
Is MTOM requires messageContract in WCF?

Is three any way use datacontacts while using mtom ...

how do I test an MTOM webservice with soapUI?

I've built a webservice that wraps Apache FOP. You send it XML, and it gives you an MTOM stream that contains the rendered PDF. Now that its working, I'd like to run some performance tests on it. soapUI says they support MTOM, and I use it for all my other webservice performance testing, so'd I'd be great if I didn't have to write a cust...

Tomcat 6 XFire MTOM web service problem

I'm using XFire 1.2.6 on tomcat as web services implementation. Service is created using XFireProxyFactory and @EnableMTOM annotation. Client is also XFire and is using MTOM. It all worked fine in Tomcat 5.5.20, but fails in tomcat 6.0.20 for some reason. I got the following error cause on client when trying to access web service from c...

WCF: (MTOM) is there any way to change the scheme used in xop:Content reference uris generated by WCF?

WCF uses http://tempuri/1/number for Content-ID uri references when handling streamed MTOM requests. Is there any way how to force WCF to use a different Content-ID references for the xop:Include? Bakcground of the problem: I am building a .NET client for MTOM enabled jax ws java web service that handles streamed large data uploads. ...

Using MTOM on Mono

Looking to port an ASMX web service application to run on Mono under Apache. The web services use WSE 3.0 to add MTOM capability for messages that contain binary. From my research so far, I understand this to be the current state of web services on Mono: ASMX is fully implemented (but does not support MTOM) WSE (which I am using for ...

Are there any library's for .net that will help sending and receiving MTOM over a restful service?

I am working with a service that is sending MIME attachments over an http request response are there any .net library for this kind of server? All I seem to find want to deal with email messages. ...

Uploading Big Files to database with MTOM

I have looked at and it's seems like a great way of transferring files between servers. But what If you wanted to upload the file to database?! Do I still need to call database functions on every chunk? Thanks, ...

How does MTOM work + sample code

I am trying to make a very simple web-service which does the following: The client hits the web service requesting a file. The web service's service class queries a hashtable which has the key (search query) and the value as the base64encoded value of a file (say a pdf) Now,I need to use MTOM to return the base64encoded value stored in...

How to Remove Top-level bookmarks from PDF using LiveCycle?

Hey fellow LiveCycle users (the few of you), I have been using the MTOM .NET API for LiveCycle development and I'm running into one limitation that I hope can be overcome: I need to be able to programmatically remove all top-level bookmarks from a PDF, and have all nested bookmarks get automatically moved up one level as a result. For i...

A TCP error (10055: An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full) occurred while transmitting data.

Apparently i start getting this error if i try to transfer any file over 50 mb, I am using WCF, need help urgently. I have webservices written in Java / tomcat. could it be that problem in serverside configurations. The server is tom cat , can you tell me which value to customize in that case <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding...

MTOM Request / Non-MTOM Response

Hi all, We have a pretty simple WS, implemented using annotations. We would like to be able to call this from clients both supporting MTOM/XOP and not. Right now, it is annotated simply @MTOM. It takes a request containing (amongst others) a base64Binary element, and serves a response containing a single boolean element. Calling it ...

How to access a MTOM payload when using document oriented SOAP?

I need to integrate an external SOAP Service into my system. I have only the wsdl and no test server so far. I figured out how to generate stubs for the server using CXF in order to build a mocking server to implement against. On the client side the spring webservices WebServiceTemplate seems the perfect match for my use case. Two of t...

How do i change the property of jaxrs endpoint to support "mtom"

I created a RESTful web service, and i want to send binary files to this service without soap. There are some information on CXF website: XOP But i can't find a way to get the CXF jaxrs endpoints,and set an "mtom-enabled" property. My Spring config is: <jaxrs:server id="fis" address=""&gt; <jaxrs:serviceBe...

sending data with SoapUI using MTOM

Hi, I'm using SoapUI to tranfer data on to an ARM target. I have to use MTOM when sending the data. I'm able to do this, where SoapUI (after setting the required flags) uses MTOM to encode the binary data and my server decodes it. Using MTOM allows the following struct members to be used, struct _xop__Include { unsigned char *__pt...

Are there any libraries that support MTOM encryption in Python

Hello, I am using Python Suds to connect to a webservice and I am wanting to use MTOM encrpytion to send an XML message. I have looked around the web and seen libraries for PHP etc. but not for Python. Can anyone recommend a good MTOM library to use preferably for use with SUDS. Thanks for any suggestions. ...

How to transfer a large zip file(50MB) using a WCF Service thorugh SOAP to aby client?

I have a WCF Service that returns a byte array with a ZIP file (50MB) to any client that requests it. If the zip is very small (say 1MB), the soap response is coming from WCF with the byte array embedded in it.But the response size is very huge even for a 1MB file. If i try the 50MB file to get transferred the Service gets hanged and thr...

How do I enable MTOM on the server side for a Web Service published using Grails with CXF?

Using Grails and CXF, I have published a small web service that looks like this class TestService { static expose=['cxf'] int pushData(int id, DataHandler data) { //receives data for a specific ID, return 1 } } The thing is that I now would like to enable MTOM for the transfer of the DataHandler-data. No...

How to get the mime data from the DataHandler

I send a soap message using MTOM by Axis2, and i monitor the soap get the message below: --MIMEBoundaryurn_uuid_5C5747FDE5329B8CEB1280130156514 Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="text/xml" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <0.urn:uuid:[email protected]> <?xml version='1.0' e...

MTOM Java WebServices authentication

Im looking for a simple and secure way to authenticate users throug axis2/mtom webservice... Something like http authentication... or session cookie auth. A live example will help me a lot. I have this webservice that receive an image and process it... i will need to ask for an authentication and a way to process that user with the im...

Using Metro, adding a MTOMFeature to client side causes a MIMEParsingException, why?

We have an MTOM-enabled web service that is published with Grails and the Metro 1.0.2 plugin: @MTOM @WebService(targetNamespace="http://com.domain") class TestService { @WebMethod int uploadFile(@XmlMimeType("application/octet-stream")DataHandler data) { data.dataSource.inputStream.eachLine { println "readi...