
Jquery: Fade multiple elements one after the other

Hello, is there any possible solution, to fadeIn(500) multiple list elements one after the other? <ul id="list"> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> Kind Regards, Werner ...

eclipse serveral ant build file

Hi, currently I'm developing in eclipse 3.5 in different project web applications for tomcat 6.0.24. For each of this project I have written a ant build file to generate the war file to deploy the project to the tomcat container. So I have to run for each project the ant build file (a lot of clicks, and a waste of time). Question: Is...

Jquery Multiple ajax call

I have a listed navigation with letters and i am trying to call the actors and directors from different json files when the user clicked a letter. I used 2 ajax calls to get the data from actor.php and director.php. It works fine on my local machine, but only the first one works on server. How can i make each ajax calls working? $(docu...

Rails with DB2 and multiple schemas

I have a 'legacy' DB2 database that has many other applications and users. Trying to experiment with a rails app. Got everything working great with the ibm_db driver. Problem is that I have some tables like schema1.products, schema1.sales and other tables like schema2.employees and schema2.payroll. In the ibm_db adapter connectio...

Flex - Drag and drop - Drop a subset of multiple items

I'm developing two DataGrid with drag and drop support. Multiple items can be selected from the source data grid, and dropped into the target data grid. I'm using an drag and drop event listener which completes the operation only in certain cases. I'm using event.preventDefault() but it doesn't work, since it stops the drag and drop fr...

Jquery Validation Plugin - Require 2 checkboxes

I have a group of 12 checkboxes, all with the same name (name="4_RepPeriods"). I am using the Jquery validation plugin and i want the user to select no more or less than two of these check boxes. If possible I also want the other check boxes to become deactivated (unclickable) after two have been selected. I appreciate the help! Thanks...

what's the best practice to config Hibernate-Spring for multiple database relationship?

We have a main mysql database which all of the applications within our organization need the data within this database. How can I config my java web application to use this database with it's specific database when I use Spring and Hibernate within my application? How can I config JPA annotations for example between CONTRACT table within...

How to override nested C++ objects methods?

Hi all, I didn't figure out a better title for the question. Let me explain it better now: The project I am working on is going to connect to a remote server, encrypt the session and send/receive data packets. I'd like to make it modular enough, so I thought it'd be nice to use 3 distinct classes. These would be: 1) A socket wrapper cl...

SQL query using information from 4 tables (not all directly linked)

I'm developing a simple classroom system, where teachers manage classes and their subjects. I have 2 levels of access in my teachers table, assigned by an integer (1 = admin, 2 = user)... Meaning that the headteacher is the admin :) A teacher (of level 1) can have have many classes and a class can have many teachers (so I have 'Teacher...

How to configure multiple intranet website on server 2003?

Hi, I have two intranet website but they are as folders under default website so I would access as //server-internal/websitedirectory1/ adn //server-internal/websitedirectory2. Users don't like this. They want to access with some meaningful name like and How can I achieve this? Thanks a lot. ...

Multiple file types in vim

When I am working on a PHP file for example the default filetype is php. This makes sense, however when that PHP file has HTML as well the filetype is still only php. For some plugins that means that I get the PHP functionality for that plugin, but miss out on the HTML functionality. A more specific situation where this happens is with m...

multiple class inheritance

In PHP, is it possible to have multiple inheritance (by the nature of the PHP, not writting modification code) ? example : class a { public function foo(); } class b { public function bar(); } class c extends a, b { public function baz(); } ...

Storing multiple checkbox values in database

Hi, I want to store multiple column values in table.Lets take a example .. What are your favourite colors? the choices can be red,blue,green, orange. So lets assume, the user selects atleast 2 values. Is there any way to store the multiple values in table. I have implemented by concatinating choices of users in a column in the table....

multiple modules under one solution

I have a project under which various distributed applications are placed; the whole project is under a single dll. Hence, if any issue occurs we need to re-build the whole application to run or import to our server. I am looking for the best possible way to make the build process faster and also bit worried about the size of the DLL. Is ...

How to JOIN a COUNT from a table, and then effect that COUNT with another JOIN

Hi I have three tables Post ID Name 1 'Something' 2 'Something else' 3 'One more' Comment ID PostId ProfileID Comment 1 1 1 'Hi my name is' 2 2 2 'I like cakes' 3 3 3 'I hate cakes' Profile ID Approved 1 1 2 0 3 1 I want to count...

conflicting cygwin and windows path

if my windows path looks like this: c:\ruby\bin;c:\cygwin\bin then when i go into cgywin and enter "ruby" it will execute the ruby from c:\ruby\bin, failing to find the ruby installed in my cygwin. I have to exclude that path so cygwin would execute the one from /usr/bin. But i need those 2 paths, since i want to run ruby in windows t...

Multipage WIA scan (docfeeder) scans 1 page and blocks scanner

Using C# (VS2008) and WIA - scanning to TIFF format; When I use the scanner for 1 page on the flatbed or document feeder the method executes without any problem. When I load multiple forms into the feeder the execution halts after scanning the first page (keeping status: "scanning to pc") but does not scan the next page(s). The method r...

Getting multiple checkboxes from FormCollection element

Given multiple HTML checkboxes: <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="2" /> ... <input type="checkbox" name="catIDs" value="100" /> How do I retrive an array of integers from a FormCollection in an action: public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection form) { int [] catIDs = (IEnu...

select & print multiple value from dropdown list

hi , in this code how can selected multiple value from dropdown list <?php include ("connect.php"); $member_id = intval($_POST['sector_list']); if($member_id == 0) { // Default choice was selected } else { $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE MemberID = $member_id LIMIT 1"); if(mysql_num_rows($res) ...

Better way to write this regex to match multi-ordered property list?

I've been whacking on this regex for a while, trying to build something that can pick out multiple ordered property values (DTSTART, DTEND, SUMMARY) from an .ics file. I have other options (like reading one line at a time and scanning), but wanted to build a single regex that can handle the whole thing. SAMPLE PERL # There has got to ...