
How to set a SecurityManager for this thread and not for System ?

Hello, I have a program that is running a basic RMISecurityManager in all its threads. But I would like to do more control to several threads and set another SecurityManager specially for these threads. How can I do that ? ...if this is possible !? thank you by advance. Edit : I have found my solution. See here for more details. ...

Long Transaction Time Solution for JEE?

A problem I've encountered a few time in my career is in a tiered service architecture a single downstream system can bring down the entire client application if it gets into a state where all its threads are consumed on a deadlock or some sort of infinite loop bug in that system. Under these conditions the server socket on the JEE serve...

Thread API priority translation to OS thread priority !

How are the java API thread priorities (1-10) gets translated to the OS level priorities since most OS don't have thread priority levels (in terms of number) which match this. So keeping in mind , can there be a scenario when two or more threads with different priorities eventually get the same priority at OS level. Please clarify, if ...

How to detect synchronization violations with Java

Hi, I'm wondering what good ways there would be make assertions about synchronization or something so that I could detect synchronization violations (while testing). That would be used for example for the case that I'd have a class that is not thread-safe and that isn't going to be thread-safe. With some way I would have some assertion...

Implement C# Generic Timeout

I am looking for good ideas for implementing a generic way to have a single line (or anonymous delegate) of code execute with a timeout. TemperamentalClass tc = new TemperamentalClass(); tc.DoSomething(); // normally runs in 30 sec. Want to error at 1 min I'm looking for a solution that can elegantly be implemented in many places wh... threading and gui

Are there any issues with changing elements which will appear on a web page within a thread. I am from a windows programming background and obviously if a thread needs to change the GUI in some way you have to delegate it to the GUI thread. Basically my page uses 3 sql queries which can be run concurrently to obtain the page data. So I ...

Microsoft.NET and the Multicore CPU of Doom

The question proper Has anyone experienced this exception on a single core machine? The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request. Some context On a single CPU system, only one MSIL instruction is executed at a time, threads notwithstanding. Between operations, the runtime gets to do...

Book for c++ threading?

Is there any good book for c++ threading which uses boost threads. Please post one book per answer ...

How can I determine if a Win32 thread has terminated?

How can I determine if a Win32 thread has terminated? The documentation for GetExitCodeThread warns to not to use it for this reason since the error code STILL_ACTIVE can be returned for other reasons. Thanks for the help! :) ...

What are the differences between various threading synchronization options in C#?

Can someone explain the difference between: lock (someobject) {} Using Mutex Using Semaphore Using Monitor Using Other .Net synchronization classes I just can't figure it out. It seems to me the first two are the same? ...

SignalAndWait for lock-context

I have a manager class that produces tasks for a threadpool, and each thread is supposed to do a call back once they are finished. I use locks to handle variables and fields, and signals to handle interthread communications. What I'm looking for is a way of exiting the current lock() and wait for a signal atomically, something like Sign...

Can I create a thread that can modify the user interface, and that I can abort?

I have a lengthy user-interface operation on my form which is triggered whenever an event is fired. Rather than have the UI block while the operation takes place, I'd like to perform the operation in another thread, and abort that thread and start again if the event fires again. However, to safely alter controls on my form, I need to u...

How can I implement a thread-safe list wrapper in Delphi?

I have a list wrapper that maintains two Tstringlists and a TClassList I need this to be thread safe, such that: Concurrent writes are not allowed (wait state of some sort should be entered) Reading while writing (or vice versa) is not allowed (wait state of some sort should be entered) Concurrent reads are allowed Any ideas on how ...

Multithreaded access to file

Hi, We have a multi threaded java program. Multiple-threads will write to a file, and one thread will read from that file. I am looking for some design ideas. Is synchronization necessary? ...

System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher and WinForms?

Does a System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher work on the UI-thread of a WinForms application? If yes, why? It is coming from WindowsBase.dll which seems to be a WPF component. If not, how can I invoke work units back onto the UI-thread? I've found Control.BeginInvoke(), but it seems clumsy to create a control only to reference the origin...

Implementing threads using C++

I have an API call in my application where I am checking the time taken for a single call. I have put this in a FOR loop and using 10000 calls to get the average times of all calls. Now the issue which came up was that the actual application using the API, is multi-threaded. If I wish to make my application also do the same, how would I ...

Mutli-threaded application hanging on _dl_sysinfo_int80

I have a multi-threaded application that is hanging on a call to _dl_sysinfo_int80(). According to gdb, all threads are stuck in this call. The top of the stack trace looks like: #0 0x002727a2 in _dl_sysinfo_int80 () from /lib/ #1 0x004f23de in __lll_mutex_lock_wait () from /lib/tls/ #2 0x004ef00b in _L_...

How to estimate the thread context switching overhead?

I am trying to improve the performance of the threaded application with real-time deadlines. It is running on Windows Mobile and written in C / C++. I have a suspicion that high frequency of thread switching might be causing tangible overhead, but can neither prove it or disprove it. As everybody knows, lack of proof is not a proof of op...

windows service versus Application_BeginRequest event with threads/timers

Hi, What are the advantages/disadvantages to running time based jobs using: windows services Application_BeginRequest to start seperate threads / timers. One disadvantage of running the jobs in the context of a web appplication is during .net recycling things will have to be setup again, any others? ...

.NET Framework: Are objects apartment bound?

Given: Constructing an ADO Connection object from one thread and giving it to another thread is forbidden. The two threads are different apartments, and even though the first thread will never touch it again (not even maintain a reference to it!), it doesn't matter. That ADO Connection object was created by ThreadA, ThreadA is the onl...