
If I want to create multiple forms, possible to have one main in C#?

If I want to have multiple forms in an appication, can I do it with only one main? I am working with Visual Studio C# (Windows Application). Thank you. ...

If I have multiple forms in one application how can I smoothly transition between them?

If I want to smoothly switch between forms (i.e the sliding transition from Microsoft PowerPoint), how can I do this? I am working with Visual Studios C#. ...

Java multiple Images Uploader

Hello Folks I have this new requirement to develop a software which is a large scale image up loader in a web application. I was able to do the same using swing contains several feature like drag and drop, progress bar, remove file / files , modify, limit file size, verify file information, timer, verify at run time ..and its a very po...

100+ tables to joined

Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone ever had a change to measure how a would 100 joined tables perform? Each table would have an ID column with primary index and all table are 1:1 related. It is a common problem within many data entry applications where we need to collect 1000+ data points. One solution would be to have one big table w...

Extracting note onset from Polyphonic MIDI using jMusic API

Hi May I know whether it's possible to extract note onset and other musical details (e.g. pitch, note duration) form polyphonic MIDI(i.e. either multiples notes played from treble and bass voices, or chords) using the jMusic API? It has a method to extract note onset - but it returns zero each time for a given note. However extracting...

Getting all pdf files from a domain (for example *

I need to download all pdf files from a certain domain. There are about 6000 pdf on that domain and most of them don't have an html link (either they have removed the link or they never put one in the first place). I know there are about 6000 files because I'm googling: filetype:pdf site:* However, Google lists only the fi...

Can you cast an object to one that implements an interface? (JAVA)

Can you cast an object to one that implements an interface? Right now, I'm building a GUI, and I don't want to rewrite the Confirm/Cancel code (A confirmation pop-up) over and over again. So, what I'm trying to do is write a class that gets passed the class it's used in and tells the class whether or not the user pressed Confirm or Canc...

Is it possible to push to 2 or more remote repositories at the same time?

Is it possible to push to 2 or more remote repositories at the same time? I only want to mirror the main repository, where most if not all the pulls will come from. ...

Missing $ on loop variable

Hi, 1 #!/usr/bin/perl 2 use strict; 3 use warnings; 4 5 my @array = qw[a b c]; 6 foreach my($a,$b,$c) (@array) { 7 print "$a , $b , $c\n"; 8 } I receive following error: Missing $ on loop variable What is wrong? I am using: perl v5.10.1 (*) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi ...

Coda slider from within Tabbed Ajax?

Hi everyone in this page: I am trying to use a simple Jquery Coda slider (that works fine alone) inside the OUTDOOR tab in the Jquery Tools Tabbed Ajax. When I click that tab, it is empty ! while it actually display the Coda slider. Help is very much appreciated, and thanx. ... mvc2 - two (or more) views using same controller?

Is it possible that two different views use the same controller? I have very complex controller that displays some data. Now I need to display this data (which is retrieved using ajax) in two partial views because I want to place them on different positions in layout. ...

Displaying data from mutliple arrays with codeigniter

I am trying to display results from a database where the results are contained in three tables. How do I echo out the results? $p-> works, but $img-> or $branch-> doesn't. What am I doing wrong? Example code is below Sample controller: $p_id = $this->uri->segment(3); $this->load->model('One_model'); $data['prop'] = $this-...

developing an application compatible for multiple devices in blackberry

i made an application for bold 9000 but want to run on bold 9700 .can it ran successfully on that or i had to made changes in my application or made application from scratch for both devices? ...

display several items in one row of a listview in android

I don't now if this title is very clear, but I would like to understand how this is possible : And how we can have 2 elements on the same row of the listview, and handle different clicks, as the listview deals with handling the click on a child. Thanks for anyone who could point me in the right direction. ...

XPath: How to check multiple attributes across similar nodes

Hi, If I have some xml like: <root> <customers> <customer firstname="Joe" lastname="Bloggs" description="Member of the Bloggs family"/> <customer firstname="Joe" lastname="Soap" description="Member of the Soap family"/> <customer firstname="Fred" lastname="Bloggs" description="Member of the Bloggs family"...

Multiple listview in single Activity

Hi i have activity in my project which contatin below xml file But Problem is that when i run my activity it display lsitview only in some part of the screen. i want both listview scrollable and also the whole layout should be scrollable to anyone know how can i do this? Regards jay. ...

two global.asax files

I have an application inside a website hosted on IIS 6.0 can I have two global.asax- one for root website and another for inside application. if I can have how to make them running as I was not able to make inner global.asax files run ...

multiple UDP ports

Hi, I have situation where I have to handle multiple live UDP streams in the server. I have two options (as I think) Single Socket : 1) Listen at single port on the server and receive the data from all clients on the same port and create threads for each client to process the data till the client stop sending. Here only one port is us...

jQuery UI Sortable - serialize multiple columns

Dear stackoverflow experts, I have a little script which allows me to use jQuery to sort div tags nicely between 3 columns. The jQuery can be seen below: $(".column").sortable( { connectWith: '.column' }, { update: function(event, ui) { alert($(this).sortable('serialize')) } }); If I move an item from column 1 to column 2, it will ...

python: create a "with" block on several context managers

Suppose you have three objects you acquire via context manager, for instance A lock, a db connection and an ip socket. You can acquire them by: with lock: with db_con: with socket: #do stuff But is there a way to do it in one block? something like with lock,db_con,socket: #do stuff Furthermore, is it possib...