
Batch File only works right when user inputs yes to both questions.. otherwise it crashes..

Hi, I asked a question here earlier today and got that fixed, but now I have another problem.. My batch file is supposed to take the user input of a directory and then save all of the names of the files within that directory to a user specified name text file. It also has the option to allow for you to include or not include subdirectori...

jQuery Cycle Plugin: Multiple Pagers for different galleries on same page

Hi guys, I've got a single page which has multiple instances of a thumbnail 'cycle' gallery. Problem is though, the Paging system gets all messed up (it's adding all in one or something). It's probably something very simple for you guys, but this is what I've got: $(function(){ $('') .before('<div class="imgSelect">') .each...

how do i combine and sum two results in sql ?

hello all, i have one table, let's call it 'TBL'. i have one column that have only 3 values available.(let's say 'AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC') the values can return multiple times. for example: TBL --- Column1 ------- AAA AAA BBB CCC BBB CCC BBB CCC AAA i want to create a table result that looks like this: TBL-RESULT ---------- AAA+BBB 60% C...

Object doesnt support this property or method

Why is it when i am looking at tutorials, or examples, when i just essentially do a cut and past onto my HTML page, i get the "Object doesnt support this property or method" on my page, but the site that i copied the script from does not give this error? is my jQuery library old? not sure what to do... here is what i am working on......

jquery submit multiple forms

Hi, I have 4 forms on a page. Form 1 must be submitted with either form 2,3 or 4 depending on user selection. jQuery's .submit() can only do one form. ajax posting the forms is not an option i can only think of adding the content of Form 1 to the other form as before submitting the latter form. is there any other way to do it? ...

How do you elegantly program ASP.NET MVC when the View needs more than one Model?

A View accepts one Model. But I need to draw HTML input controls for two models. An example will illustrate: I have a screen where I add Employees. After adding their first name, last name and so on, I need the user to choose a number of Companies the Employees could be in. The Companies are in one table. The Employees are in another. ...

send and recive packet in the Lan with multiple mac Addresses in C#

Hi , in our Network bandwith assign to mac address and if you can get more than one , you can get more bandwith :) if there any application or class in C# that can do this .... I'm already have the http proxy or port maper to send packets in different ip addresses but because of they are use same mac address it won't work . Any help i...

Dynamically add Multiple Instances of a Form Based on User Input - Flex

I'm trying to create a form that based on the users input would determine how many forms to generate dynamically. I have a base state with a combo box that contains 1-4. Bases on the users selection I would like to have the next state generate the number of forms. So if you user selects 2 and click next - 2 copies of the form would be ...

C# Reading Serialized Objects between Applications

I have two different applications and I am using GroupLab Networking to communicate between them. The idea is there is a shared dictionary and when something changes in this shared dictionary, the other application gets a notification. The notification part works. Here is the problem. I have the following code in the first application. ...

How to make the completion of php request start another request based on the result of the first?

A user is presented with a box. He enters a string and presses OK. He gets sent to the results page where there are some asynchronous calls to php scripts for the results. But, on the same page, there are other fields that also need to start a php request, but they need to have the result of the first request first. In other words, Pa...

Want to play mutiple videos in the same space of the page accordingly in html page

If i click video1 that will play on top means, if i click video2 tat ll play on the same space. Can anyone help me with iframe codes? ...

Adding Checkbox in Listview control to allow multiple delete

Hi, I am trying to display checkboxes in front of every row in list view. So that after selecting the desired checkboxes user clicks on delete button and we should delete that records. but how can it be done? ...

Multiple Base Addresses and Multiple Endpoints in WCF

I'm using two bindings TCP and HTTP. I want to give mex data on both bindings. What I want is that the mexHttpBinding only exposes the HTTP services while the mexTcpBinding exposes TCP services only. Or is this possible that I access stats service only from HTTP binding and the eventLogging service from TCP? For Example: For TCP I sho...

multiple uipickerview and uidatapicker

i have a view with many select like checkInDate, checkOutDate (uidatepicker) and age, room(uipickerView)... i want to use showActionSheet to display the different pickerview when click diffrent tableViewCell but i got two problem: the checkInDate and theCheckOutDate can not be show the second time if i use = nowDate...

Grails multiple databases

Hi, how can we write queries on 2 databases . I installed datasources plugin and domain classes are : class Organization { long id long company_id String name static mapping = { version false table 'organization_' id column : 'organizationId' company_id column : 'companyId' name column : 'name' } } ...

Python - Initializing Multiple Lists/Line

This is terribly ugly: psData = [] nsData = [] msData = [] ckData = [] mAData = [] RData = [] pData = [] Is there a way to declare these variables on a single line? ...

upload multiple images from local drive into site

Hi, friends i want to provide facility to my users to upload multiple images into my website using 2.0, using single file uploader i.e. want to upload all the image file from a folder. Or suggest me any alternate way. Help me. Thanks in advance. ...

how to open multiple projects into the CAST IRON integration tool?

Hi, I am learning the cast iron tool ( which is widely used now a days for integration purpose,but i can only open 1 project and if i want to open the other project at the same time than i have to close the 1st project and open the 2nd project. So many times i need to have to open the 2 projects at the same tim...

Multiple Ajax Popup Extenders

Is it possible to use two ajax popup extender controls on a page? The problem is that the div associated with the second extender is visible by default. If i set it to hidden and then later i set it visible from code, it is rendered as a normal div and not as a modal popup... Thanks! ...

Multiple Selected Values of ListBox as Parameters to SELECT SQL Query

Hello, I want to pass the Multiple selected values from ListBox as parameters to my Select SQL Query. I am using VB.NET, how can I achieve this ?... ...