how to get a list of users currenltly logged in(Authenticated) to IIS6
Need to get a list of currently loggedn in(authenticated) users from IIS6, and to display them in updatepanel (ajax). ...
Need to get a list of currently loggedn in(authenticated) users from IIS6, and to display them in updatepanel (ajax). ...
I am using Moq for unit testing and I would like to test for a view's attribute. In this case the Authorize attribute. Example View Code: [Authorize(Roles = "UserAdmin")] public virtual ActionResult AddUser() { // view logic here return View(); } So I would like to test the view attribute when I act on this view with a user t...
Hello, I am developing a game using OpenGL. I need to load some images from the web when the game starts (only if there are new ones available). And to do this I decided to create a view controller exactly like Default.png and do the loading there using a UIProgressView. I then added it as subview of my window. Load the images and onc...
Foreign Direct Investment (% GDP) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Brazil 5.09 4.05 3.28 1.84 2.74 1.7 1.73 China 3.22 3.36 3.39 2.86 2.84 3.44 2.81 India 0.78 1.15 1.11 0.73 0.83 0.94 2.13 Mexico 2.87 4....
Hello, I am semi-new to ASP.NET MVC. I am building an app that is used internally for my company. The scenario is this: There are two Html.Listbox's. One has all database information, and the other is initally empty. The user would add items from the database listbox to the empty listbox. Every time the user adds a command, I call a j...
Within an ASP.Net MVC model binder is it possible to create an object of the bound type and then update the properties on it. e.g. public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) { ParentType boundModel = null; if (bindingContext.ModelType == typeof(ParentType)) ...
Hello, I am trying to populate a couple text box fields in my MVC application. I have a text box that a user can enter an ID and then click search, and based on the ID input from the user, information should be brought back to populate First Name, Last Name text boxes on the same page. The problem I am having is bringing back this d...
Here's the scoop: As a learning exercise, I'm trying to write a Rails clone of one of the many location-based games out there (Foursquare, Gowalla, etc.) I have Users who create and check in to Stores. In ActiveRecord terms: :user has_many :stores :store belongs_to :user But now I've created a third model - Checkins. The table behin...
Hello, I'm trying to learn how to develop web-services in java. Now some tutorials (I'm trying to learn how to do it myself without using a framework) use the MVC pattern and expose the class to create a WSDD file etc., other tutorials go for a DAO + managers. Now I haven't been able to find an article discussing the differences (askin...
Here is a question that has been bugging me for a while, nowadays it's considered a good practice to indent HTML code but I've some reservations indenting code in a MVC pattern, here is a (silly) example: HTML Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Testing MVC Indentation</title> </head> <body> <?php View('h1', 'I am a Level 1 He...
I think the title says it all, but to be clear: If I put something like: <%=Model.Project.Id %> in the body of a strongly typed view, I get full intellisense for my model. However, if I put: <a href="/Projects/Edit/<%=Model.Project.Id %>"> With the script being written within an html property (in this case the href="" property), ...
I'm making a custom MembershipProvider and RoleProvider. I have database tables with Roles and UsersInRoles and I use LINQ-to-SQL to create objects of the tables. When invoking [Authorize] on an action method, will it work with my custom RoleProvider? How does it know if the user is authenticated and if the user is in the appropriate r...
Hello, for one of my customer's I implemented a site that displays a questionaire. The questions are pulled via JSONP from an MVC application running on a remote site. In order to recognize the user I use the session. However, as the session id is not guaranteed to be the same on each request I store my own session Id in a session va...
Hi all - I'm using a pretty standard recipe for presenting ModalViewControllers in my iPhone apps, but I've run across a situation where the recipe is broken and I'm confused. This is how I (pretty much always) set up the presentation: MatcherViewController *controller = [[MatcherViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"MatcherView" bu...
Hi, I've got the following route: routes.MapRoute( "Search", "Search.aspx/l-{lID}/t-{tID}/p-{pID}/s-{sID}", new { controller = "Search", action = "Search", lID = "", tID = "", pID = "", sID = "" }, new { lID = @"\d{0,}", tID = @"\d{0,}", pID = @"\d{0,}", sID = @"\d{0,}" } ); Which works fin...
Hi, My question is similar to this post, I've tried to return Json from a custom HandleError, so I use filterContext.Result to return Json to show an error message, but it gives me a Http500 error. My code is here. Any ideas? public class Han...
the PHP framework I am using (Kohana) recently implemented the HMVC architecture. I have read that it's a layered mvc where requests are made on top of each other. It is a bit like ajax, just purely server-side. I have applied it a bit on some experiments but I can't apply it to any of my projects (because I can't find a need for it). Ha...
What is the recommended "cleanest" way to manage a partial that appears on many views and also requires a viewmodel (assume it needs to get some data from a DB). ...
I have written something like this pretty easily in C# (string GetUrl(new { controller = "foo", action = "bar", baz = "fnord" }), based on the existing capabilities of the XmlRouteCollection class provided by the ASP.NET MVC framework (why it isn't there out of the box is beyond me; the additional required code was trivial). I am now fac...
Has anyone run into this while using Machine.Specifications.Mvc? I setup a spec to test the results of a controller action. In this case: [Subject("User views the dashboard")] public class When_a_user_views_the_vendors_page : ManagementContext { static ActionResult result; Because of = () => result = manageController.Ve...