
Spawning multiple browsers from Selenium RC utilizing Python

I've been trying to develop an automated test case solution using Selenium RC and Python and after lengthy testing I've hit a pretty hard block in the road, so to speak. I have three files:,, and configures instances of with a browser and a port, then runs the test by sending the case1m ins...

Is that stable multiple versions of iPhone SDK on single Mac?

I'm trying to make an app which compatible with 3.x and 4.x iOS. But SDK 4 supports only SDK 4.x and iPad, there is no 3.x SDK for iPhone. So I'm considering installing 3.1.3 SDK on my main workstation with 4.x SDK. I know it's possible to install multiple SDKs on a Mac, but I'm afraid any unknown problem by this. Anyone who experience...

Git: how to work with multiple repositories?

Hi, I have a remote read-only git repository A, which I have cloned in my local filesystem. A is updated periodically, and I pull and merge the updated code in my system after each update. I want to collaborate with my team members on the files of A, for which, I have create a new remote repository B. How do I manage to sync B with my ...

Generating singletons

This might sound like a weird idea and I haven't thought it through properly yet. Say you have an application that ends up requiring a certain number of singletons to do some I/O for example. You could write one singleton and basically reproduce the code as many times as needed. However, as programmers we're supposed to come up with in...

Run multiple commans or sql script using OLE DB in SQL Server

It is possible to run multiple commands or sql script using OLE DB? For example to run sql script to create database and its structure (tables, indexes, stored procedures...). When I use CCommand class, I can run only one command. How can I run SQL script with multiple commands? Thanks, Martin ...

Multi-window program

Hello. I read many articles on the topic, a few of them were here, on stackoverflow, but none of them asked my question. I'll try to be specific. I need to create an application (native WinAPI) with a main window (of window class "a"). When the user clicks a button there, a window of "b" class pops up. It might be modal or not, I don't ...

Access DB - Multiple Time/Date for one ID

I'm creating a small db for a non-profit where volunteers drive disabled/elderly citizens to different locations around the area. They currently use Excel sheets to update everything manually and want to move to something more streamlined. I have one table of drivers that has all their information, however there is a field that requires ...

How can I update multiple rows with one query (perl-mysql) ?

I need to update multiple rows with one query. For the insert we usually do something like INSERT INTO `table` (c1,c2,c3) VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), .. Yet how can we do something similar for the update where each row has different values than the other? And there is a condition that is related to the id of each row? Any one faced ...

Can multiple independent $_SESSIONs be used in a single PHP script?

I want to use two independent $_SESSIONs in a single PHP script. I have attempted to verify that this is possible using the following code. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_STRICT); session_name('session_one'); session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); $_SESSION['session_one_var'] = 'test_one'; $output1 = ( "session_id(): '" . session_id() ....

Targeting multiple variables in jQuery

I know this is probably a very simple fix. I need to use 2 variables for this function and with the current code it only fires on the first variable. Variables MUST be used for the function in question. var a = $(h1), b = $(h2); $(a, b).hover(function(){ ...stuff happens here }); please DO NOT suggest something lik...

how to execute multiple animations in a row?

-(ibaction)sometouched:(id)sender { [UIView beginAnimations:@"first one" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [myview setFrame:CGRectMake(0,y,width.height.); [UIView commitAnimations]; [UIView beginAnimations:@"second one" context:nil]; [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0]; [myview setFrame:CGRectMak...

Running two jobs with Quartz in Java

Hello I have Quartz coded as follows and the first job runs perfectly: JobDetail jd = null; CronTrigger ct = null; jd = new JobDetail("Job1", "Group1", Job1.class); ct = new CronTrigger("cronTrigger1","Group1","0/5 * * * * ?"); scheduler.scheduleJob(jd, ct); jd = new JobDetail("Job2", "Group2", Job2.class); ct = new CronTrigger("c...

Java mutex with smp

I am learning multi-thread programming; and whilst practising mutex, I notice that it seems doesn't work correctly on my dule-core laptop. The mutex code is at The result is as below: count value:t[0]1 count value:t[1]1 count value:t[2]2 count value:t[3]3 count value:t[4]4 The result shows that seemly t...

GWT eventbus handle multiple modules

Hi, I am working on a gwt project and we are using eventbus for communicating events between widgets. I have 2 modules and when i raise an event in one module, the other module is unable to receive it. How can i solve this.Any help?? ...

subprocess with multiple parallel jobs

I'm running some subprocesses from python in parallel. I want to wait until every subprocess have finished. I'm doing a non elegant solution: runcodes = ["script1.C", "script2.C"] ps = [] for script in runcodes: args = ["root", "-l", "-q", script] p = subprocess.Popen(args) ps.append(p) while True: ps_status = [p.poll() for p in...

Multiple filter conditions on same field in reporting services

I have a report model in reporting services containing 3 tables: Persons Backgrounds PersonBackgrounds The content of the tables are: Persons (ID, NAME) 1, John Doe 2, Jane Doe Backgrounds (ID, BACKGROUND) 1, Female 2, Male 3, Single 4, Married PersonBackgrounds (PERSONID, BACKGROUNDID) 1, 2 1, 3 If i create a new ...

Select Multiple Files in .NET Compact Framework?

The OpenFileDialog does not provide the functionality to select multiple files. Nor does OpenFileDialogEx (Although better) How do i get about selecting multiple files in .NET Compact Framework? Thanx a lot in advance :) ...

With multiple users running the same Windows application from a network file share; what should I look out for?

Currently we deploy one of our applications to every individual user's PC. However, all our users have access to the same intranet. I'm wondering what is stopping us from just putting the binaries on a network file share and letting multiple users run it from there. So my question is: Are there any gotchas with multiple users accessing...

multiple views on the ipad

hey I'm a complete noob working on an iPad App. I need to understand how I can make a tableview within the main view. The tableview takes up 1/4 of the screen and the remaining screen has labels and text boxes from the main view. I can't use the SplitView. Could anyone point me in the right direction. I've been googling for a couple of ...

Same jQuery function for multiple form elements. How do I consolidate

I have this need to show and hide a div if a checkbox is checked for multiple checkboxes. Each div's id that needs to be shown will be the same as the checkboxes name. Is there an easy way to accomplish this without writing a function to handle each checkbox? $('input[name=checkbox_1]').click(function() { if ($('input[name...