
How can I share a single set of configuration values amongst all instances of my Sharepoint Webpart?

I have a sharepoint webpart that will exist on many pages. The webpart has a custom editor control that I have developed to present the configuration options to the user in a more friendly manner. Although there will be many instances of the webpart I require that each instance has the same consistent set of property values. Is there...

create main page with codeigniter

Hi, How can i create a main page with codeigniter? That page should contain a few links like login, register, etc. I followed a tut to create a login screen. But it made codeigniter only for that purpose. This is the site i'm talking about: So basic...

Using multiple tokenizers in Solr

Excuse me if this is a dumb question. I was just thrown into this task, so I don't know much about Solr, indexing, etc. But basically what we want to be able to do is perform a query and get results back that are not case sensitive and that match partial words from the index. We have a Solr schema set up at the moment that has been mo...

Multiple frames in a Java application

Just need some quick guidance - I have a main frame, and I want some smaller frames inside of it that can be dragged outside of the main frame (potentially onto multiple monitors). When dragged back in, they should not be hidden behind the main frame when the main frame is clicked on. I'm unclear about what I should be using... JFrames...

php mail sends multiple copies

i'm using drupal 6 and tries to send an email to all users by using following code . The problem is sometimes the mail sends to users multiple times but sent folder holds 1 entry for each user. Specially yahoo ids got more than 2 mails(3 to 4) and sent shows 2 emails sent to each yahoo id . is anyone knows it .. <?php require("/var/www...

MySQL Multiple Tables Link

Hi there I'm new to these types of MySQL Queries. Basically, I have two tables in a MySQL Database. One is called groupmembers and the other is called users groupmembers contains rows with two columns, a groupid and a userid users contains rows with also two columns, a userid and a username I am trying to write a query that searches t...

JQuery Multi File Upload

I have a problem in which I need to upload multiple files using multipart POST request, I need a single browse button to choose the uploaded files. I've seen JQuery Plugin for multi file upload, but there is a problem that only one file is uploaded several times. the post request file parameters are sent with the same name. My question i...

Approach: Java array having instances of two different classes

I am trying to create a simple regex kind of thing for my own use where a character in a string can either be an exact match or one in among a set of characters belonging to a group (e.g., Group CAPS will have all uppercase characters - 'A', 'B', etc.). Therefore a regex such as - CAPS p p l e - should match 'Apple' or a regex such as -...

Android - using an image resource multiple times but changing alpha on only 1 instance.

I'm pretty sure I saw a specific command for this, but I can't remember what it's called, which means I can't Google it! If I have an image resource, e.g. R.drawable.myimage , which gets used in a Linearview more than once and I want to change the alpha on just a single occurrence of that image, (normally, changing the alpha changes all...

Nginx+spawn-fcgi doesn't work with second IP

I can see html file,but when trying to visit a php file,I'll get a 404 error. but everything is OK,with first IP address, Why? ...

Eclipse-glassfish : Cannot publish again a project with multiple references from the workspace

Hi, env: eclipse Helios, glassfish 3.1, windows XP I have en EAR project wich contains an EJB module end 2 projects referenced in the workspace. The first publish (after an add/remove project on the server) on glassfish works fine. If I modify one code line or propertie file on any referenced project, WTP deletes the directories of al...

PHP preg_replace multiple rules

Hello my second family, :) I'm just wondering how to apply several rules for a preg_replace without executing them in the first run. Its a bit complicated let me explain based on an example. Input: $string = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy freaky dog'; Rules: Replace a, i, o with u (if not at the beginning of a word & ...

Gwt Multiple Modules

How can I define multiple modules in gwt? If I create the second modules I get compiler error, but the compiler find automatic the two modules. I use gwt with maven... ...

Can Perl's process Firefox's <input type="file", multiple=""> form fields?

Firefox 3.6 introduced a [multiple attribute on regular type="file" input elements]( I cannot get Perl to process these fields. I can call the field in a list context like this: my @files = $CGIobject->param("File_Input"); Looping through that will give me the fi...

Coloring substrings in an HTML multiple select option

I have a multiple select box that is populated with a set of options that contain a substring that a user enters as a keyword in a search. The user can then select what they want from the generated select box. To make things easier, I would like to highlight the substring in each of the options in the select box. Is this possible, and...

execute multiple shell commands with php nohup

Hi there! I want to execute multiple shell-commands with php's exec command. The commands have to be made sequentially and I want to start them with nohup so it can run in the background and my php-script doesn't have to wait for it to finish. Here's my script: $command1="nohup convert -trim +repage pic1.png pic2.png; convert pic2.png -...

Calling multiple WCF services return error - Disposed Object can't be used

Hi, My WCF service provides multiple services from different end points. Currently my client app calls these methods independently as shown below: object result1 = null; object result2 = null; using (OperationContextScope contextScope = new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)ServiceInstance)) { MyService.AddHeaders(); resul...

Multiple drag and drop in PyQt4

Hi, i can't find an example on dragging (and dropping) multiple elements with Qt/PyQt; In my case i need to drag elements from this QTableView: class DragTable(QTableView): def __init__(self, parent = None): super(DragTable, self).__init__(parent) self.setDragEnabled(True) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): ...

Regex Group in Perl: how to capture elements into array from regex group that matches unknown number of/multiple/variable occurrences from a string?

In Perl, how can I use one regex grouping to capture more than one occurrence that matches it, into several array elements? For example, for a string: var1=100 var2=90 var5=hello var3="a, b, c" var7=test var3=hello to process this with code: $string = "var1=100 var2=90 var5=hello var3=\"a, b, c\" var7=test var3=hello"; my @ar...

build eclipse project when antoher project is requied

Hi all! I had wrote an app( android A) and I would like to build. The problem is the following: I had another android project(B), witch I want to start from the "A" one when the user click on an icon. I had added to the "A" build path the "B" project, but it isn't works. As I trying to build the "A" the app going down and said: "Class B...