
trace an address using ip address

how to trace the information of an individual using ip adress and email id can any one help me... i tried for a example using my friends ip address , and i was able to get only this information alone.... Location of the IP address Visakhapatnam in India. but how to trace his address perfectly plz help me ...

How can I access network device counters such as tx/rcv packets/bytes from kernel code?

I'm writing a driver and I want to get network counters of some device within it. What data structure holds that information and how can I access it? ...

Network stack crashed???

Our software includes a module to stream live video data to multiple clients. Most of time it works fine, but in some cases it seems to have caused some malfunction of windows network. When it happens, the LAN connection status in network connections still says "connected", and the IP address is normal. But I cannot ping any other devic...

how to manage qdisc from kernel

I have trouble to find the kernel API to enable some qdisc policies "tc" utility run from user-space. I found the modules in net/sched/sch_*.c but I'm not sure how to use them. For instance, if I want to enable TBF, should I do something like the following in my code? static struct Qdisc_ops tbf_qdisc_ops __read_mostly = { .ne...

event handler to detect changes in netstat data

I know .net allows a method to detect if your network IP has changed via System.Net.NetworkInformation. I would like to be able to detect changes to the number of TCP or UDP connections to a computer. So instead of scraping the IP end points every x seconds I want the system to notify me of new connections or dropped connections. Are t...

Network error handling in silverlight 3

Hi all. We are writting silverlight3 application, which use Tcp connction. Our project use client server architecture. Client part is silverlight application, and server part is winform application. We use TcpClient and TcpListner for connection. We can handle following errors: 1. user shut down 2. users network cable unpluging 3. server...

How to Disconnect Socket in C#, Boolean variable ReuseSocket. What is the purpose

What is the purpose of using ReuseSocket to true. I dont know what it do if i set this property to true. What happens if i set ReuseSocket to true or flase. I am trying to create a socket but it is giving me error again nd again. Error A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sendin...

How to create a virtual environment to check network application

I want to create a client server application to test socket created and threads are running between client and server. I want to check this for internet application. But being on local machine. I cannot check. ...

serialization/deserialization vs raw data buffer

Greetings, I am working on distributed pub-sub system expected to have minimum latency. I am now having to choose between using serialization/deserialization and raw data buffer. I prefer raw data approach as there's almost no overhead, which keeps the latency low. But my colleague argues that I should use marshaling as the parser wil...

Select() + UDP resulting in too many open files

I currently have a select() statement configured to keep track of two UDP sockers. I send perhaps 10 - 20 messages a second at one general data socket, which is this interpreted as I expected. However, once I hit around 1024 messages, I get the notice: talker: socket: Too many open files talker: failed to bind socket This is lo...

what type of network programming is necessary in iPhone online multiplayer game ?

Hi all , I am asking this question as a small part of my question series regarding game programming . Refer this question as the main one . Now suppose I want to develop a game on iphone - a simple online multiplayer board game. Suppose its a casino table. In the main question ChrisF has tell me of sort of Client - Server architectu...

How to get an IP address from Socket

I am trying to get an ip address that is bound to receiveSock. How can i get it. Ques 1: ipEndReceive = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, receivePort); receiveSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork , SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); receiveSock.Bind(ipEndReceive); When code reaches Bind function. An er...

How to get an ip address from an IPEndPoint obtained in a socket.

ipEndReceive = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), receivePort); receiveSock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream , ProtocolType.Tcp); ErrorLog.WritetoErrorlog("Trying to Bind IP Address Stored in Variable : " +ipEndReceive.Address.ToString() ...

Message passing and model trains control system and user interface programming

Hi guys, I am designing a control system and user interface for a model train infrastructure and I was wondering if this is the technology to use? I mean Message Passing if yes which programming language is best to use for this purpose? Has anyone got any pointers on where to start? I know some java and c#! Many thanks ...

How to get the MAC address prior to connection?

I have a situation where I ping a range of IPs in the network. Then, I try to connect to the successful pings. My aim is to connect to specific equipment that has a specific MAC prefix. For example, when I ping a range of 100 IPs, I might get 20 replies. These replies include computers, printers, and possibly the hardware I am trying to...

to find a list of connected server in android device?

Programmability i want monitor IP ever connected to my Adnroid device. My initial thought is i can write a background service which will run tcpdump command and forward its output to inputStream. By putting any regular expression i can retrieve list of connected IP to my device. I think that would be bulky to continually run command ...

Error while using libsoup

Hi, I am writing a client using libsoup APIs. I have done the following. `session = soup_session_sync_new(); msg = soup_message_new("GET",""); status = soup_session_send_message(session,msg);` However now i am getting the following error code in status. I print the reason phrase and it says the status= 4 , msg-...

serialize any data type as vector<uint8_t> - use reinterpret_cast?

I didnt find anything directly related in searching, so please forgive if this is a duplicate. What I am looking to do is serialize data across a network connection. My approach is to convert everything I need to transfer to a std::vector< uint8_t > and on the receiving side unpack the data into the appropriate variables. My approach lo...

network programming in .NET

Hi all I'm looking for some good resources about network programming in .NET (c# preferably), I managed to find out few e-books but they are all the books back in 2002-2003. If you know any e-book, video, websites ... or any other resources will be thanks full to comment them for me. ...

How can I use the Packet Structure from an RFC and apply it to my socket program?

Here's an example 'Packet Structure' image: Lets say I had a small Python program that listened on X port and captured that packet and saved it to the variable 'data'. How would I pull out the packet information from data? For example, say I wanted to read the 'version', is it just: print ...