part of an SSIS job on a Windows Server 2003 box. The program runs as user SQLSVC which doesn't have administrative privileges. When I log in as SQLSVC and run the program it e...

detect microsoft office version using javascript

I have to check whether or not the client pc has MS Office 2007 installed or not. How can I check this using javascript? ...

How do I get the scroll position from Microsoft Excel

When using Microsoft office automation I want to insert images into a spreadsheet. How can I determine the current users scroll location? ...

Get me started programming and debugging Microsoft Office automation

I'm using Microsoft Office 2003 and creating a bunch of template documents to standardize some tasks. I asked this on and got no response so I'm thinking it's too program-y and hoping I'll have better luck here. I need to automate a work flow that uses a bunch of Office (mostly Word) templates. What I want is to have "My...

Writing your own FrontPage RPC server (like SharePoint)

Does anybody have experience in programming a protocol handler (server) that talks FrontPage RPC? I want to make a server that behaves itself as if it was SharePoint. What I want is to open a Word document from this Web Server, edit it in MS Word and write the changes to the Web server. So in the same way you can edit Word documents fr...