
Newbie query: how do I match combined selectors with jQuery?

Hello, I've sussed how to use YQL and jquery to pull in and inject HTML into a div element. However, I want to filter out a div with the class in the HTML "region and-channel cl". I've been able to understand how to pick up single selectors, and multiple selectors using commas. What about compounded selectors like this? Here's an exa...

Submit mutiple checkbox selections in contact form

Hi, Im new to PHP and Im having trouble getting a contact from to submit multiple checkbox selections. Here is the part of my php that handles the selections: if(trim($_POST['interest']) == '') { $hasError = true; } else { $interest = trim($_POST['interest']); } And this is the part of my HTML: <label for="interest"><strong>I...

Getting the "newest" selected option's text from multiple select list

I have a HTML select list, which can have multiple selects: <select id="mySelect" name="myList" multiple="multiple" size="3"> <option value="1">First</option> <option value="2">Second</option> <option value="3">Third</option> ` <option value="4">Fourth</option> ... </select> I want to get an option's text everytime i c...

Robocopy to multiple destinations

Hi, is it possible and safe to copy from one source to multiple destinations with Robocopy? I mean, something like this in a bat file: ROBOCOPY source dest_1 ROBOCOPY source dest_2 Is there any side effect? Thanks! ...

Multiple WCF endpoints for same service with Cassini

I'm trying to config a WCF service for Silverlight to use either http or https and it works fine with IIS, but not the web server built into Visual Studio (Cassini). The services section of web.config system.serviceModel is: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="RhymeDotBehavior" name="RhymeDot.Service.Root"> <endpoint name="Rh...

Best practice for multiple selection web UI?

I've been looking at various ways to allow a user to select one or more choices from a list of approximately 29-30 options. I've come up with the following four types, and wonder which is preferred/most usable. See ...

Is it possible to implement mutliple NSUndoManager for one NSWindow?

Hi, I have a window with multiple views (they all subclass NSView and there is always only one visible) on which i draw paths. I'd like to have an NSUndoManager for each view, but obviously they all have the same NSUndoManager, coming from the NSWindow. Is this even possible? Thx xonic ...

multiple instances of the same jquery script

if i have a script but it needs to run multiple times on a page, like in a cms for example, how do you approach this? in one experiment i had the code run multiple times but i put the article id on the end of the selectors that would fire off commands and what needed to be manipulated. it's not a good workaround though cause there's too ...

Why is my multi-dimensional dynamic allocation in C not working?

Hi all, I have been trying to figure out the problem with my allocation and use of a multidimensional dynamically allocated array in C. I'd really appreciate any help. I've tried two approaches. The first: cdr = (double ***) malloc(NUM_REGIONS * sizeof(double **)); for(i=0; i<NUM_REGIONS; i++){ cdr[i] = (double **) malloc(numRating...

How to understand multiple classes in css?

Here is an example that I do not understand: .container_12 .grid_6, .container_16 .grid_8 { width: 460px; } It seems to me that width: 460px is applied to all above mentioned classes. But why some classes are separated by coma (,) and some just by space? I assume that width: 460px will be applied only to those elements which comb...

OpenAL output to multiple devices (Linux)

I'm developing a Linux application on a computer with two audio cards and I want to use both at once in OpenAL, each in its own context. When I call OpenAL's enumeration extension, alcGetString(NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER), to get a list of possible output devices, the list only consists of 'ALSA Software' and 'OSS Software'. I know these...

How to switch PHP version back and forth?

Hi, I installed LAMP manually on Ubuntu, let's say my current version of PHP is 5.2 and I want to switch to PHP 5.3 for awhile, is that possible? No xampp solution please. Thanks ...

Multiple Actions to 1 button in iPhone sdk

What I'm trying to do is, I have a button that opens up the photo library so the user can choose the photo and then the photo is then displayed on another view (another .xib file). How can I do this? Right now, I have both the photo library action and change view action pointing towards the button and its crashing due to both actions hap...

Is it possible to have multiple URL connections in JAVA?

I'm having some trouble getting URL connection to work. I find that if I create one URL object it works fine. But everything after that doesn't work at all. At first I thought it could have been due to me not closing a stream but that was not the case. -1 = Failure 1 = success Testing: URLFail test0 = new URLFail(); UR...

Reducing the number of queries from 2 to 1

Is it possible to use 1 query instead 2? Or this way is better? (for speed) <? $q1 = mysql_query("SELECT name,url,id FROM gallery") or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($q1) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($q1)) { echo 'IMAGES FROM '.$row['name']; $id = $row['id']; //second query for each gallery $imgq ...

How to deploy source code from multiple Eclipse projects to Google App Engine? (aka, linking two projects)

Hey all. I am thinking of extracting some core functionality into a new Eclipse GAE project, so I don't have duplicated code. Meaning I now have two Eclipse projects; one "main" and one "util". I have linked them together locally in Eclipse, but when I deploy the main project, the source code from the second project is not deployed. I...

Importing XML files into an Access DB with multiple tables

Hello, I have a bunch of (flat) XML files such as: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SomeName> <UID> ID123 </UID> <Node1> DataA </Node1> <Node2> DataB </Node2> <Node3> DataC </Node3> <AnotherNode1> DataD </AnotherNode1> <AnotherNode2> DataE </AnotherNode2> <Anothe...

Howto Select rows that match the intersection of multiple rows in other tables in MYSQL?

It seems complicated (and probably it is). But i cant imagine how to solve this. There are tables: COMPANIES id | name 1 | Google 2 | Samsung 3 | Microsoft PARAGRAPHS id | name 1 | Header 2 | Body 3 | Footer TAGS id | tag 1 | Internet 2 | Softwate COMPANIES_VS_TAGS id | company_id | tag_id 1 | 1 | 1 2 | 2 | 2 3 | 3 | 1 4 | 3 |...

Foreach loop with multiple arrays

This is what I want: foreach($_POST['something'] as $something){ foreach($_POST['example'] as $example){ $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (row, row2) VALUES ('{$something}','{$example}')"); } } $_POST['something'] and $_POST['example'] are arrays from an input with name="something[]" and name="example[]". T...

TreeView Multibinding with multiple classes

I was reading this post StackOverFlowPost but I think I need more than that. Here is my situation. I am trying to fill a TreeView with items from a class with two different types ObservableCollection's. Here is the class definition: public class User : INotifyPropertyChanged { public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged...