
PHP Regular Expressions (REGEX) Multipart MIME (NOT-EMAIL)

I'm trying to do a "preg match all" on the response below to get all the binary data. I've tried just about everything imaginable and for the life of me, can't get anything. I was hoping it'd be as simple as doing something like this: preg_match_all("#\n\n(.*)\n--$boundary#",$body,$matches); But I can't get anything. I've tried other...

MySQL delete from Multiple tables using ON not working

Hey everyone I am trying to delete from multiple tables with the following query mysql> DELETE -> info, pagelets, shingles, links -> FROM -> info -> INNER JOIN pagelets -> ON info.page_key=144 -> AND info.page_key=pagelets.page_key -> IN...

WPF: How do I use two different controls in an ItemsControl?

I have a WPF ItemsControl who's ItemsSource is bound to an observable collection of view models in MVVM. The ItemTemplate is set to the user control that I want. However, there are instances when I would like another control instead of the one specified in XAML. How can I easily do this? ...

Workflow for multiple small projects with several developers & designers

Hello, Recently I started working at a web design firm, with 6 designers, 4 project managers, and 4 developers. Currently, they are using a staging environment and a live environment. No source control, no testing. Changes are made by either the designers or the developers to the staging environment, tested by the project managers and b...

JDBC: Is it possible to execute another query on the results of a previous query?

I want to first get some result set (that includes two joins and selection), and then get the maximum value for one of the columns in the result set. I need both the data in the original results set, and the max. Is this possible with JDBC, and how? ...

WPF-ListBox-Multibind Howto...

Here's the situation: ListBox has a ItemSource that gets its display and value data from Table A: Table A ID Activity 1 Skiing 2 Hiking 3 Fishing TableB has a list of people TableB ID Name 1 Tom 2 Dick 3 Harry TableC is an xref that joins up a list of people with their preferred activities... ...

jQuery adding an effect to many divs in one go

Is it possible to apply a jQUery method such as .hide() to many divs with different id parameters in one go. The example for a single div is: $("#action-div").click( function() { $("#some-div-to-hide").hide("fast"); } ); Can this be done for many divs with different ids, without having to handle the .click event many times. ...

Sort table by number of keywords found

Hi I have the following code for searching multiple keywords within a document title which works fine. I want now to have a column that shows the number of keywords that are found in each title row and order in a descendent way. For example if I'm searching for "Maternity leave" I should get something like this: Name -- Keywords found ...

ActionsScript 3.0 - Load .FLV then .swf

Doing all this locally. I have the code to load and play my .flv . What i need to have it do is play the entire .flv then load a .swf to replace the current one. The code i am working from. stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); var stream:NetStream; var video:Video =...

how to add multiple values??

How i can add the multiple values from a datagrid to textbox in C#? In my project, it includes a datagrid, a textbox and a button. when the datagrid is populated from the database, the add button will be enable. after that when i click the one entry followed by hitting the add button the selected value will be populated in textbox by se...

[jQuery] - slideUp multiple divs

Hello! How can i make sure that several divs are slided up? Right now I have this function: $("div#personal").click(function() { $("div.1").slideUp("slow", function () { $("div.2").slideDown("slow") } ); }); What i would want to do is to make sure that all divs that are named: div.1 div.2 EXCEPT THIS ONE div.3 div.4 div.5 is ...

Multi-Master Replication with MySQL Cluster

Hi All, I have configred mysql cluster management node and data nodes and mysqld on two server's. Everything is working fine but when i shutdown my first management server then all the nodes get disconnected. Here's the Cofig.ini [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 # Number of replicas DataMemory=3500M # How much memory to allocate f...

Simultaneous Requests to PHP Script

If the PHP Engine is already in the middle of executing a script on the server what would happen to other simultaneous browser requests to the same script? Will the requests be queued? Will they be ignored? Will each request have its own script instance? Any other possibility? ...

ASP.Net avoid multiple Style and Script blocks in Custom Control

I'm developing a custom control with it's own style and script block inside the ascx-file. All works fine, but if I use my control inside my aspx-page more the once, the script and style blocks are also repeated. How to avoid this? ... validate textbox - at least one text box must have data in

I have three textboxes and I want to validate them. At least one textbox must contain data. How can I do this? (The textboxes are Home Phone No., Work Phone No., Mobile No. and I need to check at least one method of contact is specified) ...

Collect data from mulitple iPhones

I've been asked to make a small quiz/survey application for a conference. The application will be loaded onto 30 to 50 iPhones, which will be distributed throughout the venue for the duration of the conference. The application will log all of the data collected by the quiz. I need to figure out a simple and fail-safe way to collect all o...

jQuery UI Datepicker - Multiple Date Selections

Hi Is there a way to use the jQuery UI Datepicker widget to select multiple dates? All help is appreciated! If its not posable to use the jquery UI datepicker then is there something similar that does? ...

Multiple type of controls in the same header in the datagrid in Silverlight

I want to design the property window in Silverlight by using DataGrid. It will have two header columns. The value header can have the different types of controls. It might have combobox, textbox and other controls. Here is the view for the datagrid. Name--------------Type of the control(Control to display) DisplayText-------TextBox Typ...

CSS: Hover one element, effect for multiple elements??

Hi, this is my first question here! :) I'm looking for method for my hovering issue. <div class="section"> <div class="image"><img src="myImage.jpg" /></div> <div class="layer">Lorem Ipsum</div> </div> Now, both classes (image and layer) has borders, both have different color for normal and hover. Is there way to make so if I hove...

How can I access the second element with the same attributes using Watir?

I have a page with HTML like this: <a href="1">reply</a> <a href="2">reply</a> I need to get value of href attribute for the second link. I can not use :text, because it will return href attribute for the first link., "reply").href => "{site}1" I can use :index, but if anything on that page changes, it could bre...