
How do I get a UIViewController given a UITextView?

I'm handling code in a UITextViewDelegate. Each function there receives the UITextView instance that received the event, for example: - (void)textViewDidBeginEditing:(UITextView*)textView { } Inside that method however, only given the textView, I need to access the UIViewController that contains the textView. Using textView.superv...

superview and parentviewcontroller nil after adding a subview

I think I'm missing something fundamental and so I want to ask the community for some help. I'm building an app based around a basic iPhone Utility Application. My MainView and FlipsideView share some elements so I have created separate ViewControllers and nib files for those pieces. In order to do this I have done the following: 1. Crea...

Using navigation controller of superview

Hi, I've made a custom view to which I add a custom button. This custom view goes as a subview to yet another view (Kal calendar for iphone) that I push into a navigation controller. Now the button in my custom view is connected to an IBAction in which I am not able to call upon the self.navigationController to pop the current view from...

add overlay view over all other views

Hi people, how do you add an overlay view that goes over everything. eg over a tab bar controller, and a navigation controller? thanks ...

How do I create custom subviews from a UINavigationController in xcode?

I am definitely the NOOB here, so let me pre-apologogize for asking how to write this application. In a nutshell, this is what I am trying to do. I will have a main View Controller. There will be 3 buttons. 1 for information, 1 for Food Menu items (TableView), and 1 for Common greetings. I am stuck on creating a tableview that will h...

How do I put a SuperView on top of a SubView?

I want to put a SuperView (with a transparent background) on top of my SubView. Is there a way of doing that? Thanks in advance! ...

UIView touch location coordinates

What are the coordinates used in UIViews and their corresponding superviews? I have this code which i would like to detect a 'corridor' where the user can touch... similar to this image: This is the code i have: CGPoint touch = [recognizer locationInView:[shuttle superview]]; CGPoint centre =; int outerRadiu...

How can I add a subview to the contentView of UITableViewCell that is not clipped by its superviews?

Hi everyone at! Can you help me? I would like to achieve the following graphical effect: Each cell of my UITableView (which has a ~10 pixel decoration frame) has a "badge" in the upper right corner (showing a number), but to make it look a little nicer, this badge should not be inside the cell, but should overlap the u...

Access UIView after adding it to superview/as a subview

Hi, I have a variable sized array of UIImageViews that I'd like to add to my main View. So I loop through the array, adding each UIImageView to the scene as follows: for (UIImageView *nextImageView in myImageArray] [self.view addSubview:nextImageView]; (I also configure their frames individually but have left that out here) Howev...

How to Resize View so That Its Subviews Get Resized Too

My window adds a subview (my root ViewController's view). Such subview is superview of several other subviews. I have just finished an app, and now I want to add an ad. Here's some code: [window addSubview:viewController.view]; viewController.view.frame=CGRectMake(0,0,320,480-48); viewController.clipToBounds=YES; Ad *ad=[Ad alloc] in...

Accessing superview ScrollView?

hi, i added some views (every view has its own viewcontroller and nib) to an UIScrollView. How can I access the ScrollView from within the UIViews I've added? self.view.superview doesn't get me the UIScrollView properties. I need to disable scrollEnabled from within an UIView. Thank you! ...

iPhone: calling a parent/super method from a subview

hope someone can help me on this as been stuck for hours. I am trying to make a kind of picture book. I have a view which is my container and I add subviews to that by using addsubview. On the subview, I have swipe gestures etc that I want to trigger off method in the parent view. I worked out how to trigger the delegate but I cant get...