
How to run a process in a multiuser environment

I running a process for doing some task. Suppose 10 person are requesting to run that process then what will happen? Whether it will maintain a queue or ? I am writing the program in C#. Any answers will be appreciated :) ...

Multithreading in PHP

Hi all, I am trying to create a multi threaded PHP application right now. I have read lots of paper that explains how to create multi threading. All of those examples are built on diving the processes on different worker PHP files. Actualy that is also what I am trying to do but there is a problem :) There are too many jobs even to ...

Java program only works with Breakpoints in Netbeans

I'm working on a multithreaded program in Java that uses a shared array to pass data between threads. It's being developed in Netbeans 6.7.1. One of the threads only seems to work when a breakpoint is placed in it, it doesnt matter where it is. Running in debug mode with no breakpoints acts the same as running in release - the expected...

How to set up multi-threading in Spring Batch?

I've successfully set up a tutorial Spring Batch project. I'd really like to know if it's possible to make it multi-threaded at the "Spring level". The basic idea of what I want is to make a list of tasks or task steps and let them be picked up and worked on by independent threads, ideally out of a pool limited to 'n' number of threa...

C# Workflow ManualWorkflowSchedulerService Multithreading Question

Hey guys, I just wanted to verify what I'm doing is correct. It came to our attention that a Windows Service had a pretty serious memory leak. I was able to track it down to how Workflow was being called. I reworked it a bit to stop the memory leak, but I wanted to validate that the code is doing what I think it is. Note I do not kno...

Java: GUI application with a background thread

EDIT: To make things clearer- I have an application that connects to a remote server and updates a GUI. The application uses the MVC pattern. 1) The remote server may send a message that updates the data model of my application. 2) The GUI controller classes implement the PropertyChangeListener interface, and listen for updates on t...

Threads concept in Java

Hi, I have a doubt There are 10 different threads in runnable state. Each having priority 1 to 10. How does the CPU schedules or executes these threads? Thanks, Ravi ...

Multithreaded Java Program for Conway's game of life - contention at the border cells

I am learning concurrent programming in java, and writing a simulation for Game of Life. Here is what I am thinking: Use int[][] to store the states of the cells partition the int[][] into t segments and use t worker threads The t threads will read from their segment, calculate new values for all the cells in their segment and update ...

Is it safe to allow two threads to edit different properties of the same object at the same time?

I am writing a cataloging application that parses through and extracts information from files and stores the information from each file in an object instance. In addition to the data extracted from the file the objects also have additional meta data properties (author, tags, notes, etc..) which later get stored in a separate XML file. E...

The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.

I am using : I am trying to call the xaml which is created using WPF. But it gives me a The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this. error I don't know what to do. I am trying to do this: FacebookApplication.FacebookFriendsList ffl = new FacebookFrie...

Cross-thread operation not valid when reading property

I am getting this error when I try to read a property from a custom panel control. The property returns the value of a textbox within the panel. How do I read the property that returns the value of the textbox control from another thread? Sample of my property code is below. I am not worried about the setter. Here is the eaxct error...

Thread-safe cache libraries for .NET

Background: I maintain several Winforms apps and class libraries that either could or already do benefit from caching. I'm also aware of the Caching Application Block and the System.Web.Caching namespace (which, from what I've gathered, is perfectly OK to use outside ASP.NET). I've found that, although both of the above classes are te...

how do I use a QObject in both qthread and mainthread so as to avoid "glibc detected double free or corruption (fasttop):"?

I have a qthread that uses a udp socket to write and read datagrams in a loop. the QUDPSocket is created in the mainthread. How do I handle QObjects that I will use in both the QThread and mainthread. Also is it ok to have the UDP socket in the mainthread and use it in the qthread? ...

Databinding in WinForms performing async data import

I have a scenario where I have a collection of objects bound to a datagrid in winforms. If a user drags and drops an item on to the grid, I need to add a placeholder row into the grid and kick off a lengthy async import process. I need to communicate the status of the async import process back to the UI, updating the row in the grid and ...

Generalizing the interface to a progress bar in a GUI

I'm working on an application that has a main form with a status bar at the bottom. The status bar contains a ProgressBar, and a Label that I want to use to show the user the current progress of some work that is being done. The status bar also contains a label which I want to use like a click-able Cancel button. I've create asynchronou...

Threading vs. Parallel Processing

Microsoft .NET 4.0 introduces new "parallel enhancements" to its framework. I am wondering what the difference between making an application that uses the standard System.Threading functions versus the new parallel enhancements. ...

Producer/Consumer threads using a Queue

I'd like to create some sort of Producer/Consumer threading app. But I'm not sure what the best way to implement a queue between the two. So I've some up with two ideas (both of which could be entirely wrong). I would like to know which would be better and if they both suck then what would be the best way to implement the queue. It's mai...

Connection doesn't respond when beeing set from a new thread

Hi, The connection doesn't respond when beeing set from a new thread: Code 1 (responds fine): [self setConnection]; } - (void)setConnection{ NSLog(@"setting myConnection with request"); myConnection = [[[NSURLConnection alloc]initWithRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:requestURL] delegate:self] autorelease]; } Log 1: 201...

Hibernate: Transaction not successfully started (Threaded webapp) Problem!!

Hello Everyone, I am having this serious problem in a web-app that is using a thread to listen on a port for packets and process those packets. Processing of a packet involves database transactions, so basically it is like : Thread: run () { try { ... fireMessageEvent(data); ... } catch (Exception e) { } } fireMe...

Threads in Java

What is the difference between threads in java and native threads? ...