
UISearchDisplayController,UINavigationController,UITabBarController Woes

Hey everyone, running into a bit of an issue, I have created all my views through IB, with the main window having a NavigationController, and a TabBarController which loads a TableViewController in its first tab. The problem happens when i use the searchbarcontroller in the navigation controller, everything works fine with the exceptio...

navigating in iphone

how can we combine flipsideview controller and navigationcontroller in iphone ...

sending message to viewController from the application delegate

Hi, I'm new to obj C, I come from an AS3.0 background. Basically in this app I'm making, I'm using the applicationWillResignActive in the app delegate to react to a call coming in . I have a navigationController with a table view that just triggers another view on select (the template provided in xcode basically) I have a method in my A...

iphone: send back string value with navigationcontroller pop

Hi.. This may be very basic, but I just can`t figure out what to do, so thanks for any response... I`m using a navigationcontroller and are currently on the second level in the stack. Here i set a string value and use popViewControllerAnimated to go back to first level in the stack. What might be the best solution to use that string...

Push UIImagePickerController to the left

I am making a camera app, which gives the user access to the Photo Library. They touch the button, and UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum pops up using presentModalViewController. When they touch a photo, I want a view to push the ImagePicker to the left and the new view to come in. The thing is, I want to keep the ImagePi...

self.navigationController is nil after adding subview

here is my productscontroller.h ProductListViewController *productListViewController; ProductGridViewController *productGridViewController; UIButton *flipIndicatorButton; and i am adding list and gridview as a subview like this in my implementation ProductListViewController *listController = [[ProductListViewController alloc] init...

iphone navigationController wont display unless i access .view

Hi, When i create a iboutlet to my navigationController and try to add it to the currentview it isn't showing anything. Its really strange, when i initialize my navigationController in code and then add it to the view it works perfectly. It even works when i make one in the mainWindows.xib and add it to the view in my applicationDidFin...

Iphone UINavigationController onchange event

Hi there, i have an app that uses a navbar. What i want to acomplish is make it transparent when i push in the last view from the nav sequence, and make it opaque when i click the back button on the nav i tried with on dealoc, but it doesn't work. My view is an UIScrollView not an UiView, but i guess that makes no difference. As i see ...

iPhone: NavigationController NavigationBar Back button text

When I push a new ViewController onto a navigation controller stack the "back" button is the Title of the previous controller. How can I change the text in the back button to "Back" instead of the default name-of-last-controller? ...

Scroll text in a view with navigation controller

hi everybody! i'm italian so sorry for my bad english :D so... i've this simple program: a navigation controller controll two view (the first view and another inside a UIViewController). I want to scroll the text (and images) in my second view. how can i do that? have i to use uiscrollview? how? i'm a newbie :P this is my program: http...

Using navigation controller of superview

Hi, I've made a custom view to which I add a custom button. This custom view goes as a subview to yet another view (Kal calendar for iphone) that I push into a navigation controller. Now the button in my custom view is connected to an IBAction in which I am not able to call upon the self.navigationController to pop the current view from...

iphone navigationController autoloading to three level

i create i navigationController project name:autoload, then create two uiviewContorller named: second,three i want the process is load rootView the load second in method:"viewDidLoad" then auto load three in method"viewdidload", here is the code: rootView: - (void)viewDidLoad { self.title = @"first"; Second *second = [[Secon...

JSF 1.2 NavigationHandler custom navigation

Hello. I am trying to extend the NavigationHandler in JSF 1.2, and to keep a stack of the visited pages (more precisely, the view-ids, along with the action and the output). I try to implement a custom action, such as "go_back", that will take me back to the previous page. My current NavigationHandler: import javax.faces.application....

referencing an instantiated object in another class in objective C

hi, I am working in xcode on an ipod app in objective C, and I have a field (navigationController) in one of my classes (rootViewController). How do I reference the instantiated rootViewController's navigationController from another class? For example, how would I do this if I want to reference the navigationController from the FirstVi...

Touch event missing when pushing new view

Hello, I am new in iPhone programming. At the moment I am trying to recognize a constant touch. For example I want the user to leave his finger on the screen for the whole application. I use a navigationcontroller which holds the different views. If the user now touches the screen in view1 and then the view is changed to view2 by pushin...

Pushing a Detail View onto a TableView embedded in ScrollView.

I have a Table View embedded in a ScrollView in Interface Builder MyViewController.xib. I can't get the detailViewController to load. I believe that the error is using "self" to push the new view onto. [self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES]; ...

viewDidAppear called when popping navigationController

I'm having a bit of a problem with the viewDidAppear: method. I have a tabBarController with navigationControllers on each tab, and I have an action that requires that all the navigation controllers pop to their rootViewControllers (programmatically). The problem is that when they pop each navigation controller, the rootViewController's...

Call Navigation Controller from Subview

Hi everyone! how can i push a view from a subview? i've implemented a paging scroll view with custom view. each view has some button and from this buttom i want to push other view into navigation controller. how can i do it? thanks this is the code: RadicalResearchViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @class ListOneViewControl...

Core data and TabViewController

In my project I'm using a tabBarController, then on one of my tabs, I add a navigation controller. The problem I'm having is this: If I use this code in the AppDelegate: (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // Override point for customization after application...

Navigation with UISegmentcontrol iphone

I have created an up/down arrow segmented control button on the right side of the navigation bar in my detail view. How can I use these up/down arrows to change views? ...