
Should we rely on Microsoft Office components

What are the advantages and disadvantages of relying on Microsoft Office components, and using Microsoft Office documents in our software? ...

Microsoft Project Application.ProjectAfterClose Event

I'm writing add-ins for Microsoft Project. Some of my toolbar buttons are only valid when a Project file is open, and I want to enable/disable them dynamically. Typically I'd watch for files to be opened or closed, then check the count of the open files. However, MS Project's API only has an Application.ProjectBeforeClose Event, and n...

Is there a way to programmatically add a digital signature to a VBA Macro in a word document?

Is there a way to programmatically add a digital signature to a VBA Macro in a word document using C# or VB.Net? There are some similar questions asked already; however, none that I could find answer my question: htt...

VSTO: can't open another Excel file, while first file is blocked by modal window from Add-in

We can't open another Excel file, while first file is blocked by modal window from our Add-in. Closing the dialog window unfreezes all pending file opens. Excel version is 2007. Is there a programmatic work around, that would allow Microsoft Excel 2007 to open the second file in a separate window, while first window is waiting for the A...

Programmatically adding images to OneNote 2007

I'm having trouble adding an image to a page in OneNote 2007. I can create sections, notebooks and pages with content, but I'm having trouble adding an image to the page. I call UpdatePageContent and pass in the xml but I get an invalid XML message (hresult 0x80042001) back. Any assistance appreciated. Here is the XML I'm trying to u...

What do I need to create an "Office" project in Visual Studio 2008?

I have Office 2007 installed(with .NET support checked everywhere) and VS 2008(with all updates). My problem is that there is no Office category when creating a new project. What else do I need to create an "Office" project? Office is just not there.... ...

How can I display an operating-system environment variable from within Excel?

I have an application written in Excel plus a bunch of C++ / Python addins. The location of the various config files used by the addins is determined at startup time by a number of environment variables. I'd like to debug a problem related to these environment variables by the most direct possible means: Can I simply type in an Excel f...

What is the correct way to dynamically set environment variables before running Excel?

I have a bunch of Excel addins which are configured by an environment variable. Normally these are set in the registry on a system-wide basis. When I want change the value non-dynamically I go to: my-computer -> properties -> advanced -> environment variables -> System variables I have verified that when I set an environment variable ...

ms-access localization and default boolean values

Our access client generates on the fly SQL inserts, update and delete instructions to be sent on a MS-SQL Server. Most users have the runtime version of Access 2007, and a few use the complete MS-Access version, 2003 or 2007. This morning one of our new users abroad, using a french/complete version of Access 2003, was unable to update da...

Setting Word's printer through Office automation

I'm looking to do the same as in this question here, however I am developing in a .NET class library, referencing the Primary Interop Assemblies. The item returned from the dialog box collection when I do this wordApp.Dialogs[WdWordDialog.wdDialogFilePrintSetup] does not expose properties such as Printer and DoNotSetAsSysDefault. Doe...

IFilter or SDK for many file types?

Does anybody know of an API/SDK or IFilter in .NET that can read the subject ('title' metadata) and text from the following files: .PDF .DOC .XLS .PPT .CSV .TXT .DOCX .XLS .PPTX + the OpenOffice and Open Document standards. Open source would be awesome... but commercial is OK too. I can't find anything anywhere! ...

Installing Office Customization

Name: From: file:///D:/Samples/TestUpdatedVersion/bin/Debug/TestUpdatedVersion.vsto The customization cannot be installed because another version is currently installed and cannot be upgraded from this location. To install this version of the customization, first use Add or Remove Programs to uninstall this program: TestUpdatedVersion....

Update an embedded chart in a power point presentation using C#

All, I have a power point file that has an embedded chart, I want to use C# to: Load the power point file Update the chart with data from the database Create a new instance of the file and stream it to the client from a web page Any advice ...

Embedded objects in MS Office documents using Python?

How could I create embedded objects in an MS office document using Python? I don't need anything fancy, just what one used to do in the first version of OLE: doing a copy-paste from my application into e.g. MS Word should give me an object embedded in the Word document, which I can then double-click to open a copy of my application a...

PivotTable Drillthrough not supported

We migrated our old ASP app to ASP.NET and can't seem to figure out the cause of this error. Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; MS-...

How to detect Theme fonts in Powerpoint 2007 VBA?

Does anyone know how to detect the use of Theme fonts in Powerpoint 2007 slide objects using VBA? If one looks at Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Font.Name the font name appears as simple name (ex: "Arial") whether or not the font was assigned as a fixed name or a Theme name (subject to change with the document theme). I don't see any other...

Office ActiveX control weird resizing issue

I'm writing an office ActiveX control in c#. I'm testing in Microsoft Word 2007, I have a very simple control: [Guid("186A1449-CF7C-42f1-8E3C-8E1BF7D0376B")] public interface AxWeb { } [Guid("101CB6AF-AEC4-4e54-86B9-427F2437D907")] [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public partial class Web : UserControl, AxWeb { [EditorBrow...

What is the difference between Office Automation, VSTO, and Open XML SDK?

What is the difference between Office Automation, VSTO, and Open XML SDK? Do we need all of them or some of them are obsolete? ...

C# / Windows Forms - Display a PowerPoint slide-show without Office installed?

Hi guys, I know I can display a Powerpoint presentation within my own form (see here), but I'm wondering whether there is a way to get rid of Microsoft Office as a requirement? I guess basically what I'm asking for is a library which will display Powerpoint slide-shows without my users having to install MS Office on every machine. They...

Why is my MS Access database always broken?

I wrote a program running as a service that need to frequently gain access to MS Access database. After a period of time, my program exits automatically, then I open my MS Access database with Office, it says it is broken! It seems very strange as my program do just some very common database access: insert, select and delete. Why is it ...