
Insert a bunch of duplicate rows into a mysql table

I need to insert 50 rows into a mysql table. They should all be exactly identical, besides the primary key. Is there a query that can do this? ...

php multiple select drop down

here is my mysql and php code layout: I have 3 tables tableA stores unique "person" information tableB stores unique "places" information tableC stores not unique information about a person and places they have "beenTo". here is how i layed out my form: -one big form to insert into "person" tableA; "beenTo" tableC in the form, a per...

How to put Multiple emails into the Input object with style (Windows Live and Facebook Like)?

How to put Multiple emails into the Input object with style (Windows Live and Facebook Like)? Like the image above: ...

Authenticate sites with different domain names using the Facebook API

We have a CMS that supports multiple sites, one of our features allows our users (The site admin) to connect to the site facebook account to allow status updates, create events and upload pictures to FB from with in the CMS. The authentication needs to occur once since each site may have multiple site admins that do not have access to t...

Schedule multiple events with NSTimer?

I have a schedule cache stored in a pList. For the example below, I have a schedule time of April 13, 2010 2:00PM and Aril 13, 2010 2:05PM. How can I add both of these to a queue to fire on their own? item 0 -Hour --14 -Minute --00 -Month --04 -Day --13 -Year --2010 item 1 -Hour --14 -Minute --05 -Month --04 -Day --13 -Year --2010 ...

$_POST Returns empty for multiple select box

Ok, I am filling up my multiple select box with options from another select box via javascript like so: function addAction() { var actions = document.getElementById("actions"); var action_list = document.getElementById("actions_list"); var opt = document.createElement("option"); for (var i=0; i<action_list.options.length...

running same query in different databases

I wrote a query that I want to run in several access databases. I have 1000+ access databases with the same tables (same names, same fields). So far, I have been manually copying this query from a txt file to the sql view in the access query design screen for each database and then run it. I did not need to change the query language - ev...

How to select which Matlab version to start from shell or Matlab startup?

I have multiple Matlab versions installed on my PC. To say, R2006b, R2009b, R2010a. In this particular application I want to start R2009b when I start it from Shell. Is there any options at the time of startup to select which version to run? ...

How to launch new Firefox window with multiple tabs using Python

Hi, I want to create a MSWindows Python program that would launch a new Firefox window with multiple tabs each time it is run. For example if I want to search "hello", a new window pops out (even if a Firefox window is already open) and then launches a Google and Bing tabs searching for "hello". If I change the keyword to "world", a new ...

send multiple emails

i am sending email to the users using smtp client and MailMessage class. i have been adding the addresses of multiple receivers in the to property of the object of MailMessage class. the problem is that the receiver can see the email addresses of other receipents. is there any way to hide the email addresses of other receipents. i mean...

general socket question

Hi guys I'm building a client that "talks" to the http server. Now my client needs to download files simultaneously. Right now my client just opens a socket (actually Async Socket) for every connection, but I was wondering whether I could do that with just one socket? Thanks Alex ...

General RewriteRule for many undefined parameters in URL

I'm trying to write a rule to make that one can generalize, since multiple pages to pass the values are different. Right now I could do: RewriteRule ^forum/([^/]{1,255})/([\+]{1})/((([a-z]+)([_]{1})([a-zA-Z0-9]+)([/]?))+)$ forum.php?name=$1&$5=$7 [L] To address such as: Nome+del+Forum/+/page_1/action_do Should return: forum.php?...

How to display two series via Google Chart API?

I can't get the two series of numbers to scale together. Here is sample code that you can paste into... cht=lxy chs=400x300 chd=t:20,30,40|1,4,2|24,34,44|3,7,1 chds=20,40,1,4,24,44,1,7 chxr=0,20,54,2|1,0,7,1 chxt=x,y chxs=0,ff0000,12,0,lt 1,0000ff,10,1,lt chco=FF...

Multiple file descriptors to the same file, C

I have a multithreaded application that is opening and reading the same file (not writing). I am opening a different file descriptor for each thread (but they all point to the same file). Each thread then reads the file and may close it and open it again if EOF is reached. Is this ok? If I perform fclose() on a file descriptor does it af...

Playing multiple FLVs at the same time feasible?

Hi, Is it feasible to play a number of FLV files at the same time on one SWF? Basically I have a brief to create a video banner with a number of FLVs of people playing at the same time but starting at different points in the videos. My concerns are with loading times, memory consumption and the starting of each FLV at a different point ...

store in a variable only the first or only the second class of an element

I'm using this bit of jQ to add a class to two different elements based on the class of another (parent/grandparent, etc) element: $(document).ready(function(){ var containerClass = $('#main-content').attr('class'); $('#nav-primary li#'+containerClass).addClass('active'); $('#aux-left div[id$='+containerClass+']').addClass('...

MySQL query using multiple criteria from checkboxes

I would like to do a multiple search query usig multiple checkboxes which represent particular textboxes. How do i create a mysql query which will be filtering the checked and unchecked checkboxes (probably using if statements)? The query should be able to filter the checked and ucnchecked boxes and query them using the AND condition. ...

Can we generate multiple coverage reports using Hudson Emma plugin

We run both unit (junit) and system (fit) tests on instrumented code in our build. The consolidated coverage report for both is generated as part of the build itself. We then feed the unit test coverage report to the Hudson Emma plugin, configure benchmark numbers and things work nicely. Is it possible to also feed in the system test c...

Multiple Trac projects

I'm building an integrated system where I am using Trac for wiki support running on apache webserver 2.2 with mod_wsgi. I had this idea to have a folder structure that is not \Trac\Project but something a little more complex. I want my filesystem structure to be like: -Trac -SomeContext -... -Project1 -Project2 -S...

How to join 1 table twice in the same query and keep results separate

Hi, we're building a scheduler system and have a couple of situations where we're trying to get some notes from a table to display. We've looked at other answers and none seem to quite match this problem. The bookings table holds a numeric reference to both a client note (if present) and a stylist note (if present). The notes table ho...