
Multiple accounts on iPhone Developer Program

I am a developer at iPhone Developer Program assigned to the project for the company. I would like to buy my own licence to develop as an independent programmer. How to do it? Do I need another Apple ID? ...

how can i controll while loop into another while loop

Suppose I have a while loop like: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tablename"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ $id = $row["id"]; $sql_2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM secondtable WHERE id != $id "); while($ro = mysql_fetch_array($sql_2)){ $id2 = $ro["id2"]; echo $id2; } } then if first query return 5 results i....

Grouping multiple events in a single ics file (icalendar stream)

Hi, I want to group multiple events in a single ics file (icalendar stream) according to the RFC this can be done. but o have no idea how , anyone can help me , give me an example ? Thanks Here is what rfc says: However, multiple iCalendar objects can be sequentially grouped together in an iCalendar stream. The first line and las...

Javascript Issue IE7 / IE8

Hi, I have created a simple JQuery script that loops through an array of urls and opens multiple windows. This is working fine on the majority of platforms. However, in IE7 and IE8 on a client's machine the browser is only opening a single window. No javascript errors are present. I have the same versions on my laptop and it works fi...

How do you get CreateWindowEx() to create the window on a specific monitor?

I've determined that I can use GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS) to query the number of attached monitors, but is their any way to control what monitor CreateWindowEx() uses for the window? ...

WCF Service call to multiple rows. How to architecture it?

Hi, Let's say I have a scenario where I have a Service that is responsible for retrieving the price of a single product given the ID and another Service that gives me the current stock position of it. It's okay when I'm looking only at one product, but what about a list page where I have 60 products? What should I do in this case? Call...

Sharing a single cocoa framework copy across plugins

I have a set of plugins, a plugin framework for common code and a host app. These are each in separate Xcode projects (including separate projects for each plugin). In the end, I need to be able to click build and run on the host app project to build all the plugins, the framework and host app, package them up and launch the app. I kno...

Configure hudson to build multiple branches

I use an ant file to build a java project in mercurial through hudson. The mailnine has a hudson job running just fine. Recently a new branch was created and pushed to the server by commnd line: hg branch newbranch hg commit hg push -f The mainine does not contain these changes and still builds fine. I have set up a new job with the sa...

Mysql multiple tables select

I've got a table, called for example, "node", from which i need to return values for as shown: SELECT nid FROM node WHERE type = "book" After i get a list of values let's say: |**nid**| |123| |12451| |562| |536| Then I need to take these values, and check another table, for rows where column 'path' has values as "node/123", "node/1...

reading multiple files in a folder in java

hi, can any one help me . I want to read all the files in a folder through java. can any help me out???.. ...

Is it possible to define multiple classes in just one .cpp file?

I'm working on a project for school and the instructor insists that all code go into one .cpp file (for easier grading on his part). I would like to define multiple classes within this file. Will I run into any problems in doing this? ...

Refactoring multiple actionListeners

I am currently working on some Java code that has a lot of ActionListeners defined in it (one for each JButton) and there are around 60 buttons. These are all defined as anonymous inner classes in the JButton.addActionListener method. I have been thinking of ways to refactor this to make the code look neater as this is making it looked v...

Run multiple instances of a Popup in ASP.NET

I have done a sticky note application in I have a parent window with a button, When I click on the button the sticky notes is opened as popup. I am using javascript to open the popup. But I can run only one instance at a time. How I can I run multiple instances of the window in my application? ...

use multiple views in an application

Hi All, I am new to Iphone programming. So please don't mind if I ask some basic questions. :mad: I want to develop an application where the landing screen will be a login screen and after login application should display a new screen with the list of available categories. And on selecting any category a new screen should appear with ...

MySQL Join from multiple options to select one value

I am putting together a nice little database for adding values to options, all these are setup through a map (Has and Belongs to Many) table, because many options are pointing to a single value. So I am trying to specify 3 option.ids and a single id in a value table - four integers to point to a single value. Three tables. And I am runn...

iPhone Core Data saving multiple items at once random behavior?

Hello, I have an application that reads an rss feed, parses the xml and adds it to my database using Core Data (this is so the user can see the feed even if no internet connection is available) this all works fine. The way I am doing the parsing is: on the didStartElement i create a new Entity such as: NewsDB *newsDB = [NSEntityDescrip...

Multiple users table VS 1 users table? (mysql and php)

I am in dilemma situation. I am not sure if its a good idea to separate the users table. I notice my game highscores table performances, as the numbers growing, the loading is getting slower and slower. My current users table store all users, which currently about 10k users. I am thinking of splitting the users table (for future) into l...

Multiple webRole instances at Azure and session state

I have webRole with some data stored in Session. The data is some tens of small variables (strings), and one-two big objects (some megabytes). I need to run this webRole in multiple instances. Since two requests from the single user can go to different instances, Session became useless. So, i am looking for most efficient and simplest me...

multiple php function instances

I've got a function which calculates some data from a table, a put's it into another, it takes a while for the whole process, about 30 mins or something like that. The function calculates statistics for each day for a couple of months period, but after like 10 days, it starts another thread while continuing another one, and then another ...

How to structure database for multilevel packing items

I want to make an inventory system where items have multilevel packings e.g A carton has medium boxes , medium boxes has small boxes and small boxes has 2 items. Please tell how to handle it by using sql server 2005 so that it can easily handle sale and purchase and it display exact inventory status of how much carton , medium, small box...