
Jquery sortable each level for it own

i have this code: link text i want my UL and LI to have level (for now i guess only second level but who knows) and to be able to sort parent with all siblings and childs between their siblings ...

How to use 2 different item renderers in mx:Tree

Question for Flex guys. How can I use multiple item renderers in mx:Tree depending on item's depth/level in tree? For example. For the first level items I want to use label with button and for second level items combobox. Is this somehow possible? ...

Wrapping multiple images inside a <div> in jQuery

hello! I need to find all the images inside a div, and wrap a div around them. here's the code I come up with, but that's not working! any ideas? thanks! jQuery(function(){ my_selection = []; $('.post').each(function(i){ if ($(this).find('img').length > 1 ){ my_selection.push(['.post:eq(' + i + ')']); } }); $( my_selectio...

jquery.ajax multiple data problem

Hi, I've been trying to make this code work for the last 3 hours. I've tried about everytinh, but I'm still unable to get it to work. I only managed to send 1 data. When I use this code, I only manage to retrieve recaptcha_response_field. If I remove recaptcha_response_field, I retrieve recaptcha_challenge_field. However, I am unable t...

Rails, handling multiple redirects

Hi guys, I have a program where a gem, facebooker, calls a redirect and in the same action I end up callling a redirect through redirect_back_or_default. My question is: Is there a way to catch the multiple redirect error? A begin/rescue block doesn't seem to do it. Or, is there a way to check to see if a redirect has already been c...

Jquery: how to call the function again?

I'm making the script for easy upload many files. I've tried fyneworks plugin, but the file name does not appear in a form that uses tiny_mce. This is the code: $("document").ready(function () { var i = 0; //iteration for Inputted File var max = 5; //max file uploaded createStatus(); //generate status container $('.image...

how jquery parse xml from another xml??

hi,,, please help me to parse xml from another xml... i have this xml named browser.xml <tree> <root name="SA" hidden="yes"> <folder name="Diagram"> <folder name="Activity" refreshURL="diagram_activity.xml"></folder> <folder name="Business Process" refreshURL="diagram_business_process.xml"></folder> </folder> <folder name="Other"> <fo...

android :displaying multiple activities on same screen

hi, is it possible to show two activies on same screen at a time. and each activity is showing data which changes with time .. Thanks ...

Drupal 6: Group multiple values in tpl.php

When using the date and views module, you can specify in views (using row style fields) 'group multiple values'. Which is default on. If you turn it off, you get multiple nodes each with a date. For example: - 24th March ------- node1 - 25th March ------- node1 What I'm trying to figure out is: what if you are not using fields but nod...

Best aproach for multi-page WPF application

How do i create multislide application in WPF? What is beast approach? What i need is something very similar to having tabcontrol with multiple pages and navigation buttons bellow, but i dont think that tab control is best for this task. I would like to have each view to be in seperate .xaml + class file. AND- it would be cool to have so...

Multiple Views for UITabBarController

Hi Guys, I'm trying to build an app where I have a TabBarController with 4 entries. When I select the first entry, a view with a UITableView shows up. This TableView is filled with several entries. What I would like to do is: When an entry out of that UITableView gets selected, another view should show up; a detailview. .m - (void)t...

How to design a database schema for storing text in multiple languages?

We have a PostgreSQL database. And we have several tables which need to keep certain data in several languages (the list of possible languages is thankfully system-wide defined). For example lets start with: create table blah (id serial, foo text, bar text); Now, let's make it multilingual. How about: create table blah (id serial, f...

Controller with unknown number of parameters?

Greetings! I'm doing a Form on ASP.NET MVC 2, in my view I have a TextBox for the name, and two buttons. One of the buttons is for submit, and the other one have a function in JS, that add's another textbox, and a drop down list. In the post controller action method, how do I get all the parameters? Here is the View Code: <body> <...

Multiple pages PHP how????

Here I have a problem in this code .. I want to specify the 4 values in each page .. But I can not ... So far there is a problem, I think, in limit <?php if ( !isset( $_GET["page"] ) ) { $page = 1; include( "connect.php" ); } else { $page = intval( $_GET['page'] ); } $max = 4; $from = ($max * $page) - $max; $sql ...

jquery expanding menu+show/hide+multiple instances

Hi, I have 2 scripts working ok separately but can't get them working together - What I'm after is expanding menus where if the items exceed 10 a 'more' link appears that expands the list, which can also then be hidden. expanding menu is file test12.html toggle+limit: toggle is file test13.html (I...

How to allow multiple inputs from user using R?

For example, if I need that the user specifies the number of rows and columns of a matrix: PROMPT: Number of rows?: USER INPUT: [a number] I need that R 'waits' for the input. Then save [a number] into a variable v1. Next, PROMPT: Number of columns?: USER INPUT: [another number] Also save [another number] into a variable v2. At ...

How to trigger only if it match 2 events in Jquery?

I want to have a event that only triggers when you press space and move your mouse at the same time. How can you make that? ...

Ajaxrequest with Wicket but multiple possilbe model values

Hi, I'm new to wicket and stuck with the following problem: I have a table with 5 rows. Each row contains 7 cells. Each cell has a unique value. Once a cell is clicked, its unqiue value should be posted to the server. I would like to register only one ajaxfallbacklink (or similar) on the table and adjust the value of the model to the u...

jquery toggle to work in multiple instances

I have a show/hide effect that works but I just need to be able to use it multiple times in a page. Currently it toggles all elements. Can't get my head around how to do it. Hope you can help. ...

How can I have two vertical header in a QTreeview?

I want the top header to span on 2 or 3 bottom header column. Is there a way to do so in Qt c++? I'm looking for an exemple. thank you. ...