
How can I clear TCanvas? Or any other solution.

I'm using this TCanvas to draw cursors for my mice Canv := TCanvas.Create; Canv.Handle := GetWindowDC(0); .... For every mice event do the following Bitmap:=TBitmap.Create; CursorInfo.cbSize := sizeof(CursorInfo); GetCursorInfo(CursorInfo); Bitmap.Width := 32; Bitmap.Height := 32; Bitmap.Transparent:=true; DrawIconEx(Bitmap.Canvas....

Dismissing multiple modal view controllers at once?

So have a stack with three view controllers where A is root, B is first modal view controller and C is third modal vc. I would like to go from C to A at once. I have tried this solution to dismiss.It does work but not in a correct way. That is when the last view controller is dismissed it will breifly show the second view controller befo...

How multiple select to create a new row?

I have this code: <select name="team[]" size="8" multiple="multiple">$team</select> It lists for example players in that team, I want when user clicks on player it creates a new row where I can input basic info about player which I will add to database via php. ...

multiple instances of django on a single domain

Hi all, I'm looking for a good way to install multiple completely different Django projects on the same server using only a single domain name. The point is that I want to browse to something like: # a Django photo gallery project # a blogging project This way, I can deve...

Save One Event to Multiple Outlook Calendars

I have several Outlook Calendars. I want to be able to create one event and have it save to each calendar, without having to copy-and-paste it to each calendar. Any ideas if this is possible / how this can be accomplished? ...

Round number up to the nearest multiple of 3

Hay, how would i go about rounded a number up the nearest multiple of 3? ie 25 would return 27 1 would return 3 0 would return 3 6 would return 6 thanks ...

Having selected values in a multi select in IE

Hello I have a multiselect box, whose answers would be available already. Now when a page loads, this select multiple control would load with options, and I have to compare all the options to this answer/answers and display them as selected. It is working fine in FF but not in IE. var op = newSelectorElm.options; if(op) for(v...

performance effect of joining tables form different databases

I have a web site using a database named lets say "site1". I am planning to put another site on the same server which will also use some of the tables from "site1". So should I use three different databases like "site1" (for first site specific data), "site2" (for second site specific data), and "general" (for common tables). In which ...

How do I have Inno Setup update multiple locations?

I have an application that uses Inno Setup as its installer. I am now writing an updater using Inno Setup to apply some updates to various installed locations. This application can be installed on removable flash drives as a portable app and I would like to be able to roll out the updates across several drives/locations/directories for ...

Loop to create multiple div elements? JQUERY

Any idea what's wrong with my code? var pageLimit=30; $(document).ready(function() { for(var i = 1; i <= pageLimit; i++) { $('#test').append('<div id="page' + i + '" class="touch">TESTING</ div>' ) } } What I want is to have that function create as many divs in the body as the pageLimit value. So if someone were to go into the co...

Jquery selector with 2 conditions

I am trying to initiate a function when a click event happens on a link within a list. This is for a menu. Right now, I have this and it works: $(".left-navigation-holder li a:has(~ul)").click(toggleMenu); Basically, the click event initiate toggleMenu if the link clicked has a list (ul) down the tree. Now, I would also have this to ...

Software to Improve OCR Results Based on Output from Multiple OCR Software Packages

Is there an already-existing piece of commercial or academic software that can overlay results from multiple OCR packages (Abbyy FineReader, Adobe Acrobat Professional, ReadIris, etc.) provide fully automated improvements based on accumulated knowledge from multiple sources allow for use of additional external tools setup at runtime (d...

Python Regex (Search Multiple values in one string)

In python regex how would I match against a large string of text and flag if any one of the regex values are matched... I have tried this with "|" or statements and i have tried making a regex list.. neither worked for me.. here is an example of what I am trying to do with the or.. I think my "or" gets commented out patterns=re.compi...

SQL Server 2005: Insert multiple rows with single query

Hi all, This should be a fairly straightforward question, but I haven't been able to find a solid answer online. I'm trying to insert multiple rows into the same table, but with only one statement. The most popular I've seen online is the following, but I've read that it only works with SQL Server 2008: INSERT INTO Table (Name, Locatio...

SQL Server 2005: Deleting multiple rows with a single query

This should be a straightforward question, but I haven't found a clear answer yet. Does anyone know how to delete multiple rows from a single table in SQL Server 2005, using a single query? I wondered if it might just be the opposite of inserting multiple rows, using the UNION ALL method. So would this work? : DELETE FROM Table (Name, L...

UITableViewCell - Play Multiple Movie Files from an Array

Hello All iOS4 - iPhone 4 & 3GS I have a Table based application using Custom UITableViewCell's. The custom Cell has a UIButton within it for playing a movie file. At the moment I have Arrays to populate the information within each cell depending on the Indexpath. All information within the Cell is placed within cellForRowAtIndexPath a...

Add columns to multiple tables in schema

Hi, I need to alter multiple tables in a schema, for all tables prefixed with something, for example: ALTER TABLE "SCHEMA"."TABLE1" ADD ( "COLUMN1" CHARACTER(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'DATA', "COLUMN2" VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MORE_DATA', ); I need this to iterate over multiple tables, like SCHEMA.table1, SCHEMA.ta...

Any good method to store Multiple Selection Value in database?

Hi there, What I am currently know is that use bitwise and Int type to store multiple selection value in Database. Take Sql Server 2008 as a example, 'Int' type in sql server is 32bit, so it accepts 32 answer, I only can use 1,2,4,8,16, etc to represent the answer, due to I need to store the multiple selection into one value, and use b...

Overriding window.alert and passing multiple parameters.

I am trying to override the window.alert to pass multiple parameters. Please someone explain me why for/in inherits Array.prototype.tester's body into list? Thank you very much. Array.prototype.tester = function() { return 'tester'; } window.alert = function() { var args =; var list ...

multiple replaces with javascript

In PHP, you do this to replace more then one value at a time. <?php $string = "jak har en mamma"; $newstring = str_replace(array('jak', 'mamma'), array('du', 'pappa'), $string); echo $newstring; ?> How do you do this in javascript? ...