
django join querysets from multiple tables

if i have queries on multiple tables like: d = Relations.objects.filter(follow = request.user).filter(date_follow__lt = last_checked) r = Reply.objects.filter(reply_to = request.user).filter(date_reply__lt = last_checked) article = New.objects.filter(created_by = request.user) vote = Vote.objects.filter(voted = article).filter(date__lt ...

drupal multiple interest of user

hi i want to refresh user page with different data but with same template (user-profile.tpl.php) by simply clicking tabs. Can any one suggest the best way to do that ?. for ex: tab1:sports , tab2: music tab3: literature by clicking tabs the template is same but the data is going to refreshed. Note: Look like profile categories but n...

Animating multiple UIViews at once using CoreAnimation

Hi, I'm using a UIImageView as a background-image and placed multiple UIButtons on it. Now I want to move the UIImageView (with all the buttons on it) out of sight with a smooth animation (using CoreAnimation). I couldn't find a container or grouping element in IB, so is there a way to move all the Views at once? Thank you in advance a...

Caching Application Block

Hi, Can someone tell me whether i can use the enterprise library caching library on a website which is load balanced its contained in a server farm which has 4 dedicated web servers. thanks ...

XPath to compare two distinct attributes of two elements

Suppose I have this XML: <x> <e s="1" t="A"/> <e s="2" t="A"/> <e s="1" t="B"/> </x> Is there any way to write an xpath to find whether there are two distinct nodes named "e" which have the same value for @s but different values of @t. The first part is easy: //e[@s = //e/@s] as is the second part: //e[@t != //e[@t]] But I don'...

How to distinguish Multiple Keyboards in Delphi?

A have two keyboards in a pc. One is used to type in TMemo1 and the other in TMemo2. Both are allowed to type at the same time. The problem is I cannot distinguish what keyboard-one has typed and what keyboard-two has typed. Please help! (I'm new to delphi and DLLs, so please go easy on the technical stuff.) ...

django: How to make one form from multiple models containing foreignkeys

I am trying to make a form on one page that uses multiple models. The models reference each other. I am having trouble getting the form to validate because I cant figure out how to get the id of two of the models used in the form into the form to validate it. I used a hidden key in the template but I cant figure out how to make it work i...

How to parse text as JavaScript?

This question of mine (currently unanswered), drove me toward finding a better solution to what I'm attempting. My requirements: Chunks of code which can be arbitrarily added into a document, without an id: <div class="thing"> <elements... /> </div> The objects are scanned for and found by an external script: var things =

linq multiple order DESCENDING

.OrderBy(y => y.Year).ThenBy(m => m.Month); How to set descending order? EDIT: I tried this: var result = (from dn in db.DealNotes where dn.DealID == dealID group dn by new { month = dn.Date.Month, year = dn.Date.Year } into date orde...

Mulltiple configurations in Qt

Hi all! I'm new to Qt Creator and I have several questions regarding multiple build configurations. A side note: I have the QtCreator 1.3.1 installed on my Linux machine. I need to have two configurations in my Qt Creator project. The thing is that these aren't simply debug and release but are based on the target architecture - x86 o...

Can jTable cell act as jList multiple row.

I want to show multipleline content in a cell like a monthly scheduler. Currently i am using jTextArea but the data is still too long. I was thinking to using jList, is there any sample jTable using jList as cell. Any other good practices or suggestion to display long data in one cell? ...

Qt multiple key combo event

Hi guys, I'm using Qt 4.6 and I'd like to react to multi-key combos (e.g. Key_Q+Key_W) that are being held down. So when you hold down a key combo, the event should be called all the time, just the same way as it works with single key events. I tried to use QShortcuts and enable autorepeat for them, but that didn't work: keyCombos_.pus...

SQL Summing Multiple Joins

I shortened the code quite a bit, but hopefully someone will get the idea of what i am tryign to do. Need to sum totals from two different selects, i tried putting each of them in Left Outer Joins(tried Inner Joins too). If i run wiht either Left Outer Join commented out, I get the correct data, but when i run them together, i get really...

Structuring SQL querie based on multiple checkboxes state.

Hi, I'm making a restaurant search in which users can filter the search based on many criteria... I have three tables: Table1 - **Restaurant** ------+----------+---------- id + name + place ------+----------+---------- 1 Rest1 Ny 2 Rest2 La 3 Rest3 Ph Table2 - **r_type** ------+-----...

Multiple mouse/mice/cursor?

How can I show another cursor for multiple mice? I have two TMemos, two keyboards which can type into their respective TMemo, 2 mice and I need 2 cursors those. If hypothetically, I can already detect which mouse is which. How can I make my own cursor to go along with it. (using Delphi) Possibly along the lines of Multipoint as an alte...

Building same project in Maven with different artifactid (based on JDK used)

Hi, I have a scenario wherein my project needs to be compiled in different JDKs and the resulting artifact name should be different based on the JDK used. For example if the project name is MyProject and I call mvn install then it needs to be compiled in JDK 1.4 as well as JDK 1.5, and finally I get two jars of the same project (MyProje...

Django registration and multiple profiles

I'm using django-regitration in my application Now I want to create different kind of users, with different profile. for example a user is a techer and another user is a student. How can I modify registration to set the user_type and create the right profile? ...

multiple recipients in phpmailer

im working with phpmailer class.i want to add multiple recipients to my mail,for this im using this code : foreach ($emails as $i => $val) $mail->AddAddress($your_email, $val); but it sends each mail twice for each recipient!! i hardly remember that phpmailer had a function that could get an array argument(as Email Addresses) and...

Linq-To-SQL Problem Inserting Multiple Objects That Are The Same

Here is my object association: Summary -> Job -> Operator -> Job -> Operator So, I have a Summary object that contains a collection of Jobs, which has an Operator object (clock #, name, etc) When creating a new summary, I go through and create the new jobs that exist and add all the properties. Then, do a single insert on the Su...

How to run multiple curl requests, processed sequentially?

Assuming I'm a big unix rookie, - I'm running a curl request through cron every 15 minutes. - Curl basically is used to load a web page (php) that given some arguments, acts as a script like: curl What I would like to achieve is to run another "script" using this curl technique, - every time the other sc...