
Search across Columns and replace text

I have an Access database of information where I need to replace text that may reside in 1 of 10 columns. I have a number of different requests for find and replace that need to be done. I need to do this twice a day. These are the details. We receive a download of data twice a day that has course information in it. A record can have 10...

SQL Count(*) on multiple tables

Hi all, I am writing a horse racing web app and i have a stats page. What i am trying to do is show how many winners there are from each year. Currently i have this: SELECT `Horse Number`, Count(*) AS `Total Winners` FROM `races`.`2009` WHERE `Win $`>0 GROUP BY `Horse Number` ORDER BY Count(*) DESC; It works like a charm and return...

MVVM (with WPF) - Binding Multiple Views to the Same ViewModel

I have recently started investigating the MVVM pattern with WPF for an upcoming project. I started with Josh Smith's MSDN article. I have a question (well many, but let's start with one): I have an IndividualViewModel which exposes the properties of the model. I need two views "Add Individual" and "Edit Individual" which are very simila...

Filter based on multiple classes using JQuery

Hello, I have this script that basically will show a product or products based on the class names. So if the li has a class name of 'c2' it will show product c2, if the li has class names 'b8f b12r a12 ps10' it should show all those products b8f b12r a12 ps10. The issue I am having is its only filtering/showing the selectors with a sin...

MySQL Multiple Left Joins

I am trying to create a news page for a website I am working on. I decided that I want to use correct MySQL queries (meaning COUNT(id) and joins instead of more than one query or num_rows.) I'm using a PDO wrapper, that should function fine, and this still fails when run directly through the MySQL CLI application. Basically, I have 3 ta...

problem with two key ranges in couchdb

I'm having problem getting the right results in my coordinate system. To explain my system, I have this simple database that have x_axis, y_axis and name columns. I don't need to get all the data, I just need to display some part of it. For example, I have a coordinate system that have 10:10(meaning from x_axis -10 to 10 and from y_ax...

Select unique option in multiple select box with option group

Hi, I have a multiple select box with options group like: <select id="sel_salaryrange" name="salaryranges[]" size="8" multiple="1"> <optgroup label="PKR" class="PKR"> <option value="1">15000 - 20000</option> <option value="2">18000 - 35000</option> <option value="3" selected="selected">50000 - 100000</option...

Detect multi accounts via cookies

I want to detect multi accounts in a browser game: If a user has more than one account, I want to know this. For various reasons, I don't want to detect the multi accounts by comparing IPs anymore. Users can share IPs and IPs are easy to change. So this is not a good method. Instead, I want to detect the accounts using cookies. Do you ...

How to run an ajax call after another ajax call?

Here is the problem that I am having. The user can log in but if they don't refresh the page they can not log back out. So how do I call another ajax call right after another? The log out link is being loaded by the fist ajax call, could that be the problem? Here is the log in jquery code: $(".bt_login").click(function (){ $.aj...

how to retrieve multiple selected values from <select multiple > in java code ?

code is below: <select name="merTransactionTypeId" class="cbox" multiple> <!-- <option value="0" <%=request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId")!=null?"0".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId"))?"selected":"":""%>>All</option> --> <option value="2" <%=request.getParameter("merTransactionTypeId")!=null?"2...

Using XPATH, how do I select multiple elements while retaining the path

Assuming I have a XML like so: <a> <b> <i>data</i> <ii>data</ii> <iii>data</iii> </b> <b> <i>data<i> <ii>data<ii> <iii>data</iii> </b> </a> Using XPath, how would I select the above XML to create a structure like so: <b> <i>data</i> <ii>data</ii> </b> <b> <i>data<i> <ii>data<ii> ...

preventing multiple instance of one form from displaying

hello- I am working on an application in which there is one main form and several other forms that can be used concurrently. when A user clicks to open another form, I'd like to make it so that clicking the button for the form does not open the form up again if it is already open. showDialog wont work because the user still needs to ha...

C quick calculation of next multiple of 4?

what's a fast way to roundup a unsigned int to a multiple of 4? a multiple of 4 has the two least significant bits 0, right? so i could mask them out and then do a switch statement, adding either 1,2 or 3 to the given uint. that's not a very elegant solution.. there's also the arithmetic roundup: myint==0?0:((myint+3)/4)*4 probably t...

Write own JQUERY Plugin for multiple instances

Hi there, I'm a newbie when it comes to writing plugins, but I like to learn ;). I got the following wish. I want to write a plugin that turns a "div" with an id to a uploadform for an image file. By setting options I want to pass values for height/size/extension etc. I want to be able to use the plugin more then once on a page. for ...

Best way to handle multiple config file instances?

We run a complex system written in C#.NET 3.5, consisting of 20+ websites, 10+ windows services and various scheduled tasks and helper apps. Each of these is bundled with one or more of our framework and business logic DLL's. These DLL's have extensive config settings, and this has turned into a nightmare where we're maintaining over ...

WCF multiple host headers

I have created a wcf service that i have uploaded to my host (using IIS). Everything works fine. So, if i go to it works fine. If i go to i get a resource not found error. I have created a clientaccesspolicy.xml under the path folder which contains the followi...

Load multiple versions of the same dll without putting it in the GAC

Hi, I would like to load two different versions of the same dll within the same process. At the same time I would like to avoid placing any of them in the GAC. Any ideas? Thanks, Krikor ...

Python UDP socket options for multiple & concurrent clients

Hi all. Let me explain a bit the app i'm doing. I'm creating a central UDP (needs to be UDP) server for multiple and concurrent clients that also "talk" between them. I do a check into a dict of known clients addresses and create a client handler thread if "i dont know" the client. Else, the thread receives the data ad does its job. Th...

How to create many lists on Android?

Hello Guys, sorry for this dumb question, but i am really stuck... the thing is i am trying to create a todo list application on android. I am stuck because at the moment I dont know the way to create many todo lists. I have created the GUI for one list, using listview. entries of the list are added by the user when running the appli...

how to select options in Multiple select list with jQuery?

I have two dropdowns. When a user selects a value from the first one i want in the second(which has the multiple select option), with jQuery, to select some values automatically. How can i do that? First select box: <select id="update_carte_s" name="update_carte_s"> <option value="5!**8,9**!6!44.9">Ghid complet Internet</option> ...