
Excel 2007 Sum variable length column.

I'm trying to make a macro to sum a variable length column. I've tried a few different things but they haven't worked. What I want to do is: If the active cell is cell B17, I'd like B17 to equal the sum of B1 to B16. Similarly if the active cell is cell D22, I'd like D22 to equal the sum of D1 to D21. So basically it is summing all the...

How to edit my excel dropdown list ?

How to edit my excel dropdown list ? i went to Data>validation>Settings> In that i found the values as =Attribute_Brands What i have to do for editing this? ...

MPP Generation through C#

Hi , Can any one provide me solution to generate MPP file based on Template.Please provide initial approach to generate MPP file . With Regards, Mahende ...

Word 2007 Macro to insert text

I'm trying to create a macro to insert some text with custom formatting, then change the font style back to what it was before the macro was run. This is what I have come up with so far but it is giving me an error. Dim myText As String Dim oldFont As Object 'Save old font Set oldFont = Selection.Font 'Insert text with custom font...

How do I validate a Word 2007 File against wml.xsd with Java?

I would like to validate a given Word 2007 XML file against the Schema defined in wml.xsd. How could it be done in Java? Loading the Schema with the following line is not a problem. But it seems that I have to tweak the validation process becaus I get error messages even on valid input files (I could open and view the input file in Word ...

Convert Microsoft Office documents to Text

I'm looking for a library (or command line tool) to turn MS Office documents into either plaintext or HTML (for conversion to text). It must run on Linux (not via Wine!). I found antiword, but the last release was 2005, so it won't read the new Office 2007 formats. I need it to read Word, Excel and Powerpoint documents ...

Winforms app which must include some freehand drawing

We have a customer who needs some simple forms (probably we would be creating a simple Winforms app for them) but there is a requirement to capture a mix of input fields plus some freehand drawing. It's the freehand drawing which worries us. They will be using a tablet pc with stylus. The customer is running Office 2007. This project ...

Creating object instances globally

Hi, this is probably something I should know, but I'm puzzled by this. I'm trying to create some objects and being able to access and modify these globally. I tried to create a Public Module and declare a few objects in this. I am able to access these from another sub, but I get an exception error when after building and runing the pro...

Conditionally linking cells in Excel 2007

I have a series of worksheets in an Excel spreadsheet. Each worksheet details a set of requirements, along with each component necessary to make that requirement happen, broken down into the following layers: UI, backend, services, database, and misc. So columns like this: Req#, Description, UI, Hours, Backend, Hours, Services, Hours, ...

Ceiling function in Access

Have searched for this, no luck. Can someone tell me how create a Ceiling Function in MS access that behaves the same as the one in excel? ...

Is it possible to create a custom mail storage for MS Outlook 2007?

I know that Outlook stores all mail in a .PST file. Is it possible to create a custom storage engine for outlook 2007? I would like to have the functionality similar to 'Personal folders', but have a new node of folders where everything is stored in a SQL Server database. Is Outlook extensible enough to allow swapping the internal s...

C# Editing properties of a Word document

I have an byte Array of an doc file loaded in memory. I would like to set custom meta data properties of my Word document then save it back to disk. This will be done on a server so I can’t use VTSO to write an add in. I need to do this in a 2003 word document. so i can't use open xml. ...

Does anyone know what the code looks like for a VBA OLE Attack (to discover VBA level passwords in Office documents)

This is not a hacking question (as such) I am writing an in house tool for our Service Management Team to reset/remove lost passwords from Office Documents. I have the PassWare Program that does this already but want to incorporate the function into a VBA script. ...

Is there a .Net Reporting tool that uses Office templates?

On the application I am currently working on, we need a way for users to generate reports in Microsoft Word or Excel format (export and print). One of the requirement is that the users would create the report template using a Word or Excel template document. I've tried to google a reporting tool that uses word and excel templates for r...

Log in and password using VB6 and Access 2007

I'm trying to create a VB6 application linking to Microsoft Access 2007. I'm going to save account names and passwords in Access 2007. I'm using VB6 as the front end. Would somebody help me on the connection string and the codes to store and check the account names and passwords. ...

Exporting to MS Word in Cocoa?

Writing an application in Cocoa that will take input from the user, format it appropriately, and then export it to MS Word. Are there any references or built-in libraries available regarding how to go about this? ...

Excel comment invisible under cell

My excel comment is gone under the cell to make it always on top? ...

Generate ODT/DOC(X) and convert to PDF, without OO.o/MS

I have a WSGI application that generates invoices and stores them as PDF. So far I have solved similar problems with FPDF (or equivalents), generating the PDF from scratch like a GUI. Sadly this means the entire formatting logic (positioning headers, footers and content, styling) is in the application, where it really shouldn't be. As ...

Import Office documents into OneNote

I wrote a utility that would allow a user to right-click on a directory in Windows Explorer, and it would import all .png, .gif, .jpeg and .pdf documents in the directory to OneNote. I'm getting the request to add Office documents to the import, but I'm not really sure how to go about doing it. Can I somehow automate printing the docum... C# - WINWORD.exe

I am playing with Microsoft word document from ASP.NET/C# program. My programs opens up word docs internally. using app = new Word.Application(); app.Documents.Open it creates a instance of winword.exe process, I can see it in Task Manager. even if I closes Doc using close() and app.quit(). it should kill the process. but this proce...