
Does more NICs on a server mean potential for more sustained concurrent I/O?

If you're trying to build an application that needs to have the highest possible sustained network bandwidth, for multiple and repetitive file transfers (not for streaming media), will having 2 or more NICs be beneficial? ...

how to use XML sent by html form?

i have html form with textarea in which i paste some XML, for example: <network ip_addr="" save_ip="true"> <subnet interf_used="200" name="lan1" /> <subnet interf_used="254" name="lan2" /> </network> When user submit form, that data is send to Java server, so in headers i get something like that: GET /?we=%3Cnetwork+ip_addr...

How do I handle partial write completions from overlapped I/O using I/O Completion Ports

On Windows I/O completion ports, say I do this: void function() { WSASend("1111"); // A WSASend("2222"); // B WSASend("3333"); // C } If I got a "write-complete" that says 3 bytes of WSASend() A were sent, is it possible that right after that I'll get a "write-complete" that tells me that some or all of B & C were sent, or...

Need help in understanding the mapping of user-space send, sendto, sendmsg to kernel-space sendmsg

Hello, I am trying to implement my own transport layer protocol in Linux for an experiment. I am going to use socket interface and add my protocol using sock_register. For the proto_ops i can see that the parameters for the sendmsg and recvmsg are (struct kiocb *iocb, struct socket *sock, struct msghdr *msg, size_t len, int flags). But t...

Android ConnectivityManager information

I am trying to get a better grip on Android's ConnectivityManager and how it really works under the hood. Using the API is simple enough but I am looking for something lower level such as when it starts and the dirty details of what its doing in the background. I can't seem to find a good resource about it. Everything is just about us...

client-server application design

Hi, i want to create a client-server application using sockets on .net platform and being new to networking programming and i have a dilemma. The client will send data to server often and also the server will notify clients often. What is the best way to design it? should the server keep a thread to communicate with each client until it ...

How to determine IP used by client connecting to INADDR_ANY listener socket in C

I have a network server application written in C, the listener is bound using INADDR_ANY so it can accept connections via any of the IP addresses of the host on which it is installed. I need to determine which of the server's IP addresses the client used when establishing its connection - actually I just need to know whether they conne...

What is the best Networking implementation for my application?

I am in the planning phases of a project for myself, it is to be a single and multi-player card game. I would like to track statistics for each person such as world rankings etc... My problem is I do not know the best approach for the client - server architecture and programming. My original goal was to program everything in C# as I w...

How to simulate a dial-up connection for testing purposes?

I have to code a server app where clients open a TCP/IP socket, send some data and close the connection. The data packets are small < 100 bytes, however there is talk of having them batch their transactions and send multiple packets. How can I best simulate a dial-up ut connection (using Delphi & Indy components, just FYI)? Is it as s...

Modeling software for network serialization protocol design

Hello, I am currently designing a low level network serialization protocol (in fact, a refinement of an existing protocol). As the work progress, pen and paper documents start to show their limits: i have tons of papers, new and outdated merged together, etc... And i can't show anything to anyone since i describe the protocol using my ...

Checking for open ports in C/C++

There have been other questions regarding the subject of verifying the accessibility and accessibility of socket ports. How would one go about looking for a port to listen on dynamically in C/C++? The basic process I'm trying to accomplish is this: Client starts Client finds open port XYZ and listens on it. Client transmits a basic...

WSASend() with more than one buffer - could complete incomplete?

Say I post the following WSASend call (Windows I/O completion ports without callback functions): void send_data() { WSABUF wsaBuff[2]; wsaBuff[0].len = 20; wsaBuff[1].len = 25; WSASend(sock, &wsaBuff[0], 2, ......); } When I get the "write_done" notification from the completion port, is it possible that wsaBuff[1] will...

Windows Network Programming

I am planning to get some good book for Windows Socket Programming in VC++. I have 2+ years of experience in working with VC++/ATL/COM/MFC; but not in the networking domain. I have been doing some search in Google for "Windows network programming" books. There are few but they have both good and bad comments scattered all over; and I am...

C# Detect Localhost Port Usage

In advance, thank you for your advice. I am currently working on a program which uses Putty to create a SSH connection with a server that uses local port forwarding to enable a client, running my software, to access the service behind the SSH server via localhost. IE: client:20100 -> Internet -> Remote SSH server exposed via router/fi...

How to set buffer size in client-server app using sockets?

First of all i am new to networking so i may say dumb thing in here. Considering a client-server application using sockets(.net with c# if that matters). The client sends some data, the server process it and sends back a string. The client sends some other data, the serve process it, queries the db and sends back several hundreds of it...

Sending UDP datagram without fragmentation

Hello! I want to send broadcast message to all peers in my local network. Message is a 32 bit integer. I can be sure, that message will not me fragmented, right? There will be two options: - peer will receive whole message at once - peer will not receive message at all Going further, 4 bytes is maximum size of data, that can be sent in...

iPhone SDK send string over wifi

I'm trying to add a simple feature to my app, it should simply send a pre-formatted string to another device, very much like WiTap sample code does. It sounds like a very trivial thing to do but I cannot get it to work ;(. How can I modify WiTap to send a string instead of a single int? Any pointers to good tutorials would be great. I...

Copy files to network path or drive using python on OSX

I have a similar question like the one asked here but I need it to work on OSX. So i want to save a file on a SMB network share. Can this be done? Thanks! ...

getting remote endpoint for asynchronouse receive

When I want to received UDP datagrams asynchronously, I write call BeginReceiveFrom of a System.Net.Sockets.Socket class. The BeginReceiveFrom method expects an Endpoint as the remoteEP parameter. public IAsyncResult BeginReceiveFrom ( byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, SocketFlags socketFlags, ref EndPoint remoteEP, Async...

virtual memory consumption of pthreads

Hello I developed a multi-threaded TCP server application that allows 10 concurrent connections receives continuous requests from them, after some processing requests, responds them to clients. I'm running it on a TI OMAP l137 processor based board it runs Monta Vista Linux. Threads are created per client ie 10 threads and it's pre-thre...