
NHibernate - Multiple Database Mappings in 1 Class

Hey, Sorry if this seems a little crazy but ive been messing around with NHibernate for a while and have come accross a scenario that may not be possible to solve with NHibernate... I have 1 database that contains a load of static data, imagine it like a huge product lookup database, just to point out this is an example scenario, my ac...

Page_ClientValidate() with multiple ValidationGroups - how to show multiple summaries simultaneously?

ASP.NET 2.0. Lets say i have two Validation Groups valGrpOne and valGrpTwo; and two Validation Summaries valSummOne and valSummTwo; Reason for breaking up sections is purely aesthetic. One submit button which triggers validation on both groups. Now i want to trigger Client-Side validation, AND want BOTH validation summaries to display a...

MySQL: Table Layout for perfomance (Multiple Query vs One single big query)

Hello stackoverflowers, I have a straightforward question. I am doing a web application that uses MySQL, and I am currently designing it. I just have a small question about performance. I would like to know what is more efficient: Scenario #1: Table: Restaurant -Name -City -Province -Country -Continent sql =...

Multiple Base Table View

how can insert data into a multiple base table view without using a stored procedure ...

jQuery - select item just clicked

I would like to know which item in select list was last clicked I have select drop down like this <select id="selectId" multiple="multiple" onchange=""> <option value=1>Value 1</option> <option value=2>Value 2</option> <option value=3>Value 3</option> <option value=4>Value 4</option> </select> I would like to know, which item from se...

Django: create Index: non-unique, multiple column

Given the following model, I want to index the fields (sequence,stock) class QuoteModel(models.Model): quotedate = models.DateField() high = models.FloatField() #(9,2) DEFAULT NULL, low = models.FloatField() #(9,2) DEFAULT NULL, close = models.FloatField() #(9,2) DEFAULT NULL, closeadj = models.FloatFi...

iphone multiple NSTimer troubles

Hi, I'm still new to programming so excuse me if this is silly. I'm programming a simple game and require multiple timers to send different messages at different intervals, so when creating the game, the following is called: [self gameTimerValidate]; [self scoreTimerValidate]; - (void) gameTimerValidate { gameTimer = [NSTimer scheduled...

Multiple Views in one Window

Hi everyone, I'm writing a view based app, but I'm a bit confused about loading my views. I'd like to have four different views loaded at the same time in the same window. I can't seem to figure out how to do this. I'd prefer to do everything programatically rather than with the interface builder if possible. My 4 views are: a UI...

Fix broken <a> decoration with multiple spans

So, i have <a href="#">R<span class="superscript">5</span></a> and the underline for my anchor is broken (meaning the underline for the R is at the baseline, and the underline for the 5 is in the middle of the R -- because the 5 is small), which i don't want. How do i get the anchor underline to be one unbroken line under both the R a...

SQL Server 2008 select top 1 row from multiple tables?

Hello! I have a table that stores articles, like the example: Article table: ID #CategoryID #Text #Date So on the page I have different sections and each section has its own categoryID. For example, sports is 1, news is 2 etc. Now I want the possibility to load the latest article from x number of categories. I have an SP that takes ...

Validating XML with multiple XSD using relative paths in .NET

I'm trying to write a generic VB.NET (VS2005) function to validate an XML document against an XSD. This works fine until I use an XSD with a relative path include like: <xs:include schemaLocation="test.02.xsd" /> It can never seem to find what is included in any secondary documents. Here is my original function below. I've been pla...

JiBXException: Multiple bindings defined for class

Strange thing... I have a binding definition user-wrapper.xml: <binding> <include path="core-wrapper.xml" /> <include path="user-composite-entity.xml" /> <mapping name="users" class="UserWrapper" extends="CoreWrapper"> <structure map-as="CoreWrapper" usage="optional" /> <collection field="users" usage="optional" ...

How to remove duplicate paragraphs in multiple files?

I have two sets of files with newspaper articles in them; about 20 files with about 2000 articles, and 1 file with about 100 articles. The 100 articles in the single file should be disjoint from the others, but are in fact duplicated randomly throughout the 20 files (once each). Any ideas for an easy way to find and remove the 100 dupl...

iPhone + Multiple choice option

Hello, While creating any iPhone application, which is the best way in terms of UI design (considering the end user view perspective), to provide multiple choice options to user, from which he/she can choose one option. The UIPickerView controller is available but not efficient enough in terms of UI display. Also the controls available...

JQuery Contains Selector - Multiple Text Items

Hi, I am new to JQuery and maybe am missing the obvious, but how can I filter a table using the contains selector but have it look for multiple strings using an OR operator. In other words, I would like rows containing "Red" OR "Yellow" to be hidden. So far I have this which works by hiding all rows except the given date: $(function()...

Best Layout for showing multiple charts wpf C#

I have a strange problem that I want to show multiple graphs at run time and some times a single chart. Kindly suggest me a flexible layout because in future there will be more charts. currently im using grid im not sharing my code because it is all messy but I am showing you its layout that i achieved with grid layout. ...

c++ send data to multiple UDP sockets

Hi all! I got a c++ non-blocking server socket, with all the clients stored in a std::map structure. I can call the send() method for each clientObject to send something to the connected client and that works pretty good already. But for sending a message to all (broadcast?) i wanna know: there is something better than do a for/loop w...

Ant (1.6.5) - How to set two properties in one <condition> or <if>

I am trying to assign two different strings to two different variables dependent on two booleans in Ant. Pseudocode (ish): if(condition) if(property1 == null) property2 = string1; property3 = string2; else property2 = string2; property3 = string1; What I've tried is; <if> <and> <not><isset propert...

iPhone SDK: Preferences

I wanted an entire page of text(multiple lines) in my settings similar to the one on iphone: settings->general settings->About->Legal I have not been able to do so. I tried entering title in PSGroupSpecifier, it gives me multiple lines but with a gray background. i wanted a white background. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank...

Oracle SQL, concatenate multiple columns + add text

So I basically wanna display this (whole row in ONE column): I like [type column] cake with [icing column] and a [fruit column]. The result should be: Cake_Column I like chocolate cake with whipped_cream and a cherry. I like strawberry cake with vanilla_cream and a lemon_slice. etc. etc. I need some sort of TO_CHAR statement tha...