
multiple download threads from a single source via iphone

Hi, I have a problem of downloading 5 different files from a single server. Is that possible to download all 5 files from that server over 5 individual threads ? If yes, is that efficient than downloading each file one after another via single thread ? ...

objective C sequential launching thread

Hello all, I have a scenario, working on iPhone development. I got 3 threads , 2 thread performs XML parsing operation and the last one verification operation. How to run them sequentially. Any help!. ...

Looking for an overview: Java Socket Server Operational Code

I am scaling up a socket server written in JAVA using xSockets to support rooms (multiple serving sessions?), and am wondering how to execute multiple server loops at once. I have a room class, that when full needs to execute the application severing code. That is needs to run to synchronize the clients for the ent...

Threading Model for a Game Engine

I'm interested in getting threading into the small engine I'm working on in my spare time, but I'm curious over what the best approuch is. I'm curious about the recommended way to sync the physics thread with the rest of the engine, similar to ThisGuy. I'm working with the Bullet Physics SDK, which already use the data copy method he was...

Finding threading bugs

Is there any point trying to find threading problems at compile time? I'm talking about data races, deadlocks, corrupted state etc... ...

What involves to schedule a thread in Windows?

What exactly is happenning when Windows scheduling a thread. What computation resources are involved in process of scheduling itself. More specific - how many CPU cycles can take rescheduling a runnable thread which just finished its timeslice/quantum for another timeslice/quantum (because there are no other threads for example). ...

Signal a thread accross Process boundary

Would it be possible for a COM client to signal a thread in a COM Server? ... long running process using asynch page

Hi I have a report that takes about 2 or 3 minutes to pull all the data So I am trying to use Asynch pages to prevent a timeout. But can't get it to work Here's what I am doing : private delegate List<PublishedPagesDataItem> AsyncReportDataDelegate(); private AsyncReportDataDelegate longRunningMethod; private List<Published...

Thread in Code behind

Hi, I have a aspx.cs page and a corresponding aspx page for it. When this page is loaded, and on a button event, I have created a thread which runs for sometime and then exits. I would like to know who is the parent of this thread. Lets say the thread is running and I close this page, will this thread exit? I did this but the thread ...

How to enable MMCSS in C# app ?

I want to try Multimedia Class Scheduler Service I hope it can reduce latency by scheduling my threads better. How can it be done in C# ? Note: my app is nothing to do with multimedia I just need features of MMCSS. ...

start a new backgroud thread in Application startup of web application

I want to start a backgroud thread during the application startup in a web application. I have created a thread like this threadMonitor = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(DoSomeWork)); threadMonitor.Start(); this is working fine in develeopment system in XP, when deployed in IIS server on Windows 2003 IIS 6...

ESP error when sending window messages between threads

I have an Observer class and a Subscriber class. For testing purposes, the observer creates a thread that generates fake messages and calls CServerCommandObserver::NotifySubscribers(), which looks like this: void CServerCommandObserver::NotifySubscribers(const Command cmd, void const * const pData) { // Executed in worker thread // ...

Why does using threading.Event result in SIGTERM not being caught?

I have a threaded Python daemon. Like any good daemon, it wants to launch all of its worker threads, then wait around until it's told to terminate. The normal signal for termination is SIGTERM, and in most languages I'd hold to terminate by waiting on an event or mutex, so using threading.Event made sense to me. The problem is that Pytho...

How to identify sections of code executed by multiple threads

Hi, I'm using net beans for Java development. I'm working on a multi threading application and I want to easily identify code sections which are executed by more than one thread? Is there a easy way to do that? For example, if some field of method of class ABC is executed by more than one thread? ...

Is this SwingWorker not reusing Threads in ThreadPoolExecutor?

As part of my Final Year Project I've developed a desktop application, which fits in the category of the "graphical IDE" if such a thing exists. I've implemented a little subset of Jessy James Garrett Visual Vocabulary for Information Architecture and Interaction Design, so the user can draw a diagram (a directed graph in other words) re...

What does boost::thread do if it fails to create the thread?

What does boost::thread do if it fails to create the thread? The winAPI returns a NULL (I guess posix does something similar) but as thread is an object how do I test to see if the thread was created? ...

some questions regarding pthread_mutex_lock

when a thread1 already acquired a lock on mutex object, if thread2 tries to acquire a lock on the same mutex object, thread2 will be blocked. here are my questions: 1. how will thread2 come to know that mutex object is unlocked? 2. will thread2 try to acquire lock at predifined intervals of time? ...

Using Invoke with a UI element that extends Application Context?

I have a taskBarIcon element extending Application Context from which my entire UI is designed. This is because the original functionality of the application was to run a background process and simply provide the icon as a confirmation that the app was running. However, I am now adding additional functionality in the form of a menu that ...

Can context switch take place while in a critical section?

Recently I read an interesting blog comparing mutex and semaphore: " " Quote from it: " If a context switch happens while that task is in the critical region, and another task also calls on P(S), then that second task (and any subsequent tasks) will b...

Ruby 1.8 and disk I/O in a multi-threaded setting

Ruby 1.8 uses userspace threads, not operating system threads. This means that Ruby 1.8 can only utilize a single CPU core no matter how many Ruby threads you create. On the bright side, not all is bad. Ruby 1.8 internally uses non-blocking I/O while Ruby 1.9 unlocks the global interpreter lock while doing I/O. So if one Ruby thr...