
Sources for news about network security

I am a software developer that wants to stay up-to-date on network security news. What are some of the best sources online for not only keeping tabs on newly discovered security vulnerabilities that may affect projects I'm working on, but also best-practices when developing network software. Please keep in mind that I am looking for so...

Hold a network connection although IP address change

Hi, Is it possible to hold an open TCP connection with a client, while the IP address of the client is externally changed? For example, the connection is establishes against address X, but somewhen while the connection is open, the client-side user asks for IP renew and gets another IP address. Can the connection remains alive in this c...

How many simultaneous (concurrent) network connections does iphone support?

I can't seem to find this anywhere, but I'm sure there must be an answer... How many simultaneous HTTP connections can an iphone app service? In other words, if I build and run a bunch of NSURLConnections asynchronously, how many can be in flight before it starts queuing them? Also, is there a method to check how many threads are avai...

TIPC networking protocol in Linux

Hello How should I program to use TIPC networking protocol, that comes with linux kernel (CONFIG_TIPC xconfig parameter) ? Is there any applications, which uses TIPC? ...

video streaming

Hi! all I am designing an application for streaming video.I have developed a model in which a server wait for incoming request.The server it self is serving to a good number of clients and it can't afford to serve any more clients.Now when the new connection comes,the server chooses from among it's clients a candidate client who will s...

Web serivce time out errors in delphi

Hi, I have a client application that makes SOAP requests. I have set the timeout to 20 minutes. However, sometimes I see the timeout error occurring after 10 seconds. I have the following in code: RIO.HTTPWebNode.ReceiveTimeout := 1200000 Do I need to set the ConnectTimeout and SendTimeOut? Currently they are set to the default value...

programs hangs during socket interaction

I have two programs, and that are supposed to interact to send a file across the network. They communicate over TCP sockets. The communication is supposed to go something like this: sender =====filename=====> receiver sender <===== 'ok' ======= receiver or sender <===== 'no' ======= receiver if o...

Testing Async downloads with ASIHTTPRequest

I am writing a simple library using ASIHTTPRequest where I am fetching URLs in an async manner. My problem is that the main function that I have written to test my lib exits before the async calls are finished. I am very new to Obj C and iPhone development, can anyone suggest a good way to wait before all the requests are finished i...

tool to find out distance in terms of no. of hops in unix

Hi! all, I am writing an application for video streaming.In the application server is required to know the distance of the client from it self in terms of hop number.My question is,is there any tool/method other than traceroute available in unix environment to find it? I also need to find out the geographical location of the client.So is...

Change IP settings using C++

How do I change the IP settings of a Windows CE 6 box Programatically via C++? Functions for Windows might also work. I found that I can change the hostname via sethostname but couldn't find how to change IP address settings such as: IP Address DHCP Subnet Gateway DNS1 / DNS2 WINS1 / WINS2 Any advice / pointers would be great. Thank...

How much different is windows and linux in network programming?

I'm reading <<Understanding Linux Network internals>>,but not sure how much of it will also apply to windows? ...

Passing a hostname of over 255 characters to getaddrinfo causes a getaddrinfo failed: memory allocation failure why?

I am currently upgrading our software to support ipv6 and in the meantime I'm expanding hostname/ip fields to the max hostname size. In sun documentation it seems like this can be up to 1025 (netdb.h:#define NI_MAXHOST 1025 - this is the recommended hostname allocation define), but when I pass a hostname of over 255 to getaddrinfo I get ...

Anyone has sample code that connects two socket in PHP?

I'm trying to write a php code that acts as a server. All it would do is connects two socket, it opens a file socket and pipes everything from it into another socket that it connects to. It would run 24/7. I'm not familiar with PHP but this project requires it. Any help? ...

What host do I have to bind a listening socket to?

I used python's socket module and tried to open a listening socket using import socket import sys def getServerSocket(host, port): for r in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE): af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = r try: ...

Please suggest other ways of communicating between server & client.

I'm writing a TCP chat server ( programming language does not mather ). It's a school project for my nephew, so it won't be released, and all questions I'm asking are just for my knowledge :). . Some of the things it will support: chatting between users ( doh ), it will be multithreaded sending each other files I know I could easily ...

Design for fastest page download

I have a file with millions of URLs/IPs and have to write a program to download the pages really fast. The connection rate should be at least 6000/s and file download speed at least 2000 with avg. 15kb file size. The network bandwidth is 1 Gbps. My approach so far has been: Creating 600 socket threads with each having 60 sockets and us...

iPhone to iPhone communication

Hi, I have been looking into communication methods between two iPhone devices and as I understand it there are two main methods to do this: Bluetooth and WiFi. However I wanted to know if anyone knows of any other way of sharing information between two iPhones? If I were in an area with no WiFi or mobile signal, and couldn't use Bluetoo...

Is it possible to have more than P2P on iPhone with Bluetooth

Hi all, This seems like a straightforward google search answer, but after a while, I still can't be 100% sure of this. I've found Z2Live (, which is basically a layer above GameKit and they too use only P2P with Bluetooth. So I just want to be sure if I can only have P2P with Bluetooth or if I can have like 4 iPho...

What alternative is there to writing a TCP/IP data relay?

I am about to write a tcp/ip data relay - application that passes a one way stream of data from one host/port to another host/port. Initially it will be generic, but later on i will customize it to the need of a specific business request. I am guessing that something generic already exists out there so my question is: Has anyone used a...

Which header files are necessary to run this code snippet?

It's from here,but fails when compiling: int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct hostent { char *h_name; // main name char **h_aliases; // alternative names (aliases) int h_addrtype; // address type (usually AF_INET) int h_length; // length of address (in octets) char **h_addr_list; // altern...